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Question about being stalked.


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Hello, I've been stalked by one certain resident for more than a year. And this is currently ongoing.

(And sorry about my poor English skills.)

The stalker used to be my partner many years ago, but eventually got separated around the time of her betraying me at that time.

I thought that would be clearly over, but somehow she found the private group parcel I usually stay and hang out with my friends some moments after the separation.

It was quite uncomfortable but I didn't mind because our parcel was thousands above the land, and she was standing small gap of areas between the rented parcels.

However, she started sending messages to me and my friends about whom I'm sitting with or what I'm wearing. 

I tried reporting her to Linden so many times, but there were no results at all.

So I felt's reporting is useless, so I blocked her because I didn't want to get any more stressed by her. But she kept teleporting to that small area with her different alt accounts, eventually, I talked to our parcel owner and sim owner about her actions. They said they cannot help me because I have zero evidence about her action. Because they also can see that stalker above the land, but since I have no clear evidence about her action whatsoever it's not going to be possible to do any action against her. Therefore, I had to unblock and started collecting evidence from her messages. 

The one thing that quite creeps me out is, she eventually finds me wherever I'm at.
I tried teleporting to random sims without tags that she'd reason to find me, but it was no use. 

I could make another account, but I already spent a lot on this one, even though I'm currently creating an SL photo portfolio with this account. Blocking and ignoring would also be another way to do it, but I'd still get stressed out since she finds me all the time. It's quite surprising she hasn't stopped this for more than a year.

I know it's inevitable at this moment, but what would be the best thing to do in SL? 

If there aren't many methods, I'm planning to report out of SL. 

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5 minutes ago, lomemori said:

Therefore, I had to unblock and started collecting evidence from her messages. 

Careful about this part.  If you are talking about collecting IMs to show to someone else, that could get you into trouble.  

And maybe this is obvious, but: I recommend checking every scripted object you are wearing.  Maybe even completely change outfits and never wear the older stuff again.

Have you any mutual friends?

Also, doubly check anything you wear relating to RLV.  

Then, of course, she may have hacked your computer from outside SL.  If she is inside your computer, of course, she can find wherever you go.  

Anyways, that is just a couple of ideas off the top of my head.  

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1 minute ago, sandi Mexicola said:

Careful about this part.  If you are talking about collecting IMs to show to someone else, that could get you into trouble.  

And maybe this is obvious, but: I recommend checking every scripted object you are wearing.  Maybe even completely change outfits and never wear the older stuff again.

Have you any mutual friends?

Also, doubly check anything you wear relating to RLV.  

Then, of course, she may have hacked your computer from outside SL.  If she is inside your computer, of course, she can find wherever you go.  

Anyways, that is just a couple of ideas off the top of my head.  

No, IM is only for reporting to Linden. Because if there is no evidence or detailed information, there are bigger chances they are not able to help me that much. 
The only outfits I wear are products from official accessories, outfits, and hair stores. I don't think I ever received a scripted object from her even in the past.
I can ask my friends about her just in case they have her on their lists. It's a good thing that I do not use RLV system at all.
I kinda researched and.. changing the username can be also one of the methods. Could it be helpful?

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1 minute ago, sandi Mexicola said:

That is an interesting idea I had not thought of.  I don't think it would hurt.  It all depends on how you are being tracked though.  You can change your username, but not your UUID.


Oh, I didn't know UUID cannot be changed. Hmm, probably she can search me via UUID for sure when she's smart to track me anywhere.

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3 minutes ago, lomemori said:

Oh, I didn't know UUID cannot be changed. Hmm, probably she can search me via UUID for sure when she's smart to track me anywhere.

Possibly.  But, as far as I know, this is pretty much impossible.  

One thing that is possible, using a resident's UUID, is to know when that resident logs in or out of SL.  I wonder if you generally log into the same place?  

In any case, my money is on either:

1) You are wearing a scripted item that reports your location to her or 

2) Some friend you have in common is not really your friend, but hers, or

3) Some friend you have in common is not really your friend, but is her


Edited by sandi Mexicola
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I wouldn't worry about collecting evidence as long as you do not transmit/share it within Linden Lab infrastructure - i.e. inworld chat, group chats, even here in the forum. LL ToS/Community Standards refers to their domains only, they are powerless to act on you if you store information outside of LL infrastructure. As long as you are very clear about that distinction, I'm not sure you can get into trouble.

However, what you do with that information may be very limited by definition unless you use it to formally report Abuse to LL - which you say you've already done to no avail. 

Ultimately, the "nuclear option" is to just start again with a new account and not to refer to your old life at all (keep your existing avatar for your business work, but leave it at that).

As someone has said, even changing username will keep your UUID. You could try something though as an experiment first - go to a no-script area parcel that you haven't been to before and hang out for a while . See if your stalker turns up or not; if she does, there's potentially something outside of SL going on.

Good luck.

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Oh, and if you already haven't got an alt that isn't socially involved with the same group of friends/acquaintances - I would suggest to make one now. Hang out at totally different places - the key for the test is complete separationIf you see your stalker turn up to your new alt's location, there's definitely something going on outside of SL!

Using my previous post and this one as two separate experiments may help you work out what's going on.

But I fear Sandi's options 2 and 3 might be valid too. If that is the case, moving on to your new alt for any social activities (with no reference to the old account), whilst maybe keeping the original account strictly separately for business/creative work only (let her stalk that account to see if she enjoys it - I guarantee she will be bored!)

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