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Apple now has more cash to spend than the United States government.

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It's the truth about England.  Either you deal with it or you don't.  The choice is up to you.

But pretty much if I had to tell the truth, England is a laughing stock in America.  It's an extremely poorly run country with almost nothing to export but Prince William and his wife to come to America and play a polo match for $400 dollars a seat.  I wouldn't pay 1 dollar for that nonsense.  Not even a dime.  You send your princes over here to play polo matches, that's about your biggest export and your biggest tourist attraction from which most American's could care less about some "royal".  That's dark ages to many of us, and the brunt of a lot of jokes.

There's an old saying if you can't take it... and you should know the rest from there. 

And you can search google yourself for how much debt England is in.  Pick one, anyone; there were a lot to chose from.  Just google and check it out yourself. 

Here, I'll even help you with the keywords.  Just type in:  how much debt is England in, and you will find them; there's lots of links to chose from!

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Mayalily wrote:

It's the truth about England.  Either you deal with it or you don't.  The choice is up to you.

But pretty much if I had to tell the truth, England is a laughing stock in America.  It's an extremely poorly run country with almost nothing to export but Prince William and his wife to come to America and play a polo match for $400 dollars a seat.  I wouldn't pay 1 dollar for that nonsense.  Not even a dime.  You send your princes over here to play polo matches, that's about your biggest export and your biggest tourist attraction from which most American's could care less about some "royal".  That's dark ages to many of us, and the brunt of a lot of jokes.

There's an old saying if you can't take it... and you should know the rest from there. 

And you can search google yourself for how much debt England is in.  Pick one, anyone; there were a lot to chose from.  Just google and check it out yourself. 

but its not about Britain is it, its about the USA perilously close to losing its credit rating.

you don't understand what that means do you?

and why you feel you need to attack the royal family is a mystery but please carry on if it makes you feel any better.

ps, we get a lot of your dollars when you come to london with your cameras and elasticated jeans  :smileywink:


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Duh again.  Britain is in no sweet spot to say the least.  And American's, well not smart ones anyways, are not clamoring to go to England.  Nope, they are saving their money for when the Euro starts to go down, and most want to go either to Greece, Italy or France when the Euro begins to tank, n it's just a matter of time.  

England really has nothing to export but the royals and we really don't care.  American's like their teams and their sports, especially Football, Baseball and Basketball. 

You send your royals over here to try to get money to pay for that ridiculously priced wedding, and we're so like *yawn*.  Polo?  That's your export?

American's like their own beer, also, and their own chocolate, etc.  Heresy's created milk chocolate.  Most innovation happens right here in America.

People clamor to live here.  Deal with the facts of life. 

And no we are NOT perilously losing our debt credit rating; there have only been talks about America losing it's triple AAA credit rating; not perilously. 

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Mayalily wrote:

Duh again.  Britain is in no sweet spot to say the least.  And American's, well not smart ones anyways, are not clamoring to go to England.  Nope, they are saving their money for when the Euro starts to go down, and most want to go either to Greece, Italy or France when the Euro begins to tank, n it's just a matter of time.  

England really has nothing to export but the royals and we really don't care.  American's like their teams and their sports, especially Football, Baseball and Basketball. 

You send your royals over here to try to get money to pay for that ridiculously priced wedding, and we're so like *yawn*.  Polo?  That's your export?

American's like their own beer, also, and their own chocolate, etc.  Heresy's created milk chocolate.  Most innovation happens right here in America.

People clamor to live here.  Deal with the facts of life. 

And no we are NOT perilously losing our debt credit rating; there have only been talks about America losing it's triple AAA credit rating; not perilously. 

you will lose your triple AAA rating in 2 days unless you can stop squabbling amongst your selves and find a way out.

i'd say that was perilously close.

as i said its not about Britain its about the USA.

Britain is not on the verge of economic breakdown.


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Perilously close to wha? 

I don't think you understand stock market manipulation.  :matte-motes-yawn:

Also, people are importing from us, not you as the dollar is lower so money goes farther.  We're still in pretty good shape.  This is stock market manipulation bs, and it's name is "puts".  If you don't know what puts are.  Look them up. 

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Mayalily wrote:

Perilously close to wha? 

