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Strange problems with my AV

Lockheed Slade

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Since a month I have a very weird problem with my account.

When I log in I only see a cloud, it stays like that for hours/days it will NOT fix itself. So I tried to rebake, than I get an noobie looking AV back. I cant change anything on that AV, can't even open appearance. Sometimes after rebake I could open appearance and build up my av again(skin/shape/clothes etc etc.).


Things I tried to fix it:


-tried a diffrent computer

-tried Phoenix,emergence and viewer 2....

-tried to clear cache

-did an character test male

-put renderunloadedavatar on true

-tried a other internet connection


Its been like this for the last month and drives me crazy, I can not go anywhere anymore on second life.

Anybody has an solution or has an idea what the problem is? I think my account is dammaged or something :S



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Problems like that are almost always local, on your own computer.  It looks as if you've tried many of the standard solutions already, but there's still hope.  It just may take a while and some good luck.  Take a look at http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=bake_fail to see a few more things to try.  You didn't mention rebooting your modem and router, for instance.  That can often clear the cobwebs out of a wonky connection.  Also, if you are using any of the Norton Utilities, try disabling them at least long enough for a test.  Norton software has been known to have conflicts with SL on some systems. 

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Hi thanks for all the reply's


I tried taking off all the scripts but did not work for me.

I am not on a WIFI connection.

@rolig I tried everything in that link you posted I tried all the steps but nothing worked, the only one left is: ''If this too fails, you will need to try the Craig or Katie avatars. For this, please join one of the Phoenix in-world support groups and request it. The groups are listed here; or you may contact one of support team directly.''


@ Inulla my av is not wearing any hair or others at the moment.


All the problems started in emergence viewer.


Thanks all, for helping to fix it, should I request the craig avatar?

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Hi all again,


It seems to be ok now!


I got the craig avatar from  phoenix suport crew and put it on. after that I changed it back to my normal clothes/skin/shape etc etc. and it all worked again.

What I did find out is that it might be my home sim what is causing the trouble. At my home sim the inventory wont load...


So I geuss thats where all problems started as I connect to that sim every time I start up sl.


Thanks all for the help :) have a nice day

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I'm now having a slightly altered version of this same problem, where I tried all the same things but it differs here:

I created an outfit that contains everything I "must" wear, such as skins, eyelashes, eyes, etc, but the clothes and jewelry I was wearing at the time were included too.

Now when I log in everything appears relatively quickly. My avie just pops up after very little or even no cloud time. The rest of the world loads pretty fast too. The day before yesterday, my inventory took two hours to catalogue 2500 items. Last night it finished quickly.

But the problem of never being able to change my pants or blouse remains. No clothing layer I attempt to put on ever shows up, even though the item listings show the change was made.

I am so confused now. I have tried everything. This was in 2.63 official viewer last night, which replaced 2.6.2 that I put on on Sunday, and this is after completely blowing away everything in cache manually. This is with and without RenderUnloadedAvatar set to true and with and without avatar imposters on.

Very confused. I get failure to GET blah blah blah because couldn't reach xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.agi.lindenlabs.com or something like that in the debug window, and so end up toggling HTTP Textures too. But you know how you try so many changes you can't tell which one is doing what anymore?


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