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Shopping Cart Fails all Night all Day

Mickey Vandeverre

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Hi mischief - even if we were allowed to do that, it wouldn't be fair to my group members who shop inworld, and have supported the store for over 3 years now.

This is what I am offering, and it's working.  But it is time consuming, and I'm afraid that every merchant will not be able to add the extra hours to their day.  Not sure if I can keep up this pace indefinitely.  And there are still losses for the merchants on missing the sales revenue.  Not sure how long that pace will hold either.


Several people commented that they enjoyed shopping on marketplace, enjoyed shopping from their chair.  :)   even a virtual chair in their virtual home!  It's just easier for them.  Not everyone is an inworld shopper.

I may have to modify that - - now that I know how long it is taking for a support ticket to be answered.  And now that I know some people are not getting refunds within the hour.

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Elle Crescendo wrote:

Personally I prefer to re deliver to my customers myself.  I find I don't have that many non deliveries, I generally log in daily and in the interest of customer service I'd prefer to deal with these issues myself.  I believe I handle it quicker than the customer relying on LL to respond to a ticket which could take days.  Raising a ticket is an inconvenience to my customers and it's possible a lot of  residents probably don't know how to do that.

It's part of being a merchant, it goes with the territory


Hi Elle - yes, it appears that some tickets might be taking days.

I filed another ticket last night, and will start doing that on every fail, if there is enough time left after hand delivering.  There was some verbiage in the response, though, that indicated a merchant may not file for a customer.

I am filing for both....to make sure customer got refund, and to ask for reimbursement on the hand deliveries, in which we as a merchant were not paid for.  Not sure if that is going to happen or not.  We'll see.

Knowing how long the ticket takes.....yes, we definitely better be correcting these ourselves.


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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

mischief Goldshark wrote:

how about on your product listings offering a 5% discount to puchase the item inworld with a slurl direct to the item?

that violates the listing guidelines.. prices must be the same inworld and on the marketplace..

BTW, i have been waiting for 3 hours now for items i purchased on the marketplace...

what kills me is when people give bad reviews for non deliveries when it is LL fault.



Technically the TOS does not say the pricing has to be the same.  It says...

Anti-Competitive or Abusive Behavior. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • inflating prices on the SL Marketplace, in comparison to in-world or other e-commerce sites,


You can interpret this statement to say the the prices inworld and on MP must be the same.  I do not see that is what LL's TOS is saying.

Anti-competitive actions would be if a Merchant were to inflate the price of MP's listing far above a reason delta in pricing to inworld to fully discourage any sales activities on MP.  For example if the Inworld price for the same item was 20% lower than the MP price... this would be a delta that is beyond any explanation of pricing based on costs associated to each market.  That would be clearly anti-competitive.

But... it would not be anti-competitive to charge a 5% higher price on MP over inworld to RECOUP the additional 5% costs that MP incurs on the listing being on MP.  This is a reasonable and explained delta in price.

Secondly, the other approach you can use and I did use in 2010 to promote improved traffic and sales of your inworld store (not related to MP sales activity) is to offer after sale Percent or Fixed price rebates to customers that buy inworld.

The price between MP and inworld of my listings were IDENTICAL but I rewarded my inworld customers for taking the time to visit my store and buy inworld.  This promo ran for almost a year and had a good result for me as my sales volumes ration between MP and inworld became more balanced (from 90% MP sales to about 70% MP sales).

Lastly, I strongly disagree with the LL TOS policy in the first place that LL has the nerve to say a Merchant is being anti-competitive by managing where his sales occur on two environments own by LL's !!

MP has become the #1 reason for SL's inworld demise of inworld shopping and the collapse of the inworld economy.  MP has so fundamentally shifted where Merchants can best sell their goods that stores are closing, malls are closing, and sims are being abandoned.   And then LL still maintains this utterly stupid policy that does not allow merchants to try to encourage and promote that customers do more shopping and buying on the inworld grid.

For LL to deem inworld shopping to be an evil competitor to LL's own MP is a clear example of the poor business decisions LL keeps practicing to continue to destroy SL.


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People LOVE shopping on the marketplace!  It is huge fun for them.