I don't think you understand stock market manipulation.  :matte-motes-yawn:

Also, people are importing from us, not you as the dollar is lower so money goes farther.  We're still in pretty good shape.  This is stock market manipulation bs, and it's name is "puts".  If you don't know what puts are.  Look them up. 

i dont think you understand anything about economics.

thank god you are not in charge.

"The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm Mike Mullen, wanted the troops to let him know what problems they faced in this war. They were more worried about other battles - the political ones far away in Washington.

One after another, the soldiers asked: "If the government defaults on its debt, will we still get paid?" The first time it was raised, the admiral paused for a long moment then said: "I don't know the answer to that question." That raised worried eyebrows across the room."


this is serious stuff.


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I really think you need to open your eyes about your own country as it hasn't had growth in decades nor any on the horizon either.  Your debt is already rated negative.  So what is the big deal?  Should I yawn again or wha?  And oh guess what, America's got growth prospects.  The U.K., what Cadbury eggs at Easter time?  NOT.  You really do need to check out your own country; America is the one with the growth prospects.  England, no. 


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Mayalily wrote:

I really think you need to open your eyes about your own country as it hasn't had growth in decades nor any on the horizon either.  Your debt is already rated negative.  So what is the big deal?  Should I yawn again or wha?  And oh guess what, America's got growth prospects.  The U.K., what Cadbury eggs at Easter time?  NOT.  You really do need to check out your own country; America is the one with the growth prospects.  England, no. 

its not a mud slinging contest.

your country is in trouble,

when the US army may not be able to pay its soldiers its pretty serious, dont you understand money?

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Kettle: Oh, Uncle Sam... you're dead broke! Your people are living on the streets and you owe China some serious money. Apple has more money than the goverment's bank.

Pot: Oh, What about you? ... you haven't paid the 10 millions you owe to the Saudi king. Your own people hates living in there and you have more foreign workers (like yourself) trying to live on squats.

China & Saudi Arabia: We want our money b*****s!!

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quote "may not".   Is this a mind reading thread?

Check you own country, mate. 

You have so much debt, that you ARE rated negative already because of no growth prospects and have been that way for years! Did your country implode or something?  No, you didn't, but you might.  Does 'might' mean anything?  *shrugs*

And people can read Google front page if they want too.  I'm not interested. 

But, you really should read that last link so you understand how poor off England is.  Deal with your own countries problems.  People can read google front page about this if they want too. 

This is just a silly scare tactic thread and probably one so that I would post links about the near collapse of the euro, etc, etc. as it seems a silly, pointless, mind-reading thread and topic. 

Check your own country mate.  It's not looking healthy at all. 

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Mayalily wrote:

quote "may not".   Is this a mind reading thread?

Check you own country, mate. 

You have so much debt, that you ARE rated negative already because of no growth prospects and have been that way for years! Did your country implode or something?  No, you didn't, but you might.  Does 'might' mean anything?  *shrugs*

And people can read Google front page if they want too.  I'm not interested. 

hahaha its you that is in trouble, you owe britain 350 million dollars alone.

its not a mudslinging contest though, no need to get upset with me.

i'd worry about shopping and rent if i were you.

and i'm not your "mate"  ty.

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Ceres wrote:

Kettle: Oh, Uncle Sam... you're dead broke! Your people are living on the streets and you owe China some serious money. Apple has more money than the goverment's bank.

Pot: Oh, What about you? ... you haven't paid the 10 millions you owe to the Saudi king. Your own people hates living in there and you have more foreign workers (like yourself) trying to live on squats.

China & Saudi Arabia: We want our money b*****s!!

im a foreigner? haha, born and bred english, we hate living here? hahahaha :smileyvery-happy:

lol you crack me up..

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Jacki Silverfall wrote:

It just isn't worth posting anything about Governments is it Dogboat. It just turns into a political pissing match.

it appears not.

i thought it was an interesting and slightly crazy bit of news.

didn't really want it to become a mudslinging thread, but hey i can't control what people write.

if people want to get pissy with me thats their problem.

im just the messenger.


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Ceres wrote:

A dog pissing at everyone crack me up too... hahahaha...

and Yes, you do hate living in there. Wonder why half of the people in Cyprus and and the islands in Spain are Brits?

a lot of people retire there, its warmer.

personally i think its a great country.

but again, its not about Britain is it?

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((rofl)).  I'd pick Italy or France when the euro starts to tank simply because of the art.

