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Hey y'all! My name is Jess (in rl & sl), I'm 20 years old (again both irl & sl lol).

I used to be a super avid secondlife player back in the day, but I kind of lost interest as well as money and a nice computer capable of being able to run secondlife efficiently, that being said my game is quite laggy. I want to start getting back into secondlife and meeting more people! Honestly, I'm down for whatever, but I love exploring, meeting people, and going to parties. I would love to have some friends to spend time with while I'm here. Please let me know if you would like to hangout, I'm open to anyone and I promise I don't bite tehe. I'm also a capricorn if you're interested in astrology, I could honestly talk about astrology all day! Also, I have a large passion for animals. Please send me a message :) Thank y'all!!

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Hi there! My name is Mermaid Celene. I love animals too. Not in to astrology though. Lol.  I love dolphins, horses, cats, etc. SL has a huge animal community. You should check out some of the animal avs on marketplace and in world. I saw a tiny polar bear the other day.


If you want to explore a lot and meet tons of new people, you  should try fishing. The game I play is called Fish Hunt. We fish for lindens and have a ton of fun. Some people farm and breed cute creatures called shubbies. You can learn more on their website. I do hear they are quite cuddly and make good shoulder pets.


Here is the website: goldtokens.net.


And the LM to the main fishing area where you can get a rod if you want to try it: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Business Park/104/149/22


I am sure you know about shoulder pets. They are probably the same from when you were here before. Avs are a bit more complex though. New bodies have taken over SL. Lol. Anyway, hope to see you around sometime!

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