It is a major convenience (for the most part) and it is a merchant service IN ADDITION to inworld shopping.  Not every merchant may display every single item on the floor, and this is huge advantage for them to offer an endless selection of product.  This benefits the shopper as well.

Many people shopping on marketplace are not inworld.  Perhaps they are sitting in their physical world office right now, taking a break from paperwork. 

Actually, can verify they are not inworld while shopping, as I just sent notes to a dozen - and they were not inworld, even minutes after purchasing.

It would be a fail to inworld store, only if one did not figure out how to maximize both methods of shopping for their customers, and cost effectively for one's own style of business.

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:


MP has become the #1 reason for SL's inworld demise of inworld shopping and the collapse of the inworld economy
.  MP has so fundamentally shifted where Merchants can best sell their goods that stores are closing, malls are closing, and sims are being abandoned.   And then LL still maintains this utterly stupid policy that does not allow merchants to try to encourage and promote that customers do more shopping and buying on the inworld grid.

For LL to deem inworld shopping to be an evil competitor to LL's own MP is a clear example of the poor business decisions LL keeps practicing to continue to destroy SL.

These statements i believe to be true....that's why i'm not shedding any tears that Marketplace are shooting itself in the foot.. I'd sooner consumer traffic returned In-world to where it belongs.

LL lost 1300 Estate sims in 1 year to 31 Jan 2012.....a lost of around 3.25 to 3.50 Million USD tier income they won't have in 2012!!

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These statements i believe to be true....that's why i'm not shedding any tears that Marketplace are shooting itself in the foot.. I'd sooner consumer traffic returned In-world to where it belongs.

LL lost 1300 Estate sims in 1 year to 31 Jan 2012.....a lost of around 3.25 to 3.50 Million USD tier income they won't have in 2012!!

Sadly Rene there is no tears to shed on watching MP give up its customers to the eveil SL Inworld Competitor.  There are so many factors against inworld stores and for MP that even without LL's stupid "anti-competitive" TOS rule, MP has been shifting inworld SL resident / shoppers to MP on the web is massive numbers.


  • MP allows SL residents to shop while off the grid (while at RL work or even on my Android)
  • MP's search - as lame as it is - is far superior to inworld's search for sellable products & stores.  Inworld search for stores is basically a joke.  Even for those remaining SL residents that shop inworld, many will Window Shop / search on MP and then go to the store inworld.
  • MP does not have the shopping lag that inworld shopping has to deal with
  • LL promotes Merchant's / products on MP and promotes traffic to MP - so for a Merchant to not participate in MP would now be a silly decision.
  • MP has no fixed costs to deal with compared to inworld store operations.  If you have a store inworld with a $5000L/month rent or teir to pay to have a store.... you need to pay that $5000L even if your store doesnt make even 1 sale.  MP's is cost/sale.  No risk.
  • MP doesnt have to deal with inworld's copybotters walking into a store and stealing all the Merchant's content in one convenient place.  It can still be stolen after the sale on MP but not from MP directly.

I can keep going.... but you see why MP has been and continues to be destroying inworld shopping.  Some people here can say that MP is not the cause and that MP is just an extension of inworld stores.... but that would be just wishful thinking.  More and more Merchants are realizing that they really dont need to deal with all the hassles and risks of operating an inworld store.  They can just either dramatically reduce the size of their inworld store or close it all together and just operate on MP. 


Why does LL still have a TOS that punishes Merchants from encouraging shoppers to buy in their own controled grid??


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Oh good....so Second Life will end up being a IMVU business model clone!!  :smileyfrustrated:

That's not what many of SL'ers initially signed up for  and deep down a lot of residents would miss In-world commercial activities....anything else is wishful thinking!

Its hardly surprising that both concurrency and SIms have taken a dive......with a significant number of Residents having already voted with their feet!

