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Note: Please do not refer newbies to Chakryn Forest

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Chakryn Forest used to be a nice place to walk around. There were several quests, and beautiful landscaping. Today I stopped by and there are four deformers in the center of the region, disgused as "Avatar on Canvas" 1,2,3,4. Inspection shows they were made by Ryan Linden and owned by the head of the land group that runs the region. Chakryn is described as "Secluded and romantic forest covering an entire sim....".   Somehow, being stretched and deformed isn't my idea of 'romantic'. I find it mildly annoying/amusing now, but as a newbie I would have panicked and never come back.

I've noticed SL abuse about this, but thought I would mention it in forum.

BTW, you get 'undeformed' if you log out and come back.

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