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issue - obs streaming audio multiple mics

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Streaming multiple mics...

I need some help so I am trying here hoping someone is familiar with streaming multiple mics.  Please first....  I am not looking  for utube help video links.  I have watched many many videos.  But...  I do need advise from a person who has first hand experience streaming multiple mics from multiple people.

What I'm using...

I am using OBS stream lab with an external mic.  I only stream live.  And I only stream using the second life platform.

Additionally i do have a DISCORD account.  I am more unfamiliar with DISCORD.

My experience...

I have years experience filming utube videos using second life platform with obs stream labs.  I do record my own voice with every video.


I cannot set up correctly and record friends voices for second life videos I'm streaming with OBS stream labs.  My friends many times are located out of state or out of the country.

What I need....

I need very specific clear direct advise on exactly what i should be doing for a set up to record my friends voices using OBS stream labs for live streams.



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What does "cannot set up correctly and record friends voices" mean? What isn't working about it or what does it hear? How do your friends talk to you?

If you're using OBS, you should have Desktop Audio input in the Audio Mixer section. That will have sound input from everything you can hear, including Second Life and Discord.

Once you figure that part out, I can give you more advanced instructions for isolating audio so that you can choose which specific programs to record.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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Wulfie Reanimator...  I felt I was clear in my original post.  I did state, 'I cannot set up correctly and record friends voices for second life videos I'm streaming with OBS stream labs.'  And I did state under the 'what I'm using' section is OBS streamlabs.  I do understand there is audio input and output.  It is not working.

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@Sandra8675 Since you're trying to record the entire conversation rather than just the output from your own mic you're probably going to need to capture the audio from your desktop/application.

If you want to capture sounds from the SL viewer along with the conversation then you should set up a group call in SL, if you only want to capture the conversation then you'll need to set up a group call in Discord or Teamspeak or whatever other voice capable software you prefer (you may also want to disable all sound-based notifications in whatever voice app you're using otherwise they'll also show up on the audio track).

Once you have your voice call set up click the Add Source button in OBS and select Application Audio Capture (BETA) then, depending on what sounds you want captured, select either the Second Life viewer or the app you're using for voice comms as a source.

ETA: You still need to include Audio Input Capture as an additional source in OBS to capture your own voice because the audio picked up by your own mic isn't going to be part of the audio output of the application you're using (otherwise you'd be hearing your own voice through the app every time you talk).

Edited by Fluffy Sharkfin
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