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Copyboted work (need advice)

Reila Karu

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I just got copyboted :((

One of my skin is now available on a site full of copyboted work.

I need advice to remove my work.

- 2 links with skin archive on two major sharing sites

- skin textures uuid

That's what i did: i contacted the sharing site, one of them removed the copyboted archive, i'm wating for answer from the second sharing site.

I deleted all skin textures from my inventory, but it seems the skin can still be seen of other avatars. I innocently thought that if i delete the textures that i used for skin, others will not see the skin anymore, and tghe uuid will be empty or something.

What can i do now?

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I'm pretty sure only LL can remove things from the asset server, so it would probably be best to contact LL/file an abuse report.  Sadly if the textures have been linked on sharing sites already then there's really very little you can do to stop future uploads.

As for the skin texture UUIDs I always assumed that copybotted items were (as the name implies) copies and therefore had a different UUID anyway (since the creators name is different to that of the original).  Then again the more I learn about copybots the more depressing it seems so I try to remain blissfully ignorant on the subject.

You may also want to read through some of the information available regarding the DMCA since you may be required to file a takedown notification in order to get the copybotted content removed from the system.


Best of luck with getting the situation resolved and try not to get too disheartened, after all they may be able to steal your creations but nobody can copybot your creativity. :smileywink:

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If the copied items are available inworld or on the Marketplace you should definitely file a DMCA notice, you may well have to do this repeatedly, but its the only way you have any chance of stopping the things proliferating and it sends a message to the culprits that they are being watched and there are rules.

You could also try dropping a legally threatening note to whoever is responsible, I did this when my stuff was copied and the thief ignored it, I then had the note translated to German (thiefs native language) and the offending items were removed from the marketplace within 5 minutes of the note being received. I think some copiers at least operate on the basis that they can do what they like as long as they can use the defence of ignorance.

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Thank you both for reply.

THe uuid's posted are the exact uuid's as the textures i deleted from my inventory. Not sure how they still around the grid if i deleted them.

The uuid change's if a copyboter upload this textures in the game, in other way the remain the same.

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Reila Karu wrote:

THe uuid's posted are the exact uuid's as the textures i deleted from my inventory. Not sure how they still around the grid if i deleted them.


The master original for any uploaded asset stays on LLs server. What you see in your inventory is a LINK to that original. Because you are creator and owner, your link lets you change permissions of the original, but deleting your link does not remove the original from LLs server. It remains there intact so that any other assets (like copies you might have sold to other people) that use it will be unaffected if you accidentally delete it from your inventory window. It's that way on purpose... to protect the things you buy from being rendered useless by a careless or vindictive creator.

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1. Just because you erase a texture in world such as a skin, any texture at all doesn't mean its gone, it will remain on LL's servers until they delete it at which point if they doo all content linking back to that UUID will be deleted too aka products you have sold.

2. The problem is also once a person has that uuid they original content can be black listed hundreds of times and they can just keep importing your work, or recreating spoofed skins its hard to deal with.

3. CDS, and Red Zone do not protect you but serve as a system to spread false accusations and rumors, I have proven it many times they fail to work properly.

4. Your best bet is to file a DMCA claim on the CopyBotters store, or work if you have been sent the item which you own copyrights to by another developer or someone doing community service put it in a folder and file a DMCA tell Linden Lab you have a copy of it in your inventory and where at, thats the best I can think of so they can investergate it, but just because they remove that one Skin made by someone else doesn't mean they can't recreate it, lets say for example.

1. I made an account to Steal someones work, I could copy a picture of a cat just for example on a prim, and you could file a DMCA, being an idiot I would get banned/supsnded by Linden Lab right? But guess what I could make another account 30 seconds later change out my hardware ID's/Info, and IP address and come right back import it right back in front of your face 2 seconds later you would file another, now imagine this on a scale of over 20 different Copybots illegally sharing your work because thats what you are dealing with.

In other words once you have the UUID of any texture, sound, or animation, you can easily download the data to your comptuer, or use that content in LSL scripts, or with viewers to put it back on any asset in Second Life such as clothing, or prims, this goes for pretty much anything uploaded to Second Life.

There are even ways to bypass the viewer protection on some viewers which allows you to see the UUID of a skin a person is wearing for example, and with that you can create a new skin in Second Life without the need to even be on the store owners land therefore even if you are banned from their land you still have access to their content for example, because I know some store owners go Crazy every time they suspect someone is a griefer they ban them based on accusations and really it wont protect them but they are dumb to believe such, I have only seen this about 3 times though, and it does work with any type of clothing asset, and I think everyone knows Objects can be copied which a person is wearing already.

2. Piss off the CopyBot clans, or groups you will end up getting personally attacked like I have before many times by these griefers, and Trolls but really I don't care because I am still here, they got nowhere, and only dummys will believe others griefing in my name as it is obvious that I know enough that if it were me I wouldn't leave no witnesses no proof, or say it was me, and hey if they are raging at me it must mean that I am doing some good community service at times lol so I couldn't care because I believe justice will be served. In other words sometimes griefers grief in your name, even copy stuff and try and say its from you because they hate a person so they try to ruin them in Second Life even if LL doesn't do anything they do everything they can to get others to believe that they are the ones griefing, ive had it happen to me before, not including the Second Life drama, and Trolls started by others not related to IP theft.

The only thing I can say is that if people are illegally uploading your work illegally is to...

1. File a DMCA with Linden Lab.


2. File a DMCA with the file sharing site provide the links.

But beyond that the only other thing is join an Anti Theft group, and Petition for Linden Lab to enhance security for future created content and find a way to help step up against theft, and or prevent it/enhance security, and they could start by require ID for age verifcation but they wont.

But hey look on the bright side, if people are stealing your work it means that they obviously like it, and don't give up making content over some stupid thug that steals from your store either because it happens to many of the top Designers ive heard of and it makes me angry, not to mention how many times people have copy my entire avatar before its not funny and besides the legit people will always buy from you, but at the same time I would not give into the thugs stealing, I would fight back with DMCA's, and Reports if it were me, but you have to decide for yourself if you are up for the fight or want to ignore it and design new content, Another Option I believe is to get some friends possibly RL to help you with DMCA's against stolen goods aka give them permission to file for you not sure how all that works but I hear that works too.

While some people may not agree with what I say, There are good uses for Second Life being open sourced, and good uses for such tools in some cases such as content backup, or when a asset you created gets damaged because of LL servers and you cant back it up, but there are wrong uses, and things others will do with such, and that is what is happening here when people just Copy other peoples work to release it to everyone, and grief others.

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Yep they did at one time that is correct, even I had to verify with Real ID to get into adult areas, now its Make as many griefer/troll accounts as you want lie about your age and go grief adult simulators with no ID Required the Easy button, not only for trolls/griefers, but for Copybots, even the worst Under Aged Kids Exposed To Adult Content, and possibly getting married to someone over the age of 18 when they don't know they are under 18.

It leaves so many open issues, I would glady resubmit my info to Linden Lab if I had to just so they would fix this big mistake they did and help protect everyone from these issues as well as myself. Because of their changes some RP simulators got griefed by griefers rolling accounts using my name to cause so many issues for me mostly but targeting others because they couldn't get their revenge on me specifically so they used them as puppets I guess you could say.

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