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 Toy: "I can keep going.... but you see why MP has been and continues to be destroying inworld shopping.  Some people here can say that MP is not the cause and that MP is just an extension of inworld stores.... but that would be just wishful thinking.  More and more Merchants are realizing that they really dont need to deal with all the hassles and risks of operating an inworld store.  They can just either dramatically reduce the size of their inworld store or close it all together and just operate on MP. " 


Marketplace offered a convenience for people.  People are still shopping inworld.  Additional sales and quick sales are being made on the marketplace, while they are not even inworld!  psssst....it's called an ADD.

There is a rather long list of reasons that contributed to difficulty in manning large inworld stores.  Very simply, just a few, lag and a complete demise of valuable inworld marketing tools.  Perhaps the introduction of other social opportunities where one does not even have to be inworld anymore to communicate.  Probably throw in some new adventures across the web that are pulling time from inworld.  And by all means, you are welcome to go on, I sure could.

You guys remind me of the old codgers that used to sit in their physical downtown stores, twiddling their thumbs and dreaming of ways to get traffic back and saying it's just a matter of time.... "that internet/web thingamagig is a just a phase" - - while the web savvy retailers were loading their web sites and packing/shipping merchandise all day from a hole in the wall.

If it helps your business to see your fellow merchants have difficulties with tools and Linden Lab service, then run with it.  But honestly, it really does not look all that great to see you announce in public that you are enjoying it.

And if you can't grasp yet, that some of your customers enjoy the convenience, or that some of your customers are people running a marketplace store without a shop inworld......and if you've not been able to see the numbers talk yet....

Ain't no amount of talking going to change that. 

Have a tin of sasparilla and an old stogie and enjoy your front porch chit-chats.  Rather comical at times, actually.


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You can come up with all your thoeries and excuses and live in a fantasy within a virtual world (lol hey thats funny even) but all of that does not hold a candle to the real facts....

Last year over 900 sims closed.  Malls and stores are shrinking in size or closing all together.  Shopping $'s are shifting to MP and LEAVING INWORLD shopping.

You will need to wake up if you are following a merchant strategy that is based on INWORLD is the cornerstone and MP is just an "ADD" to your main inworld store.  Its not an add... its a SHIFT to MP.

All this being said and as much as the facts are screaming at everyone.... I am surely not one that is happy to see MP has taken over inworld sales and that the inworld economy is collapsing because of it.

Why do you think in 2010 I made a strong active move to promote my customers shop and buy my products inworld by offering an inworld shopping rebate.  I wanted to see more of my 90% of MP sales to shift to inworld sales.

But I ended the campaign last year - even though i got my inworld sales to 30% from only 10%.  I knew that ultimately I was pushing a rope up a hill.  shoppers dont want to buy inworld.

And Mickey.... all your hopeful wishes will not change what is already happening.  But if you understand Macro Economics, shifting that large a percent of shopping out of the inworld to MP will force a shift of the economy.  Most merchants are not stupid and start realizing "why the hell am I paying so much inworld rent when MP costs only 5% of sales... and no more"

but ohh well... you believe what you want.

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The only thing I'm "wishing" for this week, is that they deliver what we sold. 

You must live in an affluent isolated burb somewhere.  Stuff happened in physical world concerning economy. 

Not everyone can justify pumping money into virtual land anymore.  Not sure why that is so hard to grasp.  It's been on the news once or twice.

I can't have dialogue on macro economics.  Cute guy in that class - distracted.  Somehow passed.

Just know what I watch.  Numbers gal.  Can do numbers.  Numbers ain't so bad.  Just want them to deliver, that's all for this week. 

And I would like to ask that and in fact insist on it, without having to step across old codger merchants, in the process.

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Mickey Vandeverre wrote:


Have a tin of sasparilla and an old stogie and enjoy your front porch chit-chats. 
Rather comical at times, actually.


NO.....what's comical are the realities of LL own figures which don't lie! ---> income lost due Sims being handed back, and concurrency continually falling over 24 months.....even more comical are those living in denial !

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:


You can come up with all your thoeries and excuses and live in a fantasy within a virtual world (lol hey thats funny even) but all of that does not hold a candle to the real facts....

Last year over 900 sims closed.
  Malls and stores are shrinking in size or closing all together.  Shopping $'s are shifting to MP and LEAVING INWORLD shopping.

