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Xerxes Kingstop

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Everything posted by Xerxes Kingstop

  1. If I knew when death would come it would be much easier to orchestrate my ultimate life goal: to make my last words be "I hid three million dollars in" .
  2. Excellent idea! I shall try that myself. *clears throat* Hey... Zennessa ... nice hump!
  3. Hell Bop is gone. It was in the cards. Flo hadn't been putting in any SL time in forever, still I hope she is OK. and I hate it that Hell Bop is gone. Imo go put on a bowling shirt & some wingtips, hug my steel lunch box, cry, & wipe my eyes with a greasy rag.
  4. What do you wish people would stop asking you? "Oh, you run a sleep lab. Do you work nights?"
  5. I'm sending someone over with a cup for you.
  6. Need to wake up? Hmm ... lessee... *looks around* For waking people up I have coffee and a big pair of marching cymbals. Would either of those do the job?
  7. In days gone by there were groups/organizations that would pay for donated tier - a resident could put their 512 of tier into the proper group and receive a small sum weekly. I've looked but do not find anyone practicing this these days. Does anyone know of a person or group currently paying for tier donations?
  8. I kinda miss Gary Shandling. The Gary Shandling Show was ground-breaking at the time for its dismissal of the 4th wall, and I can still hear Randy Newman singing the theme song.
  9. I haz the vanity. I have a gazillion pictures of myself, places I've gone & people I was with. I totally like pictures of myselves but I still don't get poses. But thank you.
  10. I don't use jewelry, but I understand why there is a jewelry market. I don't use tats but I grok the SL tat industry. What puzzles me is a whole industry for poses. Pose stores everywhere. Every hunt seems to have plenty of pose stores. I like photographs, have hundreds of photographs of activities, events, and friends, but maybe twice in ten years have I intentionally gone pose shopping - to make a greeting card. This isnt criticism, it is just puzzlement. I don't get why poses is a thing.
  11. This person would have more time, if they'd stop, abusing, commas.
  12. Me, in 2007: "I'll try this Second Life thing, but I'm NOT gonna spend any money at it."
  13. Just in case you needed an "Awwwwww" today here is a photo of a seal hugging her favorite penguin. You're welcome.
  14. So.. *munch munch* you want us to ... *gnaw, swalow* post more often? I can do that. *sips coffee*
  15. Things are looking up. Moved - bigger house PLUS separate mancave (!) and I started a new job this week - same money less stress (but I'm off to work in about 10 minutes) . I hope you're doing well.
  16. Everybody claims to love their cats, but then everybody brings sumptuous feasts .... for the people. I appreciate the feasting, I really do, but I brought a feast for the cats.
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