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Is Aditi test grid still accessible

Bongo Steampunk

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Sure. I was there earlier today.

Assuming you are using the standard viewer, open rpefernces and int eh Advanced tab, check the "Show Grid Selection at Startup". Next time you launch the viewer you have a nice new grid selection menu on the startup screen.

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  • 2 months later...

I like to ask sorry I couldn't figure how to set up my own post but it is regarding test grid. I can't log into it? I use same password to log into main grid but in the test grid it just says wrong password used. I don't know any more to do about it other than just asking for help :/

(never mind I was able to post new topic but now I can't delete this one lol)

Edited by Raccoon Rezillo
updated on that I found how to post new topic
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