You will need to wake up if you are following a merchant strategy that is based on INWORLD is the cornerstone and MP is just an "ADD" to your main inworld store.  Its not an add... its a SHIFT to MP.

It's now 1300! .....400+ more in January!

16 Jan 2011 -  24,756 Estate sims

29 Jan 2012 -  23,433


( UPDATE ** 1st Feb it's gone down to 23,307.....another 120 handed back in 3 days!)


Convert all those sims handed back...as lost income that LL won't have during 2012!

I wonder what the break-even point is? Anymore potential lay-offs in 2012?

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So Mickey,

Do you think LL is lying to all of us and wants to tell us how bad things are when they report over 1200 sims have been abandoned with no revenue going back to LL in Teir fees?

Do you ever sit have and suck on a Stogie on the porch of your Sim home in SL and just ponder what the reasons are for LL losing 1200 sims in 1 year?  Do you try to come up with your logic on what big picture is playing out here and the root cause why?

Or do you think its just a phase and its no ones fault that 1200 sims of lost revenue left LL's RL cash flow?  Its just some kind of trivial magic but in the end it will all go away and the glory days of SL will return?

If so, you are thinking like LL Executive Management.  They dont worry how their poor strategic decision making has impacted the economy of the grid that has made them the success of the past. 

But I will say that Rod Humble isnt stupid and he see the writing on the wall and that the SL Grid as we all know it and loved it... is sadly on a slid to eventual Internet history.  That is why he is spending all his time on non SL new ideas.  Because even if SL ends up dying - Rod's responsibility is to find ways for LL to exist and make money.  It doesnt have to be with SL....

A new SL resident friend of mine who came from SIMS and INVU about 4 months ago to try to start a business in SL was chatting with me this week.  She is very driven to try to make a successful business in SL.  She has tried 3 plans already and most were centered around the concept or renting.  She was thinking maybe she should buy a sim and try to go into it bigger.

I told her.... do not get into any SL business whereby you are investing any $RL cash into SL.  i.e. do not invest real money into SL to create your business where the investment is not highly liquid.  If you need land - RENT.  But the better idea is to focus on creating some line of product and only sell on MP.  I told her that SL's current economic state is clearly declining.  hundreds of sims have been abandoned in the past year and growing and you will get stuck with land you bought from LL that you will end up throwing away.  Rental revenue on sims is declining as land lords need to be reducing weekly rent to attract renters to the glut of empty parcels.

Summary of my advice to her.... STAY LIQUID and keep your cost of doing business in SL to a bare minimum.  Sadly that means - no inworld stores.  Just MP and products on MP.

If LL is looking for new non-SL straegies to keep LL alive.... SL Customers should strongly listen to what LL is doing and where LL is not wanting to invest anymore.

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

mischief Goldshark wrote:

how about on your product listings offering a 5% discount to puchase the item inworld with a slurl direct to the item?

that violates the listing guidelines.. prices must be the same inworld and on the marketplace..

BTW, i have been waiting for 3 hours now for items i purchased on the marketplace...

what kills me is when people give bad reviews for non deliveries when it is LL fault.



Technically the TOS does not say the pricing has to be the same.  It says...

Anti-Competitive or Abusive Behavior
. Examples include, but are not limited to:
  • inflating prices on the SL Marketplace, in comparison to in-world or other e-commerce sites,


You can interpret this statement to say the the prices inworld and on MP must be the same.  I do not see that is what LL's TOS is saying.


If the price is different, isn't that an inflated price?

Anti-competitive actions would be if a Merchant were to inflate the price of MP's listing far above a reason delta in pricing to inworld to fully discourage any sales activities on MP.  For example if the Inworld price for the same item was 20% lower than the MP price... this would be a delta that is beyond any explanation of pricing based on costs associated to each market.  That would be clearly anti-competitive.

But... it would not be anti-competitive to charge a 5% higher price on MP over inworld to RECOUP the additional 5% costs that MP incurs on the listing being on MP.  This is a reasonable and explained delta in price.

I see that as the cost of doing business in a place where the search is a million times better than inworld.

