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Sim closing duties of a manager (?)

Freecilla Kuhn

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Hi, I was the manager at four sims that I think have all been closed. I can not be 100% sure since when I ask SL they say I have to contact the land owner, (which makes sense to me). Last month the sims were in limbo but since then I have not gotten a reply from the owner since. I think there is some type of time limit a sim(s) can be in limbo until SL closes it if the bills are not paid but I can not find out what the limit is. If there is a limit does it take into consideration if it is a non profit charity organization set of sims? Aside from that I am getting many requests for rent payback that I no longer have, the owner has it, as well as requests for people wanting to get their art work back as we had an art show for the entire month of September with 30 artists. I do not think anyone has gotten any of the objects back as I have not gotten any of my objects back from SL into my Lost and Found folder and I had thousands of objects both that I made and that I bought which are no copy. Right now all I can do is refer people to the sim owner as SL tells me that's all I can do but that seems like I am just putting it off on someone else as I am powerless to do anything else. What else could I do to assist people without looking as if I am throwing my hands up in the air?

Oh yes I forgot to mention a ticket was submitted.

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Not really much more you can do, I am afraid. Just explain to the former tenants that you're as much left in the lurch as they are, and that they have toi take it up with the sim owner. The residents can try to submit a ticket to LL to get the sims temporarily re-opened so they can get their content back, but after more than 30 days it's harder to do that. Not impossible, just harder to get LL to open them.

Ideally the sim owner should submit that ticket, and notify the tenants when the sims are briefly back. Perhaps LL will take into account that you are the estate manager, and allow you to also submit a ticlet to temporarily re-open the sim, on behalf of the former owner and their tenants. There was a time when LL considered the Estate Manager of a sim to be a concierge-level custimer, with regards to requests for that sim or group of sims. Not sure if LL will still take that into account.

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You may want to request asap that they put the sim back on line for a limited time in order for people to retrieve their things.  I rented on a sim that went poof without warning because the tier wasn't paid by the owner.  We asked Linden Lab directly to do this and they did because some of the items lost were no copy.   The time was very limited though, only part of a day for a few hours.  If your dealing with a lot of vendors or tenants, see if they will do this and schedule it for a time a few days in the future so that you have a chance to notify people and they can make any arrangements they need to in order to be online.

As far as refunds, just be honest and tell people that you were the manager only and the owner has all the funds.  That it is not your responsibility to refund their money from your pocket as you are an employee only.  Explain that you too have been trying to contact the owner without any success yet.  Chances are his account has been suspended if he owes money to LL and you won't hear from him until or unless he pays his bill.   To help smooth things for yourself, you can tell them that if you hear from the owner you'll tell him and let them know too, if you will follow through on this, but don't lie if you won't.   Once you explain the facts of life to them, if they continue to bother you about it,  I just wouldn't respond.

Chances are though that the owner no longer has their money anyway if he couldn't pay the tier.  Unfortunately, a lot of landlords spend the money as soon as they get it and not save it towards tier, so this is all too common.  Its the best reason to always rent from an estate that has been around for a while and that is stable.  It is also a good example of why as a manager, you should always insist that all rent monies be paid directly to the owner and not you. Rent systems are available that the owner can buy and give you managemnet access to.  That way there is no question that you have money to refund them.

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  • 1 year later...

I have some rent  owe to me since the sim is close [12:20]  CasperLet Mesh Meter v1.20: This rental has 1 month, 3 weeks, 3 days, 3 minutes and 7 seconds left. and I do not know how to get it or get in touch with the person or persons I im the guy that own the land and he did not answer me back.I want to know how I get the money back I tryed every thing.Thank you

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