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Blade Reluin

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Do you like Vikings? Are you Nordic? Do you consider yourself a Viking? Do you like Norway? Well if you answered yes to any of these we MIGHT have the place for you.

Asgard Club is a new club that will be opening soon, It's a Viking/Nordic themed Village sim with a Viking theme club in the center. We have a Tavern, rental shops or houses if you so choose, A Great Hall, docks with Viking ships, an Underwater scenery area, Beaches, Woods, Rain Mist, Fog, you'll feel like you are in Norway back in 793 AD.

We are Hiring for Hosts, DJ's, Dancers, and DJ and Host and Shift Managers. All Staff keeps 100% of tips, When we get closer to club opening time all staff will be issued Viking themed clothing to fit the theme of the sim, as well are given a custom made Viking Sword, Axe and Shield. Great environment, friendly staff, well experienced staff. Employee of the Month Benefits, and so much more. 

If interested please contact me in world. If you contact me on here it will be a day or two before i reply, but i will reply much quicker in world.

In world Name:

Blade Reluin


See you in Norway Friends!



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