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Grey spots on Avi

Danielle Atheria

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8 minutes ago, Danielle Atheria said:

Does anyone know how to fix grey spots on face? Turning face light on helps a little. Head and skin by GA:EG





I don't own a GA.EG head, so I'm not sure of the options your head's HUD contains. However, in the first image I can see that you have materials enabled on the head (the pores that are showing on your cheekbones) so if you've got those enabled then you may have been playing around with other materials-related settings. Usually if there's a slider called 'Environment' that can be the cause of grey areas on the mesh. It tends to be more metallic than what you're seeing here, but my suggestion would be to look for any sliders in and around the materials part of the HUD (look for words like: environment, glossiness, shine, etc) and pull those down to zero.

Edit: I see you posted that your specific issue fixed itself while I was typing. I'll leave my response as-is, because the advice would still apply to someone else who may have a similar issue and search the forum for an answer.

Edited by Skell Dagger
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