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Help! I can't login :-(((

Alien Sun

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Every time I attempt to login it fails just as the login screen is about to give way to the in-world view and I get a message telling me something to the effect that the graphics driver and the open GL driver no longer communicate. Friends are able to see my avatar but I can't log in to control it. I wait until it poofs, try again and get the same fail message. I have reinstalled my graphics drivers several times to no effect.

My computer setup is: Pentium-D 3.4gHz, 3gB RAM, Nvidia GT440 w/1gB RAM, Intel D945PVS motherboard. Strangely the same graphics card was able to log into SL on my friends' computer with all features enabled including lighting, shadows and D-o-F although it was a bit slow.


Update #1: I just managed to log in at Low settings with all features turned off. Everything looked very blocky. What can I do to use the regular features that I used to be able to use with my old Nvidia 8400 GS?

Update #2: I was able to log in with everything set to high w/ anti-aliasing @ 4X but had to have basic shaders switched off. The moment I attempted to enable them I got the video driver to open GL driver fail message :-(((


BTW, the crash logger fails every time.

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Update #4: Able to log in with Kirstens Viewer although anti-aliasing doesn't appear to work. Shame about the LL viewer as I'd rather use it. Will try Firestorm next.

Update #5: Anti-aliasing problem w/ Kirsten Viewer fixed by using the Nvidia control panel.

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Hello Alien! I experienced exactly the same problem on my computer:

Q6600 CPU, Asus P5K WS motherboard, 4gB RAM, Nvidia GT440 w/1gB RAM, 1TB HDD, Win7 Ulitmate 64-bit. Nividia 285.62 drivers, SL Viewer 3.1.

Features enabled in Viewer 3.1: Transparent Water, Bump Mapping & Shiny, Local Lights Basic Shaders, Atmospheric Shaders, Minimal water reflections, High post-process quality. Reducing the draw distance *and* logging in at Rodeo worked but I never had to do anything so drastic before.

I haven't been able to find a fix for your login problem but I can assure you that you're not alone. To clarify for the sake of readers / lurkers: we both have Nvidia GT 440 graphics cards. I bought one and then was given a second one so I gave my original one to Alien as it was way better than the Nvidia 8400 GS she had before.

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And again :-(((


Here's the login & fail sequence:

logging in...
initializing world...
requesting region capabilities...
decoding images...
loading world...
downloading clothing...




Error Code 7.jpg

I was redirected to this page but it doesn't seem to be much help: Timeout Detection and Recovery of GPUs through WDDM

We're getting desperate here. it looks as if we'll only be able to login using Kirsten's Viewer as the LL viewer fails most of the time. Please, if anyone at LL is reading these threads, fix you viewer.


I did find that if I set my viewer to log in at Rodeo [Forest of Karuhvel] rather than my home I have a better chance of successfully logging in.

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Meh.... managed to get as far as logging in this time. Saw my avatar cloud thingy and then the viewer crashed.


Update: I tried LL Viewer 3.1 again. I was able to log in with atmospheric shaders disabled and then successfully enable them after logging in without crashing. Whether this is a repeatable login sequence remains to be seen.

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Alazarin Mondrian wrote:

And again :-(((


Here's the login & fail sequence:

logging in...

initializing world...

requesting region capabilities...

decoding images...

loading world...

downloading clothing...




Error Code 7.jpg

I was redirected to this page but it doesn't seem to be much help:

We're getting desperate here. it looks as if we'll only be able to login using Kirsten's Viewer as the LL viewer fails most of the time. Please, if anyone at LL is reading these threads, fix you viewer.


I did find that if I set my viewer to log in at Rodeo [Forest of Karuhvel] rather than my home I have a better chance of successfully logging in.


Hello Alazarin. Maybe it sounds odd, but i think that you will resolve this issue if you clear your cache manually. So, delete all contests at the following folders:

  • C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife
  • C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife
  • C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Kirsten

Follow same paths in your hard disk if you have more viewers installed in your computer. For example:

C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ PhoenixViewer

You can except only the folder with your name into the folder SecondLife if you want to keep your private conversations which are saved in your computer, coping it in another position in your hard disk. The folder is:

 C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife \ alazarin_mondrian

If the folder Appdata is hidden --> Windows Tools \ Folder Options \ View & enable Show Hidden Files/Folders

When you finish restart your computer and try to log in again. See if that helps. Good luck.

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So do I. I tried Love Angel's suggestion and it crashed my computer :-((( Will try again. Why should it take over an hour and multiple attempts to log into SL???


BTW... I have all the viewer caches on a different partition on my computer's HD. It makes them easier find to clear out.


OK.... I managed to successfuly login after the failed attempt that crashed my computer. This is disturbing. It's not as if my computer is underpowered or anything. Up until the release of viewer 3.x it always logged in first time every time. My internet connection is good and I know Alien also has a good connection. This is driving me to despair.

Love Angel, your suggestion worked once. Looks like the only way Alien or myself will be able to log into SL is without atmospheric shaders enabled. Bleh.


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Hello again, Love Angel. Second Life means alot to us. Alazarin, DeForest, WallaSan and myself do our shows here at our home venue on the mainland. It's not that we get big crowds or anything but it's been a fantastic focal point and motivator for us to actually write, rehearse and perform our music. Simply put: without Second Life we probably wouldn't even have bothered. So being able to log into SL is somewhat important for us. That's why the login problems are so frustrating.

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Alazarin Mondrian wrote:

 I was able to log in with atmospheric shaders disabled and then successfully enable them after logging in without crashing. Whether this is a repeatable login sequence remains to be seen.

Obviously that means that your system can't handle better performance. Normally with an NVIDIA GT440 should be able to enable Atmospheric shaders without any problems but no something more (Lightings and shadows, Ambient occlusion etc).

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Alien Sun wrote:

Hello again, Love Angel. Second Life means alot to us. Alazarin, DeForest, WallaSan and myself do our shows here at our home venue on the mainland. It's not that we get big crowds or anything but it's been a fantastic focal point and motivator for us to actually write, rehearse and perform our music. Simply put: without Second Life we probably wouldn't even have bothered. So being able to log into SL is somewhat important for us. That's why the login problems are so frustrating.


Absolutely understandable.

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I rolled back my video drivers by uninstalling the current drivers, running DriverSweeper and then doing a fresh install of the Nvidia 270.61 drivers. Not only was I able to log in first time but I think LL Viewer 3.1 even runs faster with the old drivers! I'm sorting out Alien's computer and, with luck, that should fix things for her as well.


3 out of 3 successful logins with the Nvidia 270.61 drivers. Lookin' good.

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