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Weird slow Legacy behavior


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I've only had a Legacy Female body for a couple of months now, but I've noticed (especially after the 1.5.1 update) that when alpha cuts are toggled on or off, it's just soooo slow. For example, if you take off a top that has most of the chest invisible, the repaint is so slow you can just sit there and watch each cut activate. My experience with Tonic and Maitreya bodies is that this is nearly instantaneous by comparison. There might be a slight delay but you're not watching your body slowly get painted back. So I'm starting to wonder, is this just normal for Legacy or did I do something to bork up my body in some way and not realize it.

I've also noticed after the last update that when I first attach the body, feet, and hands, there's a moment in which BoM switches back off for the feet and hands, and then switches on again after a second or two. This is just super weird to me. Tonic BoM was just on and forgotten. I reattached the 1.4 body and I did notice similar behavior but much faster, just a blink. So again, I'm wondering if I did something to cause this problem, or if this is just normal behavior I have to live with.

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The Legacy body is very complex (in terms of mesh triangles - about ten times more than Maitreya), and is consequently very laggy - so it will take much longer for any changes to render in your viewer than it will with Maitreya and Tonic.  This is one of the many reasons I've never considered buying Legacy.

I can't explain the toggling off and on of the BOM settings though, but again I suspect it's also somehow related to the complexity of the body, or the scripts within it.

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It's a script-related issue, made worse by poor sim performance.

When your attachments are acting slow, you can open the statistics window and look at "scripts run %". Higher is better, less means the sim doesn't have enough time to process every script in the sim. If it's bad (like below 60-70%), your options are to just endure it or move to a different sim.

The scripting probably has some room for optimizations, since it's toggling individual faces instead of whole sections of the body.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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