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Click on object to create light+glow of object's tint?


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So Im making this lightbulb that, when clicked on, turns on a light and glows, simple enough with this script I got from the SL Wiki:

// Touch the object to light it up.
// Lighting is configurable.
integer light_s    = TRUE;
vector  lightcolor = <1.0, 0.75, 0.5>;
float   intensity  = 1.0;             // 0.0 <= intensity <= 1.0
float   radius     = 10.0;            // 0.1 <= radius <= 20.0
float   falloff    = 0.01;            // 0.01 <= falloff <= 2.0
float   glow       = 0.05;
    float thisglow = 0.0;
    light_s = !light_s;
    if (light_s)
        thisglow = glow;
        PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, light_s, lightcolor, intensity, radius, falloff,
        PRIM_FULLBRIGHT, ALL_SIDES, light_s,
        PRIM_GLOW,       ALL_SIDES, thisglow
      llSetColor(lightcolor, ALL_SIDES);
        llSetText("Touch for light", <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0);
    touch_start(integer total_number)

Now I don't know anything about coding, heck, I only got a C++ in Visual Basic class! (ba-dum-tsst)

My problem is I want the user to be able to change the base object's color in the default tint picker and then have the object glow and produce light of that color. From what I understand, this script calls on "vector lightcolor" which sets the color based on the values of "<1.0, 1.0, 1.0>".

If I were to sell an object with this script inside of it, the buyer would have to change these values manually in order to change the color and I don't want to have to make them do that.

What can I change about this script so that it produces light and glows just like it has been, but instead of the color being chosen by "<1.0, 1.0, 1.0>" values, it chooses based on the color the base object's been tinted at?

Many thanks!

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Nova Convair wrote:

LSL has no built in color picker!

The only easy way is to let the user type in numbers for RGB or open a menu with a selection of assorted colours.

For a real color picker you need to build an object or HUD like this example here: 


Yes, but I would repeat, for the sake of  clarity (since the OP is not an experienced scripter), that it's trivially simple to change the object's colour using the viewer's colour picker and then have a script in the object read that new colour using llGetColor.


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