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How do I enable Depth of Field while in edit / build mode in Black Dragon?

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How do I enable Depth of Field while in edit / build mode in Black Dragon? I cannot find the answer to this anywhere (even the answers I find for other viewers don't actually say how to enable it) and I KNOW that I can do this. (I was taking screenshots while in edit mode with DoF on just yesterday!) I had this enabled before I updated my viewer and it erased my old settings. I just want to be able to keep my avatar still while taking screenshots, why does the DoF HAVE to disable itself when I go into build mode? It's so annoying!

EDIT: OK, I just discovered how superior "Freeze World" is to my very old technique of going into edit mode to freeze my avatar. But If anyone knows how to enable DoF while in edit mode I would still love to know.

Edited by Azareth Kohime
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  • Azareth Kohime changed the title to How do I enable Depth of Field while in edit / build mode in Black Dragon?
3 hours ago, Jackson Redstar said:

i had no idea one would even want to use DOF in edit, but there it is LOL and what is 'freeze world'? Im not familiar with that

Freeze World is a shortcut (Ctrl + Alt F) that freezes the entire world. Allowing you to zoom around and manipulate graphics and windlights while everyone and everything is frozen and possibly set up for a picture, it makes it a lot easier to get the "right moment" for a snaphot by simply freezing the world whenever that moment is and then starting to work on settings and windlight. It can also be used to stop everyone from moving so you can right click them easier (in case you want to render them or block/mute/moderate). Freeze World can also be enabled from the Snapshot window itself.


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