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When Viewer 2.8 comes out you will be happy again!


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Touché - I too agree that 2.8 is going to make people happy, it's beautiful and I've had hardly any issues with the viewer, it runs smoothly, the graphics look amazing and everything is rather nice.

The only thing I really didn't like about it was the fact you had to go through more things to get to change your environment settings and apply it to your client, but that isn't much of a bother.

I've been using it since the Lighting & Shadows feature became bugged in the normal viewer of SL in the most recent update, and I have to say, I'm quite impressed of this feat LL has made.

I always run Ultra with every setting you see ticked on, Shadows, Occlusion, DoF, etc. and they've definitely made 2.8's performance better, as in previous versions, I've been getting around 20-30 FPS, depending, in the Development viewer it's been 30-60, depending on where I am and what I do.

I'm currently using ATI Radeon 4850HD Graphics and an AMD Phenom Quadcore, which runs game such as Crysis 2 on maximum settings perfectly, so to see performance upgrades for their software, is great news! -- Hopefully one day they'll get to the point where their graphics come close to CryEngine's or Unreal's.

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Anyone else having MASSIVE problems with inventory?  In the 2.8 version it's really slow.  I click something and the whole viewer freezes for a couple seconds.  Try to scroll - same delay, try to open a folder, delay.  It seems great otherwise but this is a HUGE problem for me as a land developer needing to landscape lots.

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Imagin Illyar wrote:

Anyone else having MASSIVE problems with inventory?  In the 2.8 version it's really slow.  I click something and the whole viewer freezes for a couple seconds.  Try to scroll - same delay, try to open a folder, delay.  It seems great otherwise but this is a HUGE problem for me as a land developer needing to landscape lots.


Oh...yes. This too. There are folders in my inventory that never come off 'loading' status in this version of the viewer. Particularly the folders most of my pairs of shoes and boots are in. I think this is what immediately preceded my exit and uninstall from this beta and return to Firestorm and Official 2.6.1.

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Imagin Illyar wrote:

I guess server changes are going to have to happen before it launches out of beta.  The Edit window still doesn't report the number of prims in an object when it's selected.

Oh wait! Wow - I feel so silly! Now I see your banner at the bottom and realize you're "the" same Imagin from Willowdale. Duh - well the "k" in Kascha does not stand for Keen observation skills does it? You have created such a beautiful sim! I've gone there planning to buy several times and were it 3 years ago I definitely would have given the size of what I had then but I'm not in-world enough anymore to justify a dedicated home like before with the associated fixed expenses so...but so beautiful! Work like yours is what made me start trying to landscape in SL!

As to the beta, I can't say I've done that much editing since I've been back, but I can certainly remember when I did and understand why what you describe is a non-starter for you. For me, the dealbreakers were the "nevah-rez" clothing, the 2 fps movement even in my house where every texture was cached and loaded, and the "nevah-Redi" inventory load process. It removes all doubt about what "beta" means, that's without a doubt :womanhappy:

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Keli Kyrie wrote:

That report is for Viewer 2.8.0 if you were on the Beta Viewer you would know that we were forced to update to Viewer 2.8.1 and at this moment I still believe that the latest Beta release is the best Viewer out there.

I run the daily build (as well as the main and beta versions that I build StarLight against) and many of the issues are still not fixed into 2.8.3.  Since the start of mesh integration, and with the continued lack of a QA manager at LL viewer quality is going downhill.  And that is a shame considering the wealth of new features and a more positive, listening attitude that we are seeing.  Just switch on the statistics window and observe sudden drops in FPS as you do routine tasks in the viewer.

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I agree Hitomi, overall performance in SL is at an all time low.  It's hard as an estate manager, my tenants tend to blame my sims for the performance issues and leave.  Most frustrating.  Bugs carry over from one version to the next - I can't remember the last time a notecard saved correctly.

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I'm not finding any degradation in performance, in fact quite the opposite. I'm on 2.8.1 (236154) at the moment and performance and frame rate are brilliant. I'm consistently getting 30-40 fps ( at times even higher) in Ultra with Lighting & Shadows enabled and sometimes up to 50fps. This is double what I was getting with Shadows a few months ago. For some reason, my card only displays Shadows in Ultra graphics. I don't notice any drop in fps when doing routine tasks.

I know many are complaining of performance issues, especially on the Mac but I'm not seeing it at all.

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I'd agree, Nyll.  Framerate is actually pretty good.  However, as I'm landscaping a lot here today I have to use the now current viewer because the inventory in the beta is so slow it's maddening, every click freezes the whole viewer for 2-3 seconds.  Oh, I need to put down a patch of sculpted grass, well, time to switch to the beta viewer because under no circumstances will it rez in the real viewer.  Done that, back to the main viewer because the beta will not even show me how many prims are in the 300 - 600 objects I put down on my larger lots.  Ok, lot is landscaped let's update the notecard of available land in the box at the server room.  Let's see, which viewer to use.  I know when I save it in the main viewer it will most likely just turn blank upon saving.  I have to close it and reopen to make sure it actually happened.  In the beta viewer it will just stick on the saving screen forever, so,  I have to close it and reopen to make sure it actually happened.

I don't seem to crash as much as I did with last week's main viewer, howevever, I get the Viewer not Responding thing where the screen goes white when I'm doing anything that requires rezzing from inventory.

I suspect that the inventory issues are due to the implementation of the upcoming "direct delivery" system that will do away with the magic boxes.  I recall seeing hearing something from LL in the Spring suggesting we all spring clean our inventories.  I'd be willing to bet they knew back then that we'd have this problem with our inventories now.  I deleted about 10k from mine and can't get it under 30k - I work in SL, I've parted with all I'm willing to.  It didn't help.  I vote for keeping the magic boxes if this is the trade off.

Mesh is coming this summer and we're getting close to it.  I'm sure a lot of changes have to happen to make it happen.  I'm someone who is really looking forward to it.  Personally I'd prefer it take an extra month and see less bugs in the meantime.

These are the kind of issues that bug me the most.  And this is probably the most negative post I've ever made.  I'm landscaping today and it used to be my most favorite thing to do, not so much lately.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have never been so happy with a viewer update!  The horrible inventory delay problem - FIXED!  Notecards are saving properly again!  There is almost no load time on inventory at start up!  Every sculpt I have it rezzing properly!  FPS is better than ever!  Stability is awesome, haven't crashed yet!  Objects are reporting the number of prims correctly!   I still get the viewer not responding thing but it is now very rare, a very big and noticeable improvement here.

I am using it with the Starlight skins plugin and the new light teal color scheme which is just perfect - very easy on the eyes, very productive.

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Imagin Illyar wrote:

I have never been so happy with a viewer update!  The horrible inventory delay problem - FIXED!  Notecards are saving properly again!  There is almost no load time on inventory at start up!  Every sculpt I have it rezzing properly!  FPS is better than ever!  Stability is awesome, haven't crashed yet!  Objects are reporting the number of prims correctly!   I still get the viewer not responding thing but it is now very rare, a very big and noticeable improvement here.

I am using it with the Starlight skins plugin and the new light teal color scheme which is just perfect - very easy on the eyes, very productive.

Wait! Imagin, what viewer is this now? It's a new beta of the official viewer or a tpv? I get this where?

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Imagin Illyar wrote:

It's the current SL beta viewer, V3.  Best viewer I've used since being in SL.  Download it here:

Under the heading Second Life Viewer Beta - not the big orange button at the top.

Whuuuut?! What happened to the SL and associated viewers we all know? Where are the groans? Faith and belief have exacted such a heavy toll in the past!

Is it a trick? :matte-motes-impatient:

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