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What Is Linden Lab Doing?

Setekh Ichtama

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After skimming around the forum this morning and recalling a few posts from users in previous threads trying to encourage others to start spending more money in Second Life to save Second Life, I couldn't help but wonder about this advice and from what mindset this was coming from?

From my own personal perspective, I'm not sure if it's up to the users of Second Life to save Second Life and I sort of resent the guilt put on the Community by those who left those posts, whoever they were, especially when most people here on this message board appear to be dedicated SL'ers who I am certain already spend far beyond their means.

What I want to know most is what Linden Lab is doing to protect Content Creators in the new year, if anything. I want to know if there is a new direction or any new ideas on that front to handle Copybotters for example, or just anything planned at all, I'm all ears!

Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm out of the loop, if so please fill me in.

I have a lot of respect for those who still create and spend hours in Second Life when there is so much less to gain over just a few years ago, so, with this request for a little more transparency as to what is in the works at the Lab, I want to know what the management, not the community, is doing to ensure 2012 won't be another year of decline short of resorting to marketing tactics and the likes. 

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There always has been and, I believe, always will be a group of people who will see SL in some form of negative light.  That group will predict dire consequences for anything Linden Lab does that they, personally, don't agree with.  That group will take it upon themselves to "save" SL from LL. 


Here's the rub though.  I've been here for quite some time and I've seen LL do, what I consider, some pretty dumb things.  Things that I just knew was going to be counter-productive and cause SL to go down hill in some way.  I've seen LL change directions when they do do some dumb things.  I've seen them stubbornly stick to something they've done dispite what I see as a decline of some sort for the platform.......and, in almost every case, I've been wrong.  Second Life is still around and it's better than it was when I joined in 2005.....different, yes, but better.  The doomsdayers won't openly agree with me but I've seen them reverse their perspective when the next change comes along.  I'll take one example (and, it's an example that I was on the wrong side of).  The Teen/Main Grid merger of about a year ago.  Many, including myself, just knew that was going to be the end of SL.  Nothing good was going to come of that change.  Guess what........I, and all those who agreed with me, were wrong.  SL is still here and, it's better today than it was last year.


I happen to think it's a good thing that users are encouraging other users to go out into the world and support the creators by making purchases.  That's not any different than encouraging people in real life to buy from real world retailers to strengthen the local economies.....which, in turn strengthens the national economy (which, also strengthens the world economy).  Every little bit helps.  I would take that encouragement for what it is.......and it is not an indication that SL is in danger of disappearing.  LL could suddenly go belly up but if it does it won't be due to users spending habits.  It would be because of LL's real world financial situation of which none of us have any information about (other than what LL decides they want to share with us) and we have no control over it .


Enjoy SL.  It's not run by a bunch of idiots like so many think.  Linden Lab has shown me that they do know what they are doing.....despite what I might think when they do something I disagree with.

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If they know what they are doing, what exactly are they doing?

The whole point of this thread is not to complain about Linden Lab as you seem to think it is (and they've made countless mistakes contrary to what you imply in your response, since it was never an issue about whether or not Second Life would fail but rather, would decisions alienate their audience or not and I think we've seen that result) but instead, to bring them back into focus so myself and others can be confident they are doing what it takes to making Second Life a success again otherwise, momentum is not moving in their favour and it will become increasingly difficult for merchants to hang with so much working against them.

As far as Second Life as a platform better now than it was in 2005, it all depends what you're refering to with such a vague statement so, please be a little more specific.  Second Life is on the decline as most statistics will support and I truly want to know what the new CEO has in store besides Linden Realms; I truly hope that is not the extent of his leadership because if this boat doesn't change direction soon, there will be a lot more like myself who will have to make a hard decision as to whether or not they are working more for this world than it is working for them.

Second Life isn't going anywhere, I'm certain of that, but I can't say that for myself but, we'll see what is in store.

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The whole point of this thread is not to complain about Linden Lab as you seem to think it is (and they've made countless mistakes contrary to what you imply in your response, since it was never an issue about whether or not Second Life would fail but rather, would decisions alienate their audience or not and I think we've seen that result) but instead, to bring them back into focus so myself and others can be confident they are doing what it takes to making Second Life a success again otherwise, momentum is not moving in their favour and it will become increasingly difficult for merchants to hang with so much working against them.



Oh, really? 

If it's not as I interpeted, then what is all that about?

To answer you rather unanswerable question........Linden Lab is doing exactly what they want to do.(just like every other business in the world.  Some succeed, some don't...........time and history tells the story.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

Some succeed, some don't...........time and history tells the story.

How profound. If there was only some way to extrapolate current trends into the future. If Polaroid could have somehow projected the adverse impact that digital cameras would have on its business. If buggy whip manufacturers could have just predicted what horseless carriages meant for its industry. If only LL could project what decreasing concurrency means for its business.


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I want specifics Peggy, not "Linden Lab is doing exactly what they want to do" because obviously, they're going to do what they want to do as they've always done but, how much of this is what the community wants and how much of this is what the community needs to maintain and grow?

If Linden Lab really is "out of touch" which may or may not be the case, but if they are, I think now is the time they should let everyone know just how "in touch" they are wililng to be by becoming more transparent and forthcoming esepcially as a new year is soon to begin. 

i want to know that Linden Lab has a game-plan, something in the works and is focused on identifying on-going problems and actually working towards solving them. I want to know what is on their mind, what is going on in their meetings, what they think is most improtant to improve because I think many people feel in their guts that change is needed and it's hard to shift momentum, as mentioned, when you're half way down the hill but, again, it's not my game or business and certainly not my responsibility nor the communities, thankfully, because I don't see Second Life going anywhere without addressing those things working against it's growth.

Success depends on leadersihp and innovation and this ultimately makes or breaks a business, not the community who has already shown a willingness to spend excessive amounts of money for virtual goods and services and as they say,

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail". 

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