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Increase the Group Land Tier Bonus

Knowl Paine

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Currently, Land Owned by a Group, receives a 10% Bonus in the form of allowed use of additional Tier. 

I don't know what a fair Increase would be. There are many factors that need to be considered. I suspect that an entirely new Bonus system may be required.

All Residents should have the ability to participate in the Bonus system. The Type of Land you own should be given consideration and recognition in any new system.

The greatest Bonus should be given to Groups with the least amount of land. As a Group acquires additional Land, the Bonus factor decreases.

I do not object to Residents using the Bonus system for profit or personal gain. I would like for the system to have some restrictions in use.

I welcome any comments, insights, additions and or opinions about this topic.




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i owned a live music venue, the performers were expensive, and although i took donations, i never covered even 5 percent of my costs. i didnt charge people to come. I could have used some leeway as i was doing it to help others, but i got nada and eventually had to close it down. i used to get up to 40 ppl at one time, so i figure ppl that have simms that are free to users should get help, unless you want them closing down and leaving sl as a hopeless expensive game.

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I was talking about including Whole Region and Estate Owners.

As I understand it, a Region owner does not get a Bonus for Group Land owned by the Region owner. If this is correct, I would like to find a way to include those Residents, but, I wouldn't want the Bonus to just be converted into equaling X% off the Fee for their Region.

The idea would be for the Region Owner to use their Bonus @10%  to acquire 6,500sqm of Mainland to rent, sell, or for other public or private Group use. 

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I quite like the mainland, its a completely different SL from life on private estates & over the years I`ve owned quite a lot of land there at different times, even when I had 3 sims to hangout on I still liked to keep a bit of real SL.

I have downsized a lot now so all I have left is dinky little 1120sqm parcel. There is a lot of abandoned land nearby so I would happily extend it if LL was gonna give me a bonus for having my sim. :)

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

While exploring the ideal give away formula for groups perhaps someone could remind us why groups get a bonus in the first place.

Good question. No idea what the original thinking was, the result is obviously that it encourages people to deed land to a group, but there must be some benefit to LL to have them do that.

The only one I can think of is that maybe it reduces support tickets because in most cases more than one person is able to manage the land when it is group owned, if anything happens to the primary owners account. But that is a total guess lol

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The reasons "why" there is a Group land tier bonus have never been fully defined by LL. Many solid conclusions can be drawn from observation of known results. Two of the most obvious results of Group Land are profits generated by tier and socialization amongst Residents.

I've always been a Mainlander. Teamwork is almost absent in every mainland region. It is diffcult to gauge how much another Resident cares about SL and if they have given any real consideration to SL.

Consideration noun 1. the act of considering; careful thought; meditation; deliberation: I will give your project full consideration. 2. something that is or is to be kept in mind

Consideration is the concept of legal value in connection with contracts. It is anything of value promised to another when making a contract. It can take the form of money ...

I have my motives and they are not secrets. An influx of skilled and dedicated Residents onto the Mainland would improve any Region they inhabit. I live on the Mainland and would welcome additional Residents who actually know what they are doing.

I'm sure LL has their reasons.  



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I have ideas about why LL offers a 10% bonus, but, I don't think LL has ever made a public statement to declare and define why.

I read through some of the links you provided, ty. One link is six pages long, I did not read every comment.

I disagree that the result would only be "more of the same".

At the current bonus of 10%, a Resident's Group would have to own a minimum of 5,120 sqm before that Group would qualify for a mere 512sqm Bonus plot. Not much of a bonus and not really helping.

Excluding Private Regions owners from participating is not a fair Policy. The Bonus policy was created a long time ago by Lindens who may not even work here anymore.

In the links your provided, many Residents expressed concern about Land Baron's and Residents who might game the system. These are valid concerns but should not be the reason why LL cannot try something new.

I was hoping that other Residents would pitch-in and contribute their ideas about how to improve the system. I believe that with some cooperation, we could create and define an improved system. Residents know the system better than LL, we could close as many loopholes as possible in the formation of a new system.

The current system, loopholes and all, will most certainly produce, "more of the same" 



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