Secondly, the other approach you can use and I did use in 2010 to promote improved traffic and sales of your inworld store (not related to MP sales activity) is to offer after sale Percent or Fixed price rebates to customers that buy inworld.

The price between MP and inworld of my listings were IDENTICAL but I rewarded my inworld customers for taking the time to visit my store and buy inworld.  This promo ran for almost a year and had a good result for me as my sales volumes ration between MP and inworld became more balanced (from 90% MP sales to about 70% MP sales).

Lastly, I strongly disagree with the LL TOS policy in the first place that LL has the nerve to say a Merchant is being anti-competitive by managing where his sales occur on two environments own by LL's !!

MP has become the #1 reason for SL's inworld demise of inworld shopping and the collapse of the inworld economy.  MP has so fundamentally shifted where Merchants can best sell their goods that stores are closing, malls are closing, and sims are being abandoned.   And then LL still maintains this utterly stupid policy that does not allow merchants to try to encourage and promote that customers do more shopping and buying on the inworld grid.

I see a crappy search and keyword spam as the #1 reason inworld purchases are failing.

For LL to deem inworld shopping to be an evil competitor to LL's own MP is a clear example of the poor business decisions LL keeps practicing to continue to destroy SL.



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If a merchant on the MP has a link to their inworld store, that is where i will 99% of the time buy an item..

1. I don't have to wait 3 hours for my item to be delivered to me.

2. They don't lose 5% to LL.

3. I'm more likely to buy more items if i can see the actual item.

4. I like to explore SL. Going to new stores is fun.

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

But I will say that Rod Humble isnt stupid and he see the writing on the wall and that the SL Grid as we all know it and loved it... is sadly on a slid to eventual Internet history. 
That is why he is spending all his time on non SL new ideas. 
Because even if SL ends up dying - Rod's responsibility is to find ways for LL to exist and make money.  It doesnt have to be with SL....

.........If LL is looking for new non-SL straegies to keep LL alive....
SL Customers should strongly listen to what LL is doing and where LL is not wanting to invest anymore.

Yep,  that's how I explained it....when some seasoned SL'ers didn't understand Rod Humble's year-end speech and wanting to diversify into non-SL products. LL must have crunched the numbers and worked out where the break-even point is (maybe closer than we think)....so it's time to bring on-board other revenue streams. The ultimate goal for both Rod and LL is to survive and remain profitable......so whatever it takes to hit those marks.

Giving away Sims free of set-up costs, back in Oct 2011, didn't really kickstart the Land economy nor halt the gradual slide downwards.

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You can't really compare the 2 Search engines for In-World and Marketplace, although they both use the same Open Source Lucene search engine.

The algorithms are quite different. In-World searches on locations i.e land parcels...the TPV viewers will provide a 2nd page for product listings (very useful). Marketplace Search concentrates on products....it's comparing apples with oranges. There's far more noise on Marketplace searches than say In-world....this is real obvious, as for example there would be far more "Boots" as products listed on Marketplace....than shops selling boots In-World.

Where it's all gone pearshape for In-world shopping, is the promotion of Marketplace through LL Official Viewers.....whereas the In-World "Search" and Classified Adverts buttons are pretty much well  hidden and not really prominent ....not to mention killing off the 2nd page which lists products for sale.

New residents will naturally go to Marketplace first...and it will be a while before figuring out how to search for In-World shops & products.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

I see a crappy search and keyword spam as the #1 reason inworld purchases are failing.

Toysolder -->For LL to deem inworld shopping to be an evil competitor to LL's own MP is a clear example of the poor business decisions LL keeps practicing to continue to destroy SL.

Actually In-World search is working correctly, and even better since LL changed over from GSA to OS Lucene search engine. For starters it's much harder to game...and spam does not work or help much with rankings.

The problem is that so many Merchants don't understand even the basic forms of SEO or how to rank higher.....so it's easy to dismiss something that you don't understand or have no desire to focus on....as being a  "crappy Search"...when actually It isn't!

If one performs a search on some of the most popular keywords e.g Hair....you'll see the 1st few pages listing shops that sell hair. The Search engine isn't suppose rank shops by "best products" or "brand names"....as it has no way of knowing. If Redgrave, LAQ or Belleza want top spots for a keyword search on "Skins" or "Female Skins"....it's down to their owners to optimise their lands for it......as the system won't naturally do it for them.