And of course it's about Britian.  This is a global financial crisis.  England has had a negative credit rating since 2009.  Did England implode or something?  As far as I know, England is still on the map, but not much good outlook for growth in the U.K. as compared to the USA. 

This is a needless and pointless thread as it's not even August 2nd yet and seemed a rouse to get me to post what is happening in the Eurozone.  Perhaps someone in this thread is short the euro already, who knows?

But front page Google this morning is already posting stories that they are close to reaching an agreement.  Not to mention, the stories keep updating by the minute. 

Someone needs to focus on the problems of their country and what they can do about their countries problems. Notice the words "financial crisis":  This is a global problem.  How many threads from the business section do we really need about things that have not happened yet as there are articles rapidly changing every ten minutes or so on Google about this.  Who needs it, bleh.  Not to mention the USA is going into an interest rate cycle soon, and see below about how it will effect the U.K.  Not good.

From the Newsweek Article, 2009:

More problematic are the U.S. and the U.K., where relatively low debt loads are rapidly rising thanks to the financial crisis. U.S. debt now stands at 81 percent of GDP; Britain's is 61 percent. But the U.K.'s debt has been increasing faster than that of any other big nation, rich or poor—between 2006 and 2010, Britain's gross debt will have grown by nearly 59 percent. "The U.K.'s fiscal position wasn't great even before the crisis," says Holger Schmieding, head of European economics for Bank of America Merrill Lynch. "It's going to have big trouble adjusting to and servicing the new debt levels, especially as interest rates begin to rise." Already, Standard & Poor's downgraded its outlook for British sovereign debt from "stable" to "negative." The U.S. is at risk, too, but demographics will help. "The best way to lower debt is to grow," says AXA chief economist Eric Chaney, and a younger population will continue to result in higher growth rates in America relative to European countries.


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Mayalily wrote:

((rofl)).  I'd pick Italy or France when the euro starts to tank simply because of the art.

And of course it's about Britian.  This is a global financial crisis.  England has had a negative credit rating since 2009.  Did England implode or something?  As far as I know, England is still on the map, but not much good outlook for growth in the U.K. as compared to the USA. 

This is a needless and pointless thread as it's not even August 2nd yet and seemed a rouse to get me to post what is happening in the Eurozone.  Perhaps someone in this thread is short the euro already, who knows?

But front page Google this morning is already posting stories that they are close to reaching an agreement.  Not to mention, the stories keep updating by the minute. 

Someone needs to focus on the problems of their country and what they can do about their countries problems. Notice the words "financial crisis":  This is a global problem.  How many threads from the business section do we really need about things that have not happened yet as there are articles rapidly changing every ten minutes or so on Google about this.  Who needs it, bleh.  Not to mention the USA is going into an interest rate cycle soon, and see below about how it will effect the U.K.  Not good.

From the Newsweek Article, 2009:

More problematic are the U.S. and the U.K., where relatively low debt loads are rapidly rising thanks to the financial crisis. U.S. debt now stands at 81 percent of GDP; Britain's is 61 percent. But the U.K.'s debt has been increasing faster than that of any other big nation, rich or poor—between 2006 and 2010, Britain's gross debt will have grown by nearly 59 percent. "The U.K.'s fiscal position wasn't great even before the crisis," says Holger Schmieding, head of European economics for Bank of America Merrill Lynch. "It's going to have big trouble adjusting to and servicing the new debt levels, especially as interest rates begin to rise." Already, Standard & Poor's downgraded its outlook for British sovereign debt from "stable" to "negative." The U.S. is at risk, too, but demographics will help. "The best way to lower debt is to grow," says AXA chief economist Eric Chaney, and a younger population will continue to result in higher growth rates in America relative to European countries.

the USA's problems are extremely worrying.

you are seriously on the brink of collapse.

that article was 2 years ago btw, a lot has happened in that time.

 your dollar is only worth what people will pay for it, if the USA default it will plummet.

you have 3 options, 2 are in the BBC article i posted, the other is quantative easing.

none are a cure.

you will have to tighten your belts im afraid, its not gonna be pretty.




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Mayalily wrote:

Pot, kettle again.

I'll wait until August 2nd, thanks, but the following article sure gave me a belly laugh!

mayalily these are the facts.

the title of the url you offered gave me a belly laugh, i didnt bother to look.

you would be far more credible if you offered credible sources.

unfortunately you can't.

you don't even understand  the concept of money, how can you hope to understand the USA's fiscal problems?



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