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Avatar is white ball of light!


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I've tried to find the answer to this myself with no really any luck, my avatar is a ball of light and will not rez. I've tried changing outfits, teleporting to some other world and playing with the rendering settings. Can someone please help? I'm so sorry, I'm new and not trying to be a pain. Thank you in advance!

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What you are experiencing is called "Bake Fail". The system cannot find one of the basic parts of your avatar and thus cannot render it thus the particle cloud. Pantera points you to the Firestorm Team's how to fix it page. Best fix page going.

The TL:RD is switch to one of the starter avatars. Put your avatar and outfit back together one item at a time until you find the problem item.

Skin, hair, eyes, and shape are the basic components required to render an avatar. Your avatar is ALWAYS wearing those. If the system cannot find one of those, for whatever reason, you appear as a particle cloud. Wearing a starter avatar replaces all of those and your avatar should render. Then it is just a matter of figuring out which of those items you were wearing is causing the problem.


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