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Land and group set up question

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Hi,I have been unable to find a clear, un ambiguous description of what I want to do... even though it is something very common in SL.

I am going to buy some mainland to start a club.

I want to have staff who can kick people out of the club if needed but not be able to interfere with other aspects of the build.

In the past I have tried to work this out, but always failed.

Can someone please tell me what settings I need to have for...

a - the land and

b - the group

in order to allow staff to have the control needed over visitors...

Thanks in advance and apologies if this is too simple a question :-)


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It can be perplexing - basically you create a group that "owns" the land (you can deed land to this group from your own account) and then you make your club staff members of this group. Don't let anyone have rights in your group apart from owners to create new roles or assign roles - basically it means that only you the owner can change these options then and appoint managers (if you need them) and you can't be kicked from your own group.

The clever part is in the group roles for that group - create a role for DJ's and or hosts and un-check everything you don't want them to do e.g. sell/abandon land, edit terrain, set land options and so on. Don't forget that if you want Events listed in SL Search - then those roles need "Allow Event Hosting on this land" (or something like that) to be checked as well. I take the view with my staff group to let them only have the minimum amount of rights to change stream, eject folks and so on - I can add other rights temporarily if needed.

In your About Land > Options when you hover the land - uncheck every box in the top half half of the screen under 'Everyone' apart from Run scripts (this lets guests have their AO's work and dance HUD's) and you should be good to go.

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On 2017-5-27 at 0:55 PM, Space Zehetbauer said:

I want to have staff who can kick people out of the club if needed but not be able to interfere with other aspects of the build.

In the past I have tried to work this out, but always failed.

Three ways to do it, roles, as above.

Another one is a security system that allows sub admins, so the staff basically talk to that, and that does the work. 

Another way is to lock the build on the edit tab, then they can't mess with it.


Edit: there is a fourth way which I use in my estate, but it needs scripting skill, have a bot with all the powers and allow your staff to control the bot.

Really, the security system added to roles, is likely the best and easiest. Good luck on your project.

Edited by Callum Meriman
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