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Kaitlyn Tearfall

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What viewer are you using, are you switching between it an another viewer between logins and are you switching graphics modes ("medium" to "high", etc.?) It always returns to the default after I switch modes but I haven't had problems with it sticking between logins on any LL viewer through the 3.2.4 release. The 3.2.5 beta has real issues with remembering settings for me.

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Sometimes it fails to stick.


I often fix it by setting a number and then super carefully (super-duper even) hitting tab, then closing the window for debug settings without going to any other setting, then reopening it to check (and carefully closing it so I don't upset the value).

- Silly, but for some reason this one value really likes returning to default.


What I don't get is we have ALL been doing this since 200x-whenever sculpties came out. When will LLs just put the right default in there?


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Thanks everyone, I am using firestorm not changing settings or anything. i'll give that pressing tab idea a try.

just getting so sick of wearing sculpties and having everyone IM me telling me that my shoes or my top aren't rezzing properly.  


I totally agree that LInden Labs needs to change the default value of this.

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Kaitlyn Tearfall wrote:

just getting so sick of wearing sculpties and having everyone IM me telling me that my shoes or my top aren't rezzing properly.  

RenderVolumeLODFactor only controls what you see, it has nothing, repeat nothing to do with what other people see. If they're complaining about your clothes not rezzing it's because of something on their end, not yours. Tell them to STFU and figure it out themselves.

I totally agree that LInden Labs needs to change the default value of this.

If you knew what the setting did you would more likely be demanding that content creators stop making bad sculpties thus forcing every one to raise the setting and get lower frame rates just to cover up for the creator's ignorance.



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Setting RenderVolumeLODFactor too high can have a serious impact on the performance if you have older hardware because then just EVERY object! And as already said: It will only have impact how you will see stuff.

LL is doing good to not simply increase that LOD value. A better solution would be to only boost LOD for sculpts, but not all objects.

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