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Pamela Galli

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I know what this error means when applied to one of the LODs but not when applied to the High LOD:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/gdjzbecief76zmf/Screenshot 2017-05-15 16.14.49.png?dl=0

I have searched this forum and everything I have found references the Med - Lowest LODs, not the top. Ugh.

I have made all four LODs but did not bother uploading since the highest is rejected. 

I exported as OBJ and imported, same problem. 

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I changed the name (which was rather long) and now it works :-) 

When something doesnt work I get out my hammer and bang on things till it does. It would be nice if the error message gave any CLUE to what the probably actually is. It had nothing to do with being a subset of reference model.

Edited by Pamela Galli
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Ah yeah, file path naming is still a problem with the importer. It got much better with object names and material names though. What got me confused a little was the Material error message at the bottom. Usually with the Missing required level of detail error a DAE parsing ... error shows up at the bottom.

That's why I would have like to see it with the official viewer. :) However good it's working, but for the record, which name did you actually change. DAE file, object name, material name?

Edited by arton Rotaru
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  • 4 weeks later...

For the people who having that issue,

Just change your debug setting to ImporterLegacyMatching in debug settings to TRUE, you can upload all these dae's on both the LL viewer & Firestorm. .. this works for me.

Hope this helps :D

For the ones that dont know where to look

Advanced > Debug Settings from the top menu bar.

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  • 3 years later...

Thank you very much @SoRe Nirvana, now and then I happen to run into this problem, now and then it indeed was the name and Maya seem to have somewhere a node that make the name in some way longer. You only see it when you import in another program since just renaming doesn't help. Up to now I could get around it when I extract a part of the mesh, combine it again and after the name changed automatically to polySurfaceXX. Then the name can be changed to whatever you wish if it's not too long (don't know the max number of characters) 

This time that didn't do the trick, checked the model, exported as .obj, reimported, applied new material (Lambert1) only one face for this model required. Still nothing

Changing the debug settings did solve the problem. Anybody any idea why?

For complete info, model was zeroed out, (delete history, center Pivot, Freeze transformations). Used viewer: Fs

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22 minutes ago, Zed Tremont said:

Personally I use already quite some years Firestorm only for sl and that works perfectly fine. Apart from now and then some issue as above mentioned which is solved now too.

Well do keep in mind that firestorm default settings are not the same as the SL viewer, LOD specifically.

Edited by Kyrah Abattoir
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On 5/29/2021 at 10:35 AM, Kyrah Abattoir said:

How do you test how your objects look then? On Firestorm only?

Although my post is four years old the answer is the same. I make everything how I like it to look with my browser, with my Windlight, with my graphics settings. Rarely any post processing. All but the oldest items are kept displayed in my four region store. 

Anyone is free to decide if they like how something looks on their browser and computer with their windlight. I don’t try to be all things to everyone.

Edited by Pamela Galli
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  • 3 weeks later...

Funny how this thread gets necro'd when I am about to post about this very subject.

I have (I hope) some very good news, as of the next Firestorm release there should be a significant reduction in these heinous misreported errors.

The not a subset error has traditionally appeared for a number of reasons only one of which was actually related to the materials of the model. In some circumstances it would report as this when in fact it was simply unbale to match the LOD model in the file to a valid mesh. Badly named objects and mismatched meshes between LOD models could all result in the same error. I recently wrote a blog post discussing at length how this has been completely rewritten to replace those errors with something at least a little more useful. When the HIGH LOD model cannot be correctly determined (which I suspect was the case here) it should report "Model <name of model> has no High Lod (LOD3)". If there is a name mismatch or other issue typically resulting from a mismatched LOD file, it should report "Model <name of model in DAE> was not used - mismatching lod models." There are always other cases, and issues with name parsing, bad characters in names etc can cause all kinds of weirdness. So there remain less informative "parsing error" messages which sadly will not always tell you exactly why a DAE load failed, but if you have models that have a poor error report please feel free to raise a jira for me (https://jira.firestormviewer.org) and attach the DAE files and I will review it and see whether anything can be done in future.

The story-style explanation can be found in this post http://beqsother.blogspot.com/2021/06/taming-mesh-uploader-improved-workflow.html

and a shorter summary post in the latest blog (see separate thread in this forum).

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