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Inaccurate prim counts on my land

Gnash Graves

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Okay heres a very odd occrance, My prim count avalible on my sims land jumped by 2500+.. now some people think thats great.. woot extra prims ..but here the stickler .. the issue is that as i touch prims that I know belong to others and myself as in to edit them bcause i know they are there and that person or myself is showing less on sim then i KNOW are really there... they suddenly appear on the object count lists.. this is happening when i move, edit or just look at them to inspect.. they are then appearing in the lands prim count ..thereby counting against the actual prims avalible .. i watch my prim counts daily ..and know that theres a major bug here going on ..and as nice as the idea of extra prims are.. i dont want to have Too many prims out over what's avalible and suddenly find a slew of objects gone ..returned to lost and found or worse yet wiped from the asset servers. I NEED an Accurate Real Prim Count to Build and manage my Sim.

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Gnash Graves wrote:

Okay heres a very odd occrance, My prim count avalible on my sims land jumped by 2500+.. now some people think thats great.. woot extra prims ..but here the stickler .. the issue is that as i touch prims that I know belong to others and myself as in to edit them bcause i know they are there and that person or myself is showing less on sim then i KNOW are really there... they suddenly appear on the object count lists.. this is happening when i move, edit or just look at them to inspect.. they are then appearing in the lands prim count ..thereby counting against the actual prims avalible .. i watch my prim counts daily ..and know that theres a major bug here going on ..and as nice as the idea of extra prims are.. i dont want to have Too many prims out over what's avalible and suddenly find a slew of objects gone ..returned to lost and found or worse yet wiped from the asset servers. I NEED an Accurate Real Prim Count to Build and manage my Sim.

Hmmm . It does sound odd.

Have you restarted your region recently? If not, maybe this will fix the problem of what sounds like "ghost prims".

But if there is something more serious than ghost prims going on, then you really need to talk with Concierge Support, who can send a Linden out to take a closer look at your problem.

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I am totally flummoxed, and I guess, judging by the lack of responses, and the JIRA Concierge gave you, everyone else is too!!! Whatever happens, please will you keep this thread updated, just in case others encounter a similar issue too. I see on the JIRA that Maestro Linden is involved, and you've added your comments too to this.  Excellent! At least you are not the only one, and it looks like a new bug has been introduced somehow, possibly during one of the Tuesday/Wednesday deploys.

(for further information about the deploys, look up Oskar Linden's posts here on the forums)

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this has been happening to me all over the place.  I've been leaving undeletable prims in sandboxes for days because they just won't be deleted.  One sandbox with a 50 minute autoclean has had 7 prims of mine in it for 2 days.  I've left a half-built necklace in the sky above college of london, also a spiralled torus which is now into its second day of residency.  It'll be interesting to see if, when and how these issues resolve themselves as I'm sure they will at some point :)

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Exactly the same thing has happened to me.  Talked to Live Chat yesterday and they said restart, which I did and ended up with more prims available.  Its nice to know its not just me, but its a pain in the neck keeping a tab on my residents prims!!

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Same here on my sim. We are running on Magnum channel and since the rolling restart on wednesday the prim counts are wrong. We tried a restart but that did not help. One example: A tenant of a shop uses 27 prims but the object list in the land-info showed only 4 prims. an hour later it showed 6 prims and later 2 prims. As I opened every prim in the edit window the prim count suddenly went correct in land-info, but not for long.

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wrong prim counts and "immortal" prims are two separate issues... the first should be limited to magnum regions (most of the linden homes run on this) and the second is sytem wide.

there is a fix already being tested for the second problem, and a fix for the first is being actively worked on.

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the problem i see is in the magnum servers themselves since the changes they have done ..but they are very related .. i didnt have this issue with the prim counts or the immortal prims until LL made those changes ..whether its two bugs or one ..its still causing the same effect and prim counts are not correct

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the reason you see "imortal" prims now whereas you didn't before is due to a fix for "ghost" prims (non-visible non-returnable), those prims were previously invisible, but are now visible. this was a recent change, but not quite as recent as the magnum release (about one or two weeks behind it).

one *may* compound the other, but they are separate bugs, probably made more noticeable by occurring on the same channel

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Having the same issue with land prim #'s appearing wrong. I did notice something though, it appears to be server specific. I have 2 sims next to eachother, but they are on different servers. 

The one sim has had no issues while the other keeps jumping in prim count, I touch hundreds of linksets to get the number back and a few days later I have an extra 2500+ prims, heh.

I also noticed it seems to be completely random. I could touch a linkset with 64 prims and only one prim might "come back" in the count while others will calculate all the prims.

Strange indeed. I just want my accurate prim count back though cause I'm running low and need to wath it accurately.

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I only caught on to it because I managed to catch the server/sim usergroup meeting on Fri.... unfortunately my monitor blew up and using sl on this tiny CRT I have for back up kills my eyes so no telling if I'll make any meetings this week =/

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