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This Forum is a Crock

Mickey Vandeverre

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Ya'll are cool :)

but bottom line is....

it's their forum.

my bottom line is....

you take away every single thing that made the virtual world special....and that list is getting really short in my book.....

having a voice and participating with others without being harassed and badgered and hounded and called a bigot???

they take that away....

I'm outta here

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There is a CTUG (Community Tools User Group) meeting on Thursday, 1 Sept at 1PM SLT.  The meeting location and forming agenda are posted here http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Community_Tools_User_Group

While I have been unable to attend in the last couple of months, I plan to be there Thursday and encourage you to come as well with specific examples.  Lexie does listen.

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To create an agenda topic, login by clicking 'login' in the upper right corner of the link I posted.  Enter your SL username and password

The same page will refresh and you can edit by clicking the 'edit' tab along the top of the page.  After editing, save page, and log out.

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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

Oh, I don't know, Storm.  Maybe that I've been castigated, by no less in fact than the current OP, for making similar complaints in the past?



Ther'e's no news like old news.

I never knew you to sit down when the time to stand up would have been the 'right' thing to do.  Oh well, we all change.

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https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Community_Tools_User_Group is where you can add agenda items.  But, unfortunately I will not be here next Thursday.  It's ok to add items to the agenda now though so they are listed.  


@ thread participants:  I am going to move this thread to the feedback forum. 


A Reminder:  Moderators are only human.  They treat everyone the same under the guidelines.  If you have a question on the guidelines and how they are being applied, contact me or one of the moderators. Reasonable and calm discussion goes a long away.  Thanks

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My questions are already sitting here.

You ignored them...while you catered to forum abusers.

NO - you do not treat people fairly....

and you are not even subtle about it.

My report will be presented elsewhere.

Of all the crazy stuff that LL throws to the merchants on any given day.....survive it all.

But this is Last Straw.

You dissed a long term customer.  Big Time.

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Storm Clarence wrote:

Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

Oh, I don't know, Storm.  Maybe that I've been castigated, by no less in fact than the current OP, for making similar complaints in the past?



Ther'e's no news like old news.

I never knew you to sit down when the time to stand up would have been the 'right' thing to do.  Oh well, we all change.

Who said I was sitting down?  Do my comments sound like those of someone who is happy with the current state of affairs? 

I've had as many, perhaps more, OPs pulled from this forum for no good reason than anyone here. I have been accused of "intolerance" over a satirical thread that was actually attacking intolerance, and have had more than one merely playful thread yanked under god-only-knows-what justification.  I have a dog in this fight too.


Don't mistake war-weariness and a certain relishing of irony, for submission or complacency.

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If we think to regulate printing, thereby to rectify manners, we must regulate all recreations and pastimes, all that is delightful to man.
No music must be heard, no song be set or sung, but what is grave and Doric. There must be licensing of dancers, that no gesture, motion, or deportment be taught our youth, but what by their allowance shall be thought honest; for such Plato was provided of. It will ask more than the work of twenty licensers to examine all the lutes, the violins, and the guitars in every house; they must not be suffered to prattle as they do, but must be licensed what they may say. And who shall silence all the airs and madrigals that whisper softness in chambers?


I fear yet this iron yoke of outward conformity hath left a slavish print upon our necks; the ghost of a linen decency yet haunts us. 

                                                                                                  John Milton,
The Areopagitica

 Let the music be heard, Lexie.  All of it.

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Mickey Vandeverre wrote:


Oh sheesh, here we go again. English teachers for immigrants must be the most racist people on Earth in your world. You know what I find racist? Holding ESLers to a lesser standard than native English speakers because we supposedly can't talk or write like real people. This pejorative and insulting opinion usually goes hand in hand with the equally insulting notion that ESLers are also unable to fully comprehend real people language.

In other words, it is the opinion that lack of comprehension displayed by an individual ESLer is not just an intellectual deficit of this particular person, but instead a common trait of all second language speakers. This implicates that we ESLers, by and large, lack both the cognitive skills necessary to understand others and the ability to express ourselves adequately.

Being an ESLer myself, I find this very offensive. I don't want to be held to a lesser standard. I don't need to be. I'm not a gorilla that has been taught the basics of sign language or a horse with rudimentary math skills. People with my ethnic background are just as capable to read, comprehend, and compose English texts as native speakers. Those of us who don't bother to hone their language skills before attempting to participate in intellectual discourse fully deserve criticism.

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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Mickey Vandeverre wrote:

I don't feel like looking up the word "castigated"

if you have something on your mind, spell it out normally

Just to illustrate my above point: I'm an ESLer, and I didn't have to look it up. There is no need to treat ESLers with silk gloves.

You are clearly not "normal" then, Ishy.

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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Mickey Vandeverre wrote:

I don't feel like looking up the word "castigated"

if you have something on your mind, spell it out normally

Just to illustrate my above point: I'm an ESLer, and I didn't have to look it up. There is no need to treat ESLers with silk gloves.

You are clearly not "normal" then, Ishy.


I never claimed to be :P I recently had a look at the Simple English Wikipedia. If that is normal language fit for the general public as well as ESLers, I don't want to be normal.

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I was sort of jiving with you  :)

but jive talk not allowed.

no yiddish or pig latin allowed

I'll even step it up a notch and try not to say "ain't" too many times, and go easy on the southern speak.

maybe even throw in some big words.

but it must stay on topic.

or it will get removed....like the very simple question thread was removed.

dang...wish I had kept a copy of that entire thread.

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