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Weird overlapping face problem

York Jessop

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Im currently running through my first mesh and so far its going very very well, however Im having a slight problem I just cant seem to find an solution for.

This is the problem:



The light gray tri's are basically faces that overlap the actual ceiling faces (they actually seem to be doublesided faces), ive checked in maya and there are no faces there, or double verts or face normals the wrong way, they just dont exist, but in SL they do, the same problem is present  on the floor in a slightly different place, the problem it causes is these tri's cause texture flickering.

This is the same view from inside maya:






Anyone have any ideas what could be causing it?

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Thanks for the reply, in the maya screenshot i posted, face normals are already turned on and pointing the the correct direction. Also, those faces in the screenshot are doublesided, they show through on the other side which is what causes the textures to flicker.


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Is it possible that this is a viewer problem? I think you are looking at a lower LOD level(generated during upload). Try fiddling with the object detail slider in preferences.

If you think you can't see the highest LOD try making an LOD test model. Create 4 cubes in Maya. Export. Then delete one. Export again, etc. Until you have 4 files. Then import to SL using the 4 cube file as highest and the 1 cube file as the lowest.

Can you see all 4 cubes?


My best guess

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That was a great suggestion, i just reuploaded the model using the highest lod as all 4 lods to test, but unfortunately they are still there, its like the upload has generated 3 double faces between certain verts, very strange, my only other idea is to delete those verts in maya and rebuild it and see if that works, I was just wondering if there was something causing it or if its possibly a bug in Maya or the OPEN collada export. My main concerns it having the issue repeat itself in other meshes i make.


EDIT: Decided to delete the faces around the problem areas and remake the faces, thanksfully its worked! And even better is i didnt have to remove the verts, so its an easy quick fix, still no idea what caused it but the solution is pretty painless :)

Thanks anyways guys

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I wish I was more familiar with Maya. Ruling out lod and viewer issues does point at your modeler/exporter.

Could there be some loose verts? Or maybe a camera or light sneeking into your .dae?

Does Maya have any "export only selected" tricks...

If not, though it sounds like a pain and dangerous, try selecting Every face or vert you know you want to export, then use select inverse(to select everything but your model) and delete. This will catch any loose verts, cameras, lights, etc.


No idea if this is a viable answer for maya, but is a schnazzy Blender trick.


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Alisha Matova wrote:

I wish I was more familiar with Maya. Ruling out lod and viewer issues does point at your modeler/exporter.

Could there be some loose verts? Or maybe a camera or light sneeking into your .dae?

Does Maya have any "export only selected" tricks...

If not, though it sounds like a pain and dangerous, try selecting Every face or vert you know you want to export, then use select inverse(to select everything but your model) and delete. This will catch any loose verts, cameras, lights, etc.


No idea if this is a viable answer for maya, but is a schnazzy Blender trick.

Ive no idea what the problem was but it is possible the face generation tool in maya may have caused the issue. When your using Maya to make faces between border edges you can use a very snazzy tool called Append to Polygon, which when clicked highlights the border edges, you just click on each edge until you have filled in the gaps, however you can basically click a heap of edges and it will generate the tri's automatically. This time I did the tri's manually, as in only clicked 2-3 edges each time i used the tool and repeated the process until the ceiling and floor were filled in. It has worked, all the overlapping textures have now gone!


No disfunctional tri's in sight!


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