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Mikki Miles

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what kind of error is this:



I tried to upload a model (I didn't even try to add a custom physics model, I'm not able to select one, since that button is greyed out from the very start), and it gives that error.

The protocol is not quite helpful, I find the same statement there, but nothing that enlightens me. Anybody have a hint for me?



I tested with a different model that I already uploaded succesful before, with the same result... :matte-motes-frown:

I am not amused



tried from my MBP; same here, no upload at all. Can that issue be account related?

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yes, I saw that. My file is not nearly that big, it's 2 mb.

It seems that I can't upload anything, not from my iMac (lion), neither from the windows (bootcamp) partition using windows 7, and that's the same even with files I succesfully upoaded earlier (days, weeks, months ago).

Quite frustrating...

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the logfile (hopefully I found the right file) says this:

2011-11-27T22:24:37Z WARNING: completed: upload failed
2011-11-27T22:24:37Z WARNING: log_upload_error: stage: upload http status: 500
2011-11-27T22:24:37Z WARNING: log_upload_error: err: {'identifier':'NewAgentInventory_ServerError','message':'Failed to upload to asset system.'}
2011-11-27T22:24:37Z WARNING: log_upload_error: mesh upload failed, stage 'upload' error '', message 'Failed to upload to asset system.', id 'NewAgentInventory_ServerError'
2011-11-27T22:24:37Z WARNING: LLToastAlertPanel::LLToastAlertPanel: Alert: Kasten_001-mesh konnte nicht hochgeladen werden: Failed to upload to asset system. NewAgentInventory_ServerError

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Well that doesn't help much no...looks like a server error, but erm, that's what you already knew. The messages don't say anything about corrupt data or any problems with the mesh itself, so I wouldn't suspect the files. The viewer should be fine aswell. I have no issues and you have issues on all your machines.

It's a long shot, but maybe resetting your modem helps.

EDIT From what I read a 500 error is not anything that can be fixed from your side. Let's hope it's temporary, (if not, file  a JIRA or use the support channel). SL servers are always a bit unstable in the weekends in my experience.....



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Aditi: Can't upload mesh, can't rez from inventory, can't rez attachments, can't take objects to inventory, can't delete rezzed object, and I bet a lot more asset-related issues. Aditi is hosed right now and it looks like an Asset server issue of some kind.


I find it bizarre that you, Kwak, are having NO problems. :) IN any case I'm pretty sure MY problems have nothing to do with Mikki's MODEM. heehe!



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