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Experimental musicians-are they here?


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I’m looking for people who are experimental musicians, or who are into experimental music. Are there any clubs that play this stuff or do shows featuring live performances by sound artists, drone, mod synths folks, free jazz, noise etc.? Really thinking SL is a place where these musicians can perform and hang out for peer to peer learning. Considering many RL cities have about 15 or so of these musicians. Ha! ...and there is a pandemic so few of us have venues to perform in. 

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Ask in SMALL TALK group inworld.  Small Talk is a group for tiny avatars.  Tiny avatars ARE NOT child human avatars.  Tiny avatars are animals that walk upright and talk kinda like Mickey Mouse as you can see my avi badge photo here is a cat in a dress.  We wear human clothing too.   I have heard one experimental music person through that group and it was excellent.  Tinies have experimental music for relaxation if you are interested in performing any plus a lot of other truly great music - music that just made the front page of Firestorm.org.  Talk to the owner of SMALL TALK inworld group and ask. 

You do not need to be a tiny avatar to perform nor to go to any of the shows.  Humans are welcome too. 

EDIT:  The music is truly superb through the group SMALL TALK.  Actually, Keeba Tammas and the Tiny Maniacs were asked to perform at the Firestorm 10th Anniversary.

Copy/Paste here:



We’ve lined up 3 BIG names to bring us live performances through our 3-hour party!

Savannah Rain opens up the party for us, 12–1 pm! Check her out on facebook.

Maximillion Kleene rocks the second show from Canada, 1–2 pm. Check out his website.

Keeba Tammas and the Tiny Maniacs performs the finale show, 2–3 pm. Youtube vids are here and here—or see where they’re performing next through their google calendar.


The party starts rocking at noon Sunday, October 18th, and there will be Firestorm folks dancing up a storm along with folks from Rezz Room, Wild Kajaera and our performers. We hope to see you there!

Edited by FairreLilette
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