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Mega prims - changing sims to Magnum

Cully Andel

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We've all been told if we've lost the ability to make megas /  mesh then we should ask for our sims to be transferred to the Magnum server. What I can't seem to find out is how long it takes for a sim to be transferred to a new server.

I know there's probably a few people waiting and I'm not on about the delay in going through the list, I'm just curious from a mega prim point of view, how long it would normally take for this to be done.

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I am not sure of the answer but if you only want to make specific megaprims for your use on your own sim then the best way is to make them in a Magnum sandbox and move them back to your own sim.  They will retain their shape etc. in any other sim as long as you don't alter their size.

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Yes HItoni that is an option, but when you're making prims as you go along (ie you need to alter them to fit as you go along) the sandboxes are limited especially as we own a sim and the building is designed for there.

We were enabled and now we're not. We have asked to be put on to Magnum but no one seems to want to tell us how long this would normally take.

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I gathered up my build (Its a sim wide space station)....and on the advice of groups and forum contributors I rezzed it in sandbox 9 ...it appeared in sandbox 8, of course in my own region I can set up my build precisely using building tools I have...

In sand box 8 pieces of my station were shooting off in all directions, disappearing, failing to resize not responding to 'control and z' to restore them to where they were.... not to mention the presence of 'ghost prims'

Something tells me 64m prims wont be in force any time soon for while they seemed to be working okay a few days ago - their performance doesnt seem quite so satisfactory now.


Basically I think Lindens should have stuck with working on - and improving the inworld building system but of course why bother when you can tell people go buy some complicated software and import your builds (at additional cost of course)...

I thought the current ceo was trying to encourage creation in world....

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Erm... where is all of this being announced? I constantly run into SL-related news bits and information snippets that are being passed on by residents, but where does Linden Lab originally announce all these things? Do we have to keep an eye on Rodvik's private Twitter feed or something, or is it all just one big game of Chinese whispers?

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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Erm... where is all of this being announced? I constantly run into SL-related news bits and information snippets that are being passed on by residents, but where does Linden Lab originally announce all these things? Do we have to keep an eye on Rodvik's private Twitter feed or something, or is it all just one big game of Chinese whispers?

I agree that official communication is very poor - especially as many people do not know that their land or the land they are visiting is not on the main server channel.

The best place to look is alway the 'Deploys for the week...' post by Oskar Linden in http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/bd-p/SecondLifeServer.

Also a good way for checking out all the technical changes that are or will be happenning in SL is to look at Nalates' very good blog at http://blog.nalates.net/.

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The information and communication is in the sim name.  "Release Candidate".  That is to say, this may eventually become standard sim code after some public testing reveals it to be within a reasonable stability and functionality. (^_^)

You can't expect a release candidate to be stable or even an example of what the resulting release will be.  It's still under test.  If you're building in an RC sim, be it Magnum, Le Tigre, or mesh; you're testing the code.  If the test fails, the features you've used that led to the failure will be patched and/r removed. (^_^)

RC sims aren't simply for you to build in.  They're for you to help test the new features being introduced.  Yes, free QA labour for the lab.  If you don't want to be part of it, don't use the existing features under test. (^_^)

You have been told if you want to volunteer to test the mesh release candidate to ask for your sim to be transferred to the Magnum RC server channel.  Nobody promised you megaprims or mesh.  You signed up to demonstrate how mesh will function in regular every day building.  (^_^)

Understand that one of the conditions of building on a Magnum/Mesh RC sim is that all mesh assets created during the RC perriod may be deleted at release time if any fundamental changes are made in the sim code. (^_^)y



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No, we didn't sign up to test anything, nor were we aware that the sim we pay a lot of money for every month was being used for testing. we were not asked nor told of this. When we asked to be mesh enabled, we were not told then, nor were we told it could be removed just like that.

We were told to ask to be moved to Magnum, which we have done. What I'm having difficulty finding out from anyone is how long does it usually take to transfer from one server to another??? We've been told to ask for it and we have, so how long does it usually take?


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Isnt it nice to pay 200 dollars tier plus the premium payment, get a nice new feature only to have it withdrawn and then be told - after the event - that youre a guinea pig for linden labs ??

Not the sort of customer service Id expect....nor to have 'non linden' forum users (for  want of a better word) telling us what we should and shouldnt expect for our money....

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A lot of it is announced on the Linden Blogs.  For example, Torley Linden's "Mesh Update: Part Deux" states: "Because we’re rolling out mesh-upload capability across the Main Grid over the next few weeks,  mesh is not going to be available everywhere all at once. But, you can get a preview. Ready to try mesh? Here are a few steps ...."   Also, as others mention, the server release notes provide info also, such as the magnum beta release notes.

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An easy way to get an answer is to post the question as an agenda item in the Beta Server Group. If your at the meeting you will likely get an answer. Otherwise you will have to wait for them to post the meeting minutes.

You can also try Oskar Linden's feed and see if he responds.

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A large part of the information comes from the Office hours meetings. There are 10 to 30 people that will attend a meeting. They start to spread the word. Things get lost in translation. Plus things change over time. For instance the Lindens said in one meeting that after roll out mesh upload would go to L$150 plus complexity. A couple of weeks later things had changed and now it will be something less than L$150 and something more than L$10.

I attend several office hours (user groups now) meetings and post a summary if I think it is of general interst to those readng my blog. I must be doing something right as my daily reader count is growing.

For the server related things I have page devoted to that. You'll find it in the menu. SL Server Related.

Mega Prims

I think we need to redefine mega-prims. Mega-prims are those prims that are larger than anything we can build in SL. Previously that was anything with a dimension larger than 10m in X, Y, or Z. Now the limit is becoming 64m. I consider mega-prims anything over 64m. Anything under 64m is just a prim... or a large prim if your trying to distingish between and old and new prim size.

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TY Hit0mi. I apprecaite the kind words.

Server stuff is an out of sync section of my blog. Changes happen to the servers on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday they tells us what was happening the week before the recent roll outs. Plus they mix in news that is current as of Thursday afternoon. 

It don't blame the Lindens for poor communiation in this regard. They are dealing with a complex real time process. An hour after the meeting everything may change. Oskar may or may not post information about changes, problems, or new plans depending on how pressed he is to get something working. Plus an emergency or screw up by another team may force a complete change in plans or even force a roll back, which they can't possibly have foreseen.

So, it is hard to get accurate information on what is happening at any given moment. The SL Blogs and forum are good sources of information. In regard to SL servers my articles are a combination of the information I find on SL Blogs, SL Forum, the Linden profile feeds, Twitter, and some third party developers... and some personal experience.

While the communication could be better, considering that these are production people doing the communicating it is pretty good in general.

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My sim was one of the first to be transferred to the RC Mesh server (no release notes on RC Mesh server).  To sign up, you have to be one of Mesh Live volunteers, but LL has quit taking sims.  Only took a day to be transferred. It was on RC Magnum server in the past..   You can use mega prims on the RC Mesh Server.  I used the SALT hud to make a 256 x 256 prim, and used on the RC Mesh Server.  Although, I just use mega's to build with, but not in a build.  If you want to use the new regular prims, that are up to 64 x 64 x 64, then download the new LL Mesh viewer 3 or Kirstens viewer.  Sorry, Firestorm won't work at the moment.


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