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Auto Return is a Good Thing

Chandra Chambers

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Today a massive greifer attack plagued my land and the surrounding regions with lovely spinnig rabbit heads that spew blood particles a hundred meters away. My land has autoreturn no problem right, wrong. My land is surrounded by abandoned land owned by LL with NO AUTO RETURN. I've inspected abandoned parcels all over this area and all have no auto return set. Just a thought but maybe LL change policy to enable autoreturn once land ownership changes to LL so we don't have to put up with stuff like this anymore? Also we wouldn't have to look at long abandoned noob builds that sit on abandoned land for all eternity... If you're a land owner also please use autoreturn, this prevents griefers from leaving annoying objects on your land until you notice (if you ever do) and also keeps unintentional annoying objects off your land like screaming motorcylcles or broken airplanes at full throttle.... Auto Return is a good thing, don't be lazy and keep it on 0 because you don't feel like changing takes, seriously its not that hard. If you think having Object Entry turned off is a good umbrella policy, you're wrong objects can be moved onto your land or physical objects can be bounced onto your land where it will stay until you someday notice...  Please use auto return, I'm really getting tired of all this nonsense. 

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As of April? (I think), of this year, when land is abandoned, it is set back for sale to the person who abandoned it.  After 24 hours, it is set for sale to anyone and auto-return is enabled.  So, they've already got that policy.  Unfortunately, for land abandoned prior to this, auto-return is often times set to zero.  The good news is that you can send a support ticket to the Linden Department of Public Works and someone should come by and set auto-return.  I've done this many times and it's historically taken less than a business week.


  1. Help --> Support History
  2. Right Hand Column --> Premium Support --> Contact Support
  3. Submit a Support Case form
  4. What type of problem are you having? – Land & Region
  5. Land & Region – Linden Lab owner Parcel Issues
  6. Where is the Linden-owned Parcel that is having the issue? – Go to land and copy & paste SLURL
  7. SLURL or Parcel Coordinates – paste SLURL again
  8. Please describe the issue. – Abandoned land has junk on it and needs auto-return set.

It would be awesome if everyone else either enabled auto-return or actively monitored their land for junk.

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General question:

If my land is deeded to my group, and I have auto return set to 5, when I build on my land does it get returned to me in 5 minutes? Would the solution be to ensure I am wearing my group tag when building or will my build still get returned? Thanks.

Also, when I deeded my land to my group, it had objects on it. If I set auto return to 5, will all my objects get returned to me?

Thanks again.

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I don't have any group-deeded land at the moment, so I can't test this.  From what I recall when I did and from the Knowledge Base (http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Group-owned-land/ta-p/700079#Section_.4.1), I think the following is correct:

If the land is merely -set- to group (not -deeded-), then you yourself own the land.  Any objects owned by you will not be affected by auto-return.

If the land is -deeded- to group, then the group as a whole owns the land.  Any objects not set or deeded to the group will be affected by auto-return; it doesn't matter if the object owner is a member of the group.  Objects can be edited to set the group.  To make sure newly rezzed objects are in the correct group, wear the group tag while building.  Or, if you're running Firestorm, you can select "Always rez objects under the land group if possible" in Preferences.

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No worries, you can change the group of objects to the land owning group before you turn on autoreturn. Drag selecting piles of objects make it happen faster. And From that land menu you see if there is still objects you missed and are still set to no/wrong group.

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Chandra Chambers wrote:

Please use auto return, I'm really getting tired of all this nonsense. 


There is SO much land in SL that is abandoned or neglected or being sold, in which people leave object return on 0.

This is one of my pet peeves in Second Life. There is absolutely no reason for empty land to have object return set to 0. You are opening up your neighbors to being griefed, or their neighborhood turned into a junkyard as people rez random items which are then stuck on the land.

I also think people should always use object return on 1 or above, even if they occupy the land. Form a land group and give rezzing rights to the people in question, and you do not have to leave your land open to griefing or junk.

I sold one parcel I had owned for about 2 years due to this very thing. The neighbor refused to turn on their auto return, yet every time one of my visitors left a temporary horse on their land, they IMed me raging away. All they had to do was set auto return and POOF, but no. They wanted me to stop everything I was doing and fly there to pick up the item instead. Not only that, they began to IM me with alts even when a horse was found way down the road somewhere, not even anywhere near their own land. I did not want to get rid of the fun things on my land, but I could not control if a visitor went elsewhere and left one, any more than I could control if they rezzed something else.

It was too much headache, and the lot is empty today. How sad is that.

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Hugsy Penguin wrote:

If the land is merely -set- to group (not -deeded-), then you yourself own the land.  Any objects owned by you will not be affected by auto-return.

If the land is -deeded- to group, then the group as a whole owns the land.  Any objects not set or deeded to the group will be affected by auto-return; it doesn't matter if the object owner is a member of the group.  Objects can be edited to set the group.  To make sure newly rezzed objects are in the correct group, wear the group tag while building.  Or, if you're running Firestorm, you can select "Always rez objects under the land group if possible" in Preferences.

