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Shapes Question

Clarissa Lowell

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This is the Creation forum. There does not seem to be a forum just for making shapes. This is the closest I can get.

I have been making shapes a while. But everyone can improve or learn. I thought I would bring my question here, and ask specifically about one part of this shape's face.

This is a new shape I am making for my shop. I just began making this shape and I usually test it in world two or three days, and take pix to see if any flaws stick out.

Would any experienced shape makers please comment. Also if anyone else wants to that is fine. Just please no random attacks or insults regarding personal preference in a shape. That is all well and good but is not my question.

Do you see that sort of fat pad above the eye? It is more visible from the side or above. I know some real life faces have that too, and maybe that is just part of the mesh. I know that I could lengthen or flatten the head, but then it would destroy the rest of the face. I could rebuild it, but it might not be the same.

Before I try all of that I thought I would ask if anyone experienced in making shapes knows a fix for that.

Also the doggoned cheeks. There is like a flat pointy thing at the edge of cheekbones in the mesh, no matter what. It can be minimized, but is there any way to really fix it? 

Tips are welcome!

Here are some pix of the shape in question. TIA!

Tanya shape pic 4 sm.png

Tanya shape pic 3 sm.png

Tanya shape pic 2 sm.png

Comments of "it is not a problem for me" or "what are you talking, you are being picky" or stuff like that are welcome also. LOL  :D


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I think the face of this shape is very nice.  I also have seen the "pad" you refer to over eyes of RL people.  Usually its due to having deep set eyes. 

As for the cheekbones, I can't offer any advice there to 'fix' it, however you may want to try different skins with it to see how prominent it is with them.  As I am sure you know, skins can really effect a faces apparent shape

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That's a lovely face Clarissa. Congratulations, very good work. For example the shape of the eyes is really nice, I love those.

As for the pointy cheeks, I guess we just have to live with it. The avatar mesh is what it is, too few polygons, we cannot make it look perfect. However, a good skin will help in hiding the imperfections of the underlying mesh. Anyway, I think you did a very good job on the face.

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Hi clarissa,gotta say great work on the shape love the face.....as the others have qouted unfortunately you'll never get the face perfect due to the so out of date mesh lindens still use.

but i agree alot of it might be down to the skin that you use with the shape and the make up that skin has on it,ive noticed some skin makers use make up to define features like high cheek bones etc so maybe try the shape on a few more demo skins and see how it looks??


feel free to check out some shapes ive made at



keep up the good work x

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Thanks everybody. I relished each comment and each comment helped a lot.

The brow size is pretty small, I might try changing the head shape and maybe making the eyes less deep set. I still needed to go over the eyes settings again and also the mouth, might change the upper lip being bigger than the bottom one. I didn't change that setting from Ruth yet I think. (Just mouth width, frown, and the dip on top.)

I like hearing that it isn't too horrible as I had thought. At least that is less pressure if I can't get that fat pad adjusted. I think it might have to do with the forehead being slanted and not straight up and down. But it just looked more feminine to have it slanted. I usually do a longer face with a stronger chin and wanted to try something different so I was feeling shaky.

I will try it with some different skins too, tho the skin is Belleza's Christmas gift skin and I think it's beautiful. It might even be hiding some mistakes I made. :D

Really good feedback thanks!!


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