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Looking for a Clothing creator!

Requiem Lytham

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 I'm very new to the whole clothing thing. I have never created anything, mainly because I am not too savy on the building bit. But I love to design! What I am looking for, is someone who is willing to create both of our ideas and sell them in one store as partners. 50/50. I'm not sure if this is possible or really how to do this exactly.

 My designs are pretty basic, I believe. They mainly consist of lingerie and what I like to call, "Dream Wear." It's custom creations based on someone's dream whether it be nightmares or erotic dreams, dream wear! Pretty simple, really.

 So, if anyone is interested in position, I would truly appreciate it and it will be completely worth it!

Contact me by email: rosebush128@gmail.com . In the subject, just say Creator or Job or something of the like.


Thank you,



P.S.. Advice on this subject would be lovely.

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 I'm very new to the whole clothing thing. I have never created anything, mainly because I am not too savy on the building bit. But I love to design! What I am looking for, is someone who is willing to create both of our ideas and sell them in one store as partners. 50/50. I'm not sure if this is possible or really how to do this exactly.

 My designs are pretty basic, I believe. They mainly consist of lingerie and what I like to call, "Dream Wear." It's custom creations based on someone's dream whether it be nightmares or erotic dreams, dream wear! Pretty simple, really.

 So, if anyone is interested in position, I would truly appreciate it and it will be completely worth it!

Contact me by email: rosebush128@gmail.com . In the subject, just say Creator or Job or something of the like.


Thank you,



P.S.. Advice on this subject would be lovely.

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You might also want to look into a few building/clothing creation tutorials. That's how everyone started, really - trial and error, and tutorials from other people. Look into creating textures, specifically for clothing. Check out sculpting clothing and flexies. Whatever seems relevant, and don't be afraid to follow links from one tutorial to the next.

As has already been said, many quality creators already have their own successful stores, selling their own designs. They don't want or need to go into business with someone else. You may find an up-and-comer somewhere who would be willing to help, but it's a toss-up on how good their skills might be.

You can also sell early creations on the marketplace, if you want to give creating a try. Start simple, and sell cheap. Practice makes perfect, but no one's going to pay a bunch of $L for a first creation lingerie set unless you turn out to be an SL creating prodigy ^_^

Good luck!

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As a designer in SL, the design is not the hard part. Sorry. It's the work to develope the outfit. 50/50 is not reasonable. The most work comes from the person crunched over Photoshop for hours, and working on prims inworld. You should learn to make clothing. It's tedious work. In fact, it's extremely difficult IMO. As for designs...most creators have their own designs in mind. That's the fun part. Another thing is you have to understand how the clothing in SL is made before you can design it. When you go to design you have to think about many things, such as how something will be reproduced and attached to the avatar. You might create a great design but it might be nearly impossible to recreate it in SL with our limited tools. If you really love to design, learn the tools to make clothing here. But, you never know! Good luck!

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I have to agree with Faye on most of her points, Requiem.  Here's an example.  I just created a set of lingerie and a corset for my store.  I plan to release the undies and the corset separately, in a dozen colors each.  So I need 24 mannequins (or 22 and an ad photo).  That means I need front and back photos inworld with a mannequin avie, with a white background that I'll have to turn transparent in a PNG.  48 photos (24x2), which I'll have to photoshop.   That's just the in-store displays.  The Marketplace ads will take another 24 images in photoshop (with fancy skin and hair that I had to buy), adding descriptions...  The ad work alone on this project will take 40 hours at least.

That's after spending 40 hours setting up the 5 panty styles and making sure the bra looked right and the edges align, and the corset needed the upper and lower textures to blend perfectly, and the prim attachments had to align, and I had to check and double-check permissions on everything...  Several temp uploads in Phoenix to check textures and alingment...  so the project may end up being 80-100 hours altogether.

The actual concept took me... maybe 10 minutes?

So I'm not sure a 50/50 split is fair.

I used to do custom work, and charge ridiculously low prices because I figured I could resell the same design with a few adjustments to make it have a more universal appeal.  What I found is that the time it takes to make an outfit is almost always going to be more hours than you think it will take, and if I was to charge minimum wage (in California that's $8usd/hr) , that's roughly L$2000/hr.  So this undies line is going to "cost" me (if I paid myself minimum wage), about L$160,000 to make!  Fornutately, I work for myself for free!  :)

There are some designers out there who work in teams and use the marketing machine of a big name to market their items.  If you were willing to bring a great marketing plan in with your design ideas, and would be willing to spend equal (or more) time doing marketing, then you might have a shot at getting a designer on board.

Partnering with someone has inherent risks also, because of the issues around IP rights and potential theft.  Your partner may run off with their creations (because let's face it, how do you prove they're yours if someone else made them?), and go sell them in a bunch of stores you don't know about... keeping 100% of the profits.  Not saying it happens, but anything is possible.  You'd probably want to meet this partner IRL and sign a legal partnership agreement.

I'll wish you luck!

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