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How do I place two objects in same exact position straight out of inventory?


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I built a spaceship and it has a separate interior to the exterior so that I may add textures separately. Although I take them both out of my inventory, it seems difficult to align them the same way they were in Blender where I made them. Is there any way to set them to the same exact position without dragging it to try and align it?

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2 answers to this question

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Hi Hakureix3,

Whether there's a way may depend on where the centers of the two objects are in Blender. If you built them both off the same origin, and exported them in a fashion that retains their relative sizes, you should be able to re-align them in SL by typing the same X/Y/Z coordinates into the edit window "Position" boxes for each object. If they have different origins, or were somehow scaled differently on export, you're out of luck and will have to nudge and stretch them until they look right.

I usually build "by the numbers" in SL, using the object position and size boxes to line things up. I drag only to get things roughly where I want them.

All that said, I've never used Blender. Someone who has may have more light to shed on this.

Good luck!

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You could link them into a single object in Blender, although I think that would limit you to six textures total.

Or you could simply align them in world.  Use the Edit window's position boxes to get them lined up on two axes, then nudge one of them along the remaining axis (I'd use the little up/down arrows in the position box for accuracy.)  

Then select both objects and link them with CTRL+L.  They become a single object for the purposes of taking into inventory, rezzing, and editing position, size and rotation, but each original object retains all its textures and they can be edited.

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