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Is this possible?

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I am very new to Second Life, so please forgive me if this is a stupid question!

I can not afford to buy or rent land right now, but I would like to build a small sky room where a few friends and I can meet at a pre-arranged time and chat. I don't know exactly how to explain what I am asking...Are there places where I could "drop" my room for a few hours and we could all meet there?   It does not have to be a permanent place, and I would put it in the sky to be out of other SL people's way? Am I making sense?

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Public sandboxes usually wipe (and delete or return everything) every 2-3 hours, so if you can time it so that you rez your skybox just after it's wiped, you should get a couple of hours use out of it before it wipes again.

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There are places called sandboxes in SL where you can go to rez and build etc. Most have an auto-return of 6 hours (but it can vary).

Bear in mind that your stuff will be autoreturned to you after the specified time and it may all be as one 'coalesced' object, meaning if you rez multiple items they'll all be returned to your lost and found folder clumped together and you'll need to rez them all together again.

Also note that, strictly speaking, sandboxes are not exactly intended as 'free meeting places' but more for people to build. There's not necessarily anything preventing you from doing what you want at a sandbox, but it's not exactly within the spirit of sandboxes either as you'd be using sim resources that are provided for others to build. I certainly wouldn't advise doing it if there are a lot of you meeting up and having a party as it could possibly get you banned from the sandbox.

If you want somewhere to meet up with freidns, you might be better off finding a quite public location (such as a park or club etc) where you can meet and chat, or alternatively look at getting a premium account which will get you a free Linden home :)

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Hi Arenaria :smileyhappy:

I guess I know what you mean, and: there are no dumb questions - only dumb answers can be given... I try to give a good and not a dumb one. I have a free acount like you, so I also can't buy land to build stuff on. The only option for peeps like us is to rent a skybox and build a home on it - a solution I am satisfied with. I recommend to have a good look at the offers given; there are of course cheapos, but you might not rez to much stuff on your box, because the renter probably might not be allow too many prims on this small piece of land. I began with a 50 - prim skybox, but it soon became too small. I'm not sure how much I payed per month, but It must've been around 300L$ per month for it. Today I got a skybox on which I'm allowed to rezz almost 600 prims on, which helps me to make my place cosy and neat :smileyhappy:. The other side of such luxury is its cost; I pay 2000 Lindens a month now, but it's okay for me. You see: there are more expensive solutions as well! If you decide to rent a skybox at least there are two things to paying attention to: it should be about 2000 meters high in the sky; mine is at 4000 meters. The second thing is: try to get a low prim house on this piece of land - you might be glad about it some day (this will be when you bought a sofa or a bed you liked and you can still rez it! :smileyhappy:) Btw.: I have built different modern houses, but didn't succeed in selling them; they might still be somewhere at the marketplace, but we cn talk about me giving you one for free - just IM me inworld...

Greetinx and tc,


Johanna Weihs

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Hello Arenaria,

You can use a Sandbox, some allow you to build for as long as 5 hours.

If you open Search Inworld and search Places/sandbox you will see some Public sandboxes owned by private Residents, scroll down the list and look for one with Low Traffic and an auto-return that works for you.

•Sandbox Cordova
•Sandbox Goguen 
•Sandbox Newcomb
•Sandbox Wanderton
•Sandbox Island 
•Sandbox Island Extension 
Sandbox - Weapons testing (no damag
•Combat (sandbox) - Red Team's HQ
•Combat (sandbox) Rausch 
•Combat (sandbox) - Blue Team's HQ

•Sandbox Morris
•Sandbox Plum




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