Yes that is exactly right.

I had a half sim merely set to group until about a month ago. Then I tiered down and needed the land bonus that group owned land would give me, so I could keep certain parcels and still be within a lower tier bracket. So, I deeded that half sim to the same group it had merely been set to before.

It was a small headache to click on EVERY prim object in a half sim, including some in the sky, and many which were tiny or partially invisible (even some which WERE transparent) and check the group status, but I did it.

I still missed a few items, and those came back to me once I deeded the land to group. I owned every one of those items, but once the land was deeded rather than merely set to group, the items which were NOT set to that land group flew back to my inventory.

Hope that helps.

If you do not need the land bonus, then merely setting the land is great. Until you need to deed it - haha. No, but, it still allows you to give group members building rights or not, and also, your personal items stay. AND you can set object return (to 1 or above) for (against) strangers!

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

General question:

If my land is deeded to my group, and I have auto return set to 5, when I build on my land does it get returned to me in 5 minutes? Would the solution be to ensure I am wearing my group tag when building or will my build still get returned? Thanks.

I answered your 2nd question in my prior post. This (first) question is slightly different so I will reply to that as well.

But, yes, if your land is group deeded (not merely set) and you rez something without your group tag, it will come back to you in the time set in object return. Even if you are the land owner / pay the bills.

If you wear your group tag before rezzing something, the group tag which matches the deeded land, it will not return.

I regularly forget to wear the correct group tag (on land I own/pay for) and so have inadvertently tested this multiple times. Lol

(If you have the land merely set to a group, any items owned by the land owner will stay no matter what.  Also: you can activate the object return on 'set land' and the land owner's personal items stay. However, once that land is deeded to any group, including the same group it had prior been set to, any items not wearing that group's tag will return to the item owners.)


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So, if I have land, and I want my group to be able to rez stuff there, I can just set it to that group, yes?

But, if I want the land to be able to acquire ten percent more, then I would need to deed it to the group, right?

So I guess my new question is, what would be the point of merely setting land to a group instead of deeding it?

The answer would be so I still maintain ownership, right? If the group is mine own, though, deeding would be the better choice, correct? 

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:


So, if I have land, and I want my group to be able to rez stuff there, I can just set it to that group, yes?

But, if I want the land to be able to acquire ten percent more, then I would need to deed it to the group, right?

So I guess my new question is, what would be the point of merely setting land to a group instead of deeding it?

The answer would be so I still maintain ownership, right? If the group is mine own, though, deeding would be the better choice, correct? 

Questions answered in order:

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

3. To avoid the hassle of having to set every item to the group tag would be the main reason. Also, if you wish to change the group setting later, it is much easier if the land has not been deeded to any group. For instance, today you want to set it to your family's group to live on. Tomorrow you want to set it to a group that hosts a mall and tenants. The main benefit would be to keep separate who can rez what where. If you own other land in your family's group, you might not want Tenant # 3 who has been in SL 30 days and you barely met, to be able to rez or have any rights on your family land elsewhere. That's just one example. Personally I prefer to deed land for the bonus. It is also much easier to wear the group tag when rezzing permanent items from the start, rather than check each prim later as I had to do. 

But, deeding land to a group seems to require that that is the group which will own the land until the land is sold to a third party. Because, otherwise, to change the group after land is deeded, it must be sold to someone in the group (or yourself ideally) for $1L for example...and then redeeded...Which is a small nightmare (so much can go wrong, including I've heard rumors, a glitch that lets a land bot buy it up instead.) If you know that land will stay with one group and there are no other issues, go for the land bonus. 

Some people also just like the ease of rezzing anything as owner without having to always wear a group tag. They have such a bugaboo about that, the rest is moot to them.

4. Yes, if you are sure about the group. One big tip would also be, before deeding anything, or even setting anything, if there are other members, go over their abilities in that group role thoroughly. Make sure only people you trust can return group items, sell the land, or change land permissions, etc. I would begin with very few permissions and only add permissions as needed. Typically, those include building and setting home to the land.

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Another huge tip: Make sure 'receive group payments and pay liabilities' or however that is phrased...is only set to yourself. You can also set it to people you trust, if you wish. But, anyone with that role enabled (checkmarked) will receive a share of the money if land is sold. They will also be billed randomly for a portion of the group fees (for the group itself.) I prefer to only checkmark myself in that role. Much cleaner.

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Also, if your items are autoreturned because either you forgot your tag or you just deeded land you can simpy wear the appropriate group tag and find the coalesced item or items in your inventory lost and found folder, right click the item(s) and select "restore to last position" the item will be returned to its original position before being returned and with the appropriate group as well :)

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Chandra Chambers wrote:

Also, if your items are autoreturned because either you forgot your tag or you just deeded land you can simpy wear the appropriate group tag and find the coalesced item or items in your inventory lost and found folder, right click the item(s) and select "restore to last position" the item will be returned to its original position before being returned and with the appropriate group as well

Oh really? I did not know that was an option! Awesome.

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