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Land and tiers confusion

Olivia Rizzo

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Newbie land question. I have searched for answers to this but none seem to explain it sufficiently well for my apparently tiny brain....

So here's the setup:

  • I recently bought a plot of land off a friend (1024 sq m)
  • I have no idea if it's on an island or mainland (how can i tell? why does it matter? I just TP there. I don't generally have a concept of where sims are located relative to each other)
  • In order to buy it I had to upgrade my account from free to premium, which was fine.
  • All seems to work OK...


  • On the SL website under 'Land Manager' it says my plot has 'billable size 1024'
  • Under 'Land use fees' it says "Premium Bonus in Square Meters: 1024" , Monthly cost: $0. Paid tier level: –
  • Below I see the  'Update Tier' heading, with tier options below. The tier is set to: "USD 0.00/ month",  0 SQ M, Amount: 0/128 Region

So, umm questions:

  • Can I leave the tier on the free, bottom setting? If so why is it free? 
  • Why is there the option for *me* to change the tier, rather LL just billing me for the amount of land I am using?
  • Why would you ever raise the tier setting if you weren't forced to? What would happen if you lowered it to a tier setting that didn't cover the amount of land you had?


Edited by livb89
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If you had to upgrade to premium in order to buy the land, then it is mainland (you have to be premium to own mainland).  You can also confirm this on the 'about land' window - the type should be Mainland/Full Region if it is mainland.

Part of your premium perks is free tier for the first 1024 sqm you own - so that is why your land use fees show $0 monthly cost. 

You can leave the tier on the free bottom setting as long as you don't buy additional mainland. 

If you do buy additional mainland, you will need to acknowledge a tier increase, and LL will set it up to the appropriate level as part of that land  purchase.  Alternately, some people increase it before they purchase additional land - either way works.

I don't think you can lower it to an amount that doesn't cover the current amount of land you have. 

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16 hours ago, livb89 said:

Why is there the option for *me* to change the tier, rather LL just billing me for the amount of land I am using?

The radio button for tier setting is basically setting the level at which you want to be warned about tier increases.  Say you previously owned 8192 sqm of land and you are willing to pay that much in tier.  You then sell the land to buy something somewhere else.  If you leave the setting at 8192 then you'd only get a warning when you try to buy something that would put you over that much.  Some people buy land simply to flip it, but maybe they have to keep their max payable tier at a certain level, but also don't want the warning box popping up all the time for purchases that keep them below their desired maximum.  Thus they can set the radio button for their designated amount and not have to deal with the warning boxes unless they try to buy more land than they've indicated they are okay with paying for.


16 hours ago, livb89 said:

Why would you ever raise the tier setting if you weren't forced to? What would happen if you lowered it to a tier setting that didn't cover the amount of land you had?

Moirakathleen response is correct - you will never be allowed to reduce that button lower than the amount of tier that you are currently using (minus the 1024 that you get with your membership).  The "using" means land you own personally and tier donated to groups.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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