It's the same with Marketplace Search, as it ranks by certain criteria.....it could be a combination of "most views" or "most sales" or "most  5-star ranking points" or the relevance/ strength of Product title name etc etc.  Some of these were gameable in Xstreet....i'm not sure what the current MP Search bases it's rankings on, but i'm sure some of the top MP Merchants would know...or have a clue.


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This thread is to ask/plead for HELP to get this delivery problem fixed.
If you are not experiencing it, then lucky you.
or - you're not selling anything.  That's fine.
or - you're not checking your transaction list hourly.  That's fine.
To each his own.
Major sales going on in the marketplace.
You can listen to Rene and Toy beeatch about one thing or another all day,
or you can figure out how to make sales in the marketplace.
It's happenin' - all day long.
If you want your stuff delivered in a timely fashion - keep talking.
and go vote/watch that Jira - leave a comment - speak your mind.
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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

If a merchant on the MP has a link to their inworld store, that is where i will 99% of the time buy an item..

1. I don't have to wait 3 hours for my item to be delivered to me.

2. They don't lose 5% to LL.

3. I'm more likely to buy more items if i can see the actual item.

4. I like to explore SL. Going to new stores is fun.

Drake, you are preaching to a believer.  i would love nothing better than to see SL shoppers do more of their shopping and activities inworld.  Here was my blog posting on the top 10 reasons why shoppers should shop inworld.


I like that we have a marketplace and for my business, over 70% of my customers seem to like buying my products from Marketplace.  If thats the case... great.  But it would be good if they came to my inworld store and shopped and bought so they could see how my products work together and what else i have to offer and all the other reasons in my blog.

Its generally better for the SL inworld economy if these shoppers en masse shopped moreso inworld.

But... shrugs.... we are where we are.

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LOL Mickey....

I have sales each day.  I checked my MP transaction log.

My Magicbox has been pretty much working 100%.  Some deliveries between midnight and 5am have long delivery delays but they do generally get delivered.

Dont know why you have such massive problems when I do not.  It must be something unique to your magicbox and/or the sim that the box is on.  Everything else in making a sale is the same between us.

My experience with my one magicbox that has sat in the same place for over 2 years and I cant remember the last time I upgraded the code on it - if I ever did.  It works great.  That is why I will be one of the last Merchants to switch over to DD.

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There are tons of people shopping in the marketplace.  They love the convenience. 
They have become quite enamored with that convenience!
You can try everything under the sun to get them to shop inworld. 
Have at it - while you are busting that out - someone else is taking your market.
You can have a shop inworld.  People are still shopping there. 
If your marketplace store has not shown significant numbers, then you have some tweaking to do.
You cannot tweak that which you cannot control.  You can talk about it all day, though.
But while you're doing that - someone is taking your market.
Find your own ways.  Find ways that you have control over.
Listen to your customers. 
They tell you what THEY want. 
or - you can manipulate them to accept what YOU want.
The link above, that Toy supplied.....
Many of those bullet points are way off base.
Particularly #3 - That is just not true, and huge disservice to YOUR customers.
Not to mention a slap in your face to how you conduct customer service.
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I've never had Magic Box issues going back to SLEX days right through to the current Marketplace....I guess I'm lucky. :matte-motes-tongue: I've also not had any non-delivery issues, admittedly i don't sell the kind of volumes that some Merchants on this thread do.


Reading some of the comments on here, you'd think Marketplace is some kind of unique product for SL shopping....the truth of the matter we could shop offline, whlst at work since the SLEX days. Although it stated that one should be logged into SL in order to accept delivery of products....that wasn't entirely true. I recieved many an item whilst not being logged into SL....the same as it works with Marketplace. Again these shopping website searches are not unique.....they were present in SLEX then to Xstreet and now Marketplace. (Search by Product)

The only significant difference between 2006 and 2012, is that Linden Lab heavily promotes Marketplace in their official Viewers, which they never did for either SLEX or Xstreet.

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