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Deeded land

daquari Stawberry

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Hi !   I have my land deeded to a group.  Is it possible to deed it to a different group or 'undeed' it?  I tried this once before and ran into problems < double tier> One of the Lindens told me how to undo a deeded group, but sadly, I can't find the notes and conversation I took on it.   Any help would be appreciated,  Thank you!


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6 hours ago, daquari Stawberry said:

Hi That is what I did last time and I had to pay double tier for one month  because it showed i had 2 x the land.



we can get a one time month tier bump when the group-owned land has 10% tier bonus land and we are not careful. As an individual we don't get the 10% bonus, so with group bonus land we have to do it in two transactions to avoid the tier bump


we have a 1120m parcel in group ownership. 1024m standard + 96m bonus (total cost 1018m tier)

if we buy the 1120m to our own personal account (even after removing our tier from the group) then we get a tier bump. 1120m exceeds our personal 1024m tier allowance. So we get bumped to the next tier level on next due billing date

doing it in two transactions. 1120m as example

cut the parcel into two. 1024m parcel and 96m parcel

we remove the tier from the old group. We have 1024m tier in our personal account. We then Buy 1024m for our new group, buyer contributes tier. Then in second transaction we Buy 96m for our new group, buyer contributes tier.  At this point we have contributed 1018m tier. There is 6m tier remaining in our personal account. We stay under the 1024m tier allowance at all times

we can do this as Linden allow land-owning groups to be untiered for a grace period of about 72 hours (3 days) as I understand



Edited by Mollymews
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3 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

this isn't needed, after putting it for sale and taking the donation away you can again "buy for group" the free amount of tier will cover the land again.

this is true. I still recommend cutting the parcel into two tho

what often happens when people do this for the first time being unsure, then they buy the land back on their personal account and then deed it to group. When do it this way then tier bump. Cutting the parcel into two lets us avoid the bump whichever way we choose. Buy the 1120m for group directly, or buy personally the 1024m (the principal parcel) and then deed it, subsequently buying the 96m for group

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