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What prayer is needed?

JustOneMore Loon

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There is a massive griefing attack going on across mainland.  I have found griefing objects on

Argius, Telea, Pini, Lyonet. Burnet, Albata, Celerio, VeloxTenera, Lutra, Grahica


 3 Premium Members (Once Concierge) have filed over a dozen AR's in the last 24 hours-  Three tickets have been submitted (one each) and LL's reply to the tickets was "Do an AR".

What needs to be done to convince Linden Labs that the reason they are losing customers and people don't stay is because their customer service is horrid.   I spent my time going to TEN regions and all were impacted-  I stopped then figuring "ok, this is enough to get someone to take a look".... of course, nothing is being done. 

Why is the mainland all abandoned and yellow? Because of this Linden Labs.... because there's nothing done when problems are reported on mainland unless we shake the rafters.

So- What has to be done to get someone at the Labs to pay attention to this?


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You listed 11 sims that are getting griefed (right now I suppose).  I just went to 7 of those you listed and saw no evidence of any griefing going on at all.  All were quite normal and, for the most part, empty (I did see a few green dots on a couple).


If griefing was going on all eleven sims at 7:26 SLT (about 25 minutes ago) it suddenly stopped and everything is back to normal.  Either Linden Lab (notice no "s" in the company name) got the AR's or there never was this giant griefing attack in the first place.  I tend to think the latter........all the sims I visited were pretty close to the sim I live on (on the continent Hetrocera).

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Grief can disappear as quickly as it appeared, I do not doubt the validity  of your claims. I once followed hundreds of floating boxes from Abotts to Bolinas and every Region in between, I didn't realize that griefing objects could roll out of the Sandbox, and then keep on rolling.

Many Countries are moving their Servers underground to protect from the coming Technology Wars. I'm starting to believe that anything short of a Missile strike, will do little prevent the "Watch" video spam.

Foreign Countries have been and will always be the largest counterfeiters of other Nation's Currencies. Foreign Countries are also responsible for not being responsible for their Citizens.


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It's active right now- I showed her- 


There is a self-replicating object owned by ****** Resident that is transparent that is self-replicating and throws off invisible temponrez prims.  the object is created by AZ***** ****.

Everywhere with object entry on I have gone to that is close to another parcel that the physical object can reach, has one.


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The issue on the sims in question is self-replicating prim that roll and bounce along the roadway running through this part of mainland. They're invisible but all over at least 11 sims. I filed multiple ARs, as well as a ticket, and was told the same thing by LL: that I should 'file ARs' so that the 'relevant group' would see it and take action.

Yes, the scripted objects are invisible. If I turn off transparent, I don't see them. They do, however, take up prim resources, bump me if they hit me while standing, and are a nuisance.

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As far as I'm concerned temp on rezz could be perminantly griefed..........that should be considered griefing in my opinion.


Those "self replicating" prims are phantom and invisible and I only saw them to a hieght of about 5 meters.  If it's a griefing attack it's not very effective.........unless it's designed to shut down temp on rezz objects.  Hell, I might applaude the creator if that's the case.  :)


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Well, after turning on beacons for particles...it does appear there is some sort of particle spamming going on in the sim.  I don't see any actual particles but a number of objects from the same person in various sims in that area, spinning and basically taking up script space.

So, the only prayer is...if these are in fact 'particle spammers', an AR for unfair use of system resources might be the only prayer.

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What I am concerned about is there's almost no mainland region I have not found at least one of these on- ususally more than that.   I can't say I know what the motivation is- but the spinning thing you mention spits out replicas- physical ones- and "throws" them... they find a new parcel they can enter, and start tossing more of them out- thereby replicating and replicating and spreading- 

And someone is laughing - "Look what I did and they don't even belive the person reporting it"



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The Linden dealing w my ticket tells me there's nothing wrong on the sims. I've got hundreds of physical objects hitting me on mainland Rt 1, and a 2 month old Linden says nothings there. I've now sent screenshots of the objects, the bumps pushes hits, and copies of my ARs. I'm sure it's all imaginary, right? Like the people who want to live on mainland when this is the response.

Absolute incompetence.

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Many different people from many different Countries visit Second Life. People are going to do crazy things, enforcement can only be re-active to issues or problems.

In most cases, the listed Creator may have built 1 component of an object 6 years ago, that person is innocent.

Lindens are always online 24-7, as are others. It's a big grid, have patience.


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I just spent 45 minutes of so standing on my property waiting for this attack to reach me.  It did about 30 minutes ago.  I turn on build and object entry so that the prims could replicate on my plot..........they did.  No change to my available prims (my prim count did not go up).  I checks script info......the same scripts that have been running on my plot for a couple years are running (nothing else).  I walked and flew through this invisible cloud and never hit a thing.  I go no hits and pushes.  My statistic bar showed no change when this cloud of invisible prims over ran my land.  When I turn build and object back off the prims slowly disappeared from my parcel.


I agree there's something going on.  But how it is effecting SL I just can't see where it's done anything.  The support people are not going to come to every place to check it out personally.  They are going to check the statistics for the sim......if they are good then they will assume everything is okay..........it sure appears to be from what I can tell.  If it pulls the grid down or crashes a sim, things will be fixed with the restart that will occur.  I can see what's happening but I'm not ready to call it a griefing attack.......not when it's doing nothing to cause a problem unless you are needing to see some invisible prim when building or something (that could cause a problem I suppose).  Keep AR'ing them..........maybe some grid monkey will get curious and come see.  But for me.........I'm not worried about it. 

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@Peggy - Not quite sure you were getting the same barrage as I and the group of people with whom I was ground-sitting in Pini experienced just minutes ago.  These objects are physical, knocking around avs in their paths.  I consider that an issue that should be cleared by LL - not quite as benign as what you seem to have experienced.  Abuse Report filed.  Let's see how much LL thinks of Mainland to get this growing issue cleared expeditiiously.



ETA - spelling correction

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Well, I can say it's not in the sim I'm currently in, at least, not that I've found as yet.  However, with the number of sims that ARE affected, that I have personally seen it in...I should think it would be easier to clean up in one fell swoop rather than trying to find the individual sims.  As well as the fact that as they clean one sim, the object could 'escape' to another sim that's already been cleared.  Would be a ridiculous activity to try to chase it down.

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