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Space Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Space Zehetbauer

  1. I did this once. I wanted a religion for my avatar as I was basing some short stories on the idea, so I created an SL religion, built this big modern glass thing which was the temple and actually attracted some followers. Bless them! And when I researched this, there were heaps of religions based on just about everything you could imagine, and then more 🙂 Oh, and p.s. I didnt attract any haters but you sure do attract some very interesting characters who attach themselves to you quickly. That is all I would warn you of, the attachers!
  2. such a naughty girl 😆
  3. Trying out some new hair today. It never ceases to amaze me how much different one looks just by changing hair style and/or colour.
  4. There are lots of factors at play in all of this. Let's assume you think one day, "I will go and chat to Space, I know where she lives in SL" And you pop into my island. I would be happy to have a chat with you but the chances of you arriving the same time I am there are quite remote. Even if I spent two hours a day at my island, that is still a narrow window for anyone to pop in and meet me by chance. I think most of the people I have had some level of friendship with inworld over the years have been people who have met me because I was the owner of the place they visited at the time. And some of the closest and long term friendships I have had have been with people who hit on me at clubs years ago and the original intimacy brings a certain closeness which has endured over time as friendship. I seem to be someone who is happy for fate to intervene when it needs to lol Let the Universe bring friendship to you might be my motto. 🙂
  5. I hope being here helps a little then. You do know, don't you, that just sharing that with us means you will have lots of positive vibes and feelings zooming their way across the world to you 🙂
  6. Lots of great points above. Also...When a newbie enters SL today, they are faced with meeting people who, in some cases, have been here 20 years. When many of us came here, nearly everyone was a newbie, "oldies" had only been here a year or two before us. That makes a big difference in the communication dynamic.
  7. might be safer for all concerned 🙂
  8. Haha, so many European cultures seem to have a Black Pete in there somewhere.
  9. 🙂 ditto... sighs some more Did I mention that in about 14 days time I will be in Amsterdam so that will probably drive me mad. I might have to wear ear plugs so I cant hear anyone speaking.
  10. You know you must be in second life when someone says this lol
  11. Well done on admitting the errors of your ways - there should be more of it on the forums! 🙂 Great compassion on display in your request for Sid to not getting involved in any wild frolicking based on erroneous information about a Harvest Day which doesnt exist for him, unless he is in Groningen etc. Which reminds me... I fell in love with a girl from Groningen many moons ago. sighs.... Returning from that tangent... You might have saved Sid great embarrassment and public humiliation. I applaud you. Saved by Chatgpt. Chatbot 1, Humankind 0.
  12. You would be the disco party! How could any party out-sparkle you in that outfit?
  13. Stunning, we all need one!
  14. When I click "like" it is often because I agree with the content or some part of it, but also as a show of support for that person, but I will also click like sometimes just out of respect for the person having taken the effort to write a big, thorough response. I might not agree with it, but do I respect the time and effort, yes.
  15. Oh Luna, some of the things you come up with. I can't imagine there are people who could possibly behave like that! 🙂 What sort of world would that be? smiles innocently....
  16. Yes, I was just reading this thread and I thought, what is this scorn laugh they are all talking about? Have I missed something? To me, in my simple minded view of the world, it is just a laugh. A laugh of happiness, a laugh of friendliness? Unless I am going mad, and this is always possible, I see 5 buttons. Something called Thanks, a laugh,a confused face, a sad button and a like. For me the thanks and like are too close in emotion, so they can leave me confused 🙂 Do I need to be reading more into this than face value? Have I been missing out on insults people have directed at me? Are people laughing at me when I thought they were laughing with me? Shrugs... and goes back to smiling. Its my default position lol
  17. Great reply, thanks. It feels inadequate to give a little reaction "like" to words like that, but I am sure you know I appreciate your thoughts. As someone who is of Sami descent I think the name "Space" was also a subtle expression of my desire to be at one with the universe in my SL, and I am sure through the universe you will sense my appreciation of your reply 🙂 I think studying history teaches one so much, about ourselves, and about how history repeats and sadly too few pay attention to the past. It is always speaking to us - in the same way that we are speaking to the future, through our actions.
  18. I was tempted to reply 4 times to your post, each time with a different reaction, but many may not understand. So I will play nicely and say, very good post and you get the green tick of approval reaction. 🙂
  19. Hi, I do this on my new homestead, which I bought through the PP program. I use Go Stream. I pay a weekly rental to them and this gives me access to an online site where I can upload my music from my macbook, onto their server. I have the Shoutcast 25 package. You need to buy the Auto DJ version to be able to upload music. I am then given a link to that server, which I place into the streaming area of the About Land tab in my viewer. And my music then streams directly all day and night into my island. It uses the shoutcast system. I am pretty sure the business is called Go Stream, might have to check that and get back to you if I am wrong lol
  20. I haven't noticed any discussion about what we could assume from you name yet, Love. Although you are one of the easier ones to get right. Obviously, from your name you are a Chinese girl. 🙂
  21. Just letting you know that some of your comments made me laugh, some I wanted to hit the sad button, some I thought needed a like button response and at no times did I feel like I wanted a cheeseburger. I do, however, agree that the response options are limited and I can feel a new thread coming on. I also agree that people seem to get confused easily by the button pressing of others. We all take and process communication clues differently. For the record ...35% of my feelings were serious, 2.5% were sarcasm, 0.3% were romantic and the rest were all over the shop. I hope that helps, have a lovely day 🙂
  22. There is always someone out there recording stuff in a spreadsheet. Beware 🙂
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