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Creating One Building Across Two Sims

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Valerie is right that you cannot join land on either side of a region boundary into a single package. However, if you have build rights on both sides, you can make a structure that spans the boundary. There is a good example at the north-east corner of Linden Estate Sevices, that extends into four regions. That doesn't mean it's simple. All the prims will have to be located in one or the other regions. The problem with that is that a prim based in one region has no physical/collision existence in the other. This means you need all sorts of special work-arounds, which are liable to failure. It's just like sim crossings on roads or bridges, which you can often fall through. You can receive chat across the boundary, but I don't know about voice, as I don't use it.

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Assuming that you own at adjacent parcels on two, you can easily place a building spanning the boundary.  

There will still be a sim boundary and the boundary may cause problems for people crossing it.  

You cannot join the parcels but you can set them so text chat will carry across the boundary.  

Voice will not carry across the sim boundary unless you create a single estate including the 2 sims.  

You can, of course, set the music stream to the same url in both parcels 

You may want to look at this article:

Land 201: Advanced land management-summary



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OK, here's a mini-tutorial from someone who has actually done this:

1: Yes, you can make a viable building and venue that spans multiple regions (sims). The Lindens do it a lot for their larger stages at the SL Birthday bashes and at several permenant settings. Spanning two or even four regions is possible, and you can have a full region's participants in each actual sim in the venue. They quite commonly set them up at the corner where 4 sims meet, with three sims for audiance members, and one for the stage where the presenters are. Everyone can hear both text chat and voice chat across all 4 sims. Everyone can see multimedia and hear the sound from all 4 sims.

2: As someone else stated, you need to have the land on each side have the same owner and be in the same 'Estate' for Voice and chat to work smoothly across the sim border. (That doesn't mean the sims or parcels merge. It just means that the parcels are all in the same management group in the Estate controls.) You can not "join" the land into a single parcel that spans both estates and shares prim count.

3: To build across a sim edge is easy. Build half the prims on each side. The prims in sim A are linked to a root prim in sim A, and the prims in sim B are linked to a root prim in sim B. Each section is subject to the parcel prim limits in its native parcel. You do NOT want to build all of it on one side, and push it over into the other sim, because any prims linked to a root prim in some other sim are phantom to you if you are in a different sim. So building all on one side makes half the build intangible.

4: At the sim edge, you do have a potential sim crossing issue. When you cross from A to B, there is a moment there while one simulator passes your avatar control off to the other, but hasn't yet had a chance to tell your viewer what prims really exist where in the new sim. This causes you to fall through the prims on the other side as if they were phantom.

You fix this by adding an extension from the prims on each side into the other side, so as you leave, the system knows you still have a solid floor ahead of you for several more meters. Now, you can't link a prim in sim B to other prims in sim A. But you CAN link a prim in sim A to prims in sim A, and then "edit linked" to push that prim past the sim edge, into the other sim. As long as it remains linked, it will be part of sim A's linkset. So for the half of the building on sim A, make one extra prim for the floor (or several if the edge in question is more than the current 64 M prim size limit in length), about 5 M wide and as long as is needed for the sim edge in that building,and position it near the sim edge, but still in sim A. Link it to the sim A side of the building, clicking on this new prim first, and then on the linked prims, so you keep the original root prim of the linked parts. Now do an edit linked parts, select the extension prim, and push it over the edge, and down to floor height. Texture it 100% alpha, using the transparent texture from the library. Repeat this on sim B's side. Now, each half of the building has an invisible extension that the system knows about, and you don't fall through the floor. (Same trick is also used for making a bridge that connects two sims).

If it matters to you, the same extensions can be done for the walls and ceiling, to prevent people from passing through the wall just as they cross the edge while moving at an angle, but that isn't usually enough of a problem to bother with.

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  • 3 years later...

Ceera, I've just tried this and it works very well, thank you.  I found I had to make two 'platforms',  one with the root prim in Sim A and one with root prim in Sim B, so they cross over, one going east-west and the other going west-east.  I sank both into the floor inside each other and it works.  It's solved a big problem for me too, so thank you.

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