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lost inventory items


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I have lost more than 3000 items my inventory, at a low estimate.  I have 1646 empty folders.  I have an empty Animations folder.  I have tried clearing my cache, that didn't seem to work.  I have looked in Lost and Found, as well as Deleted folders, nothing there either. 

Is this a common occurrence in SL?  I have been using this avatar for three years and eight months.  Help me please!



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If you have empty folders it is most likely a tiny file that got corrupted.  If you have a secondary viewer you can log in and see if the items are really there.    


See this info on inventory loss. I think the corrupted file info is towards the bottom -- used to be anyway.



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1 hour ago, Talarr said:

Sadly, I went through each of the steps outlined here and the folders are empty and the items are still missing.

If you tried all the suggestions on the FS wiki page about inventory loss, and nothing worked, you probably need to create a support ticket with LL, if you haven't already done so.    

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1 hour ago, Talarr said:

Sadly, I went through each of the steps outlined here and the folders are empty and the items are still missing.

I agree about the support ticket. If you have some EXACT names of the items you lost that might help. 


I don't want to be depressing but I have lost many thousands of US dollars in inventory over my thirteen years.  Things DO go missing although I felt very sure with the empty FOLDERS that yours was not the case. So support may be able to help.  I had about four items (all small but one necklace I really liked) returned by support maybe  six years ago. The support person was trying to help; it just didn't work.   On the PLUS side, I have also seen single items return over time and end up in completely odd places (these items that I had searched for and verified that they were gone at one point). So watch for that.  Like hair in a jewelry folder; NO CLUE how that happens. 


ALSO,  last weekend no copy items that didn't rez were returned a day later IN THE TRASH FOLDER --- which is not where they should have appeared obviously. So also be very careful with your trash before emptying.   


Good luck.  One other tiny bit of advice. If you have something you REALLY don't want to lose like a pet or a 3000 linden RARE gacha.  Make note of the UUID number and keep it on your computer somewhere BESIDES SL.    Apparently that will help --- at least it used to.   I really do understand how heart wrenching it is to lose a bunch of stuff. My first big loss was my COMPLETE Home and Garden folder which likely had a thousand items in it.   It does get easier over time -- the losing thing.  I know that doesn't really help, but nowadays when things go missing I just sigh and move on.   Anything you bought on the Marketplace you can probably get a redelivery (not gachas of course) and many stores have redelivery terminals. So you may get some things back that way.


Good luck. I wish you well.  

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