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help with identifying a mythological beast for ava flavoring


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im really in abit of a sore spot due to an as-of-yet unexplained forum glitch that keeps axing my innocuous post 5 seconds after its made.

so with that in mind ill try and keep this short.i need someone with a fair whack of knowledge about different mythologys to pm me,as im having a hard time identifying a favorite of mine that i sadly forgot the name of.and yes i do intend to base my ava off of it

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ok.to start off,yes this is a thread about "avatar flavoring" as it were.an extremely complicated one

see,to properly "feel" my avatar as it were,i need help to identify a certain sort of mythological creature that i have very little info about. (analogy indices: making your ava look like your favorite pop culture hero) (analogy indices 2: im very good at retaining info but terrible at names,or to be more precise,something which ive studied but forgotten the name of)    
(point of order 1: i feel it neccesary to highlight that picks from any and all mythologies are good,im going for the character,not the particular set)

the creature in question is a sort of mythological demon of sorts. though in actuality it couldnt really be classified as good or evil,more or less predisposed to a sort of "chaos" motif

in spirit it is very similar to the elemental basis of "human", though with some notable differences. 

it is generally regarded as female, or feminine in aspect but cares little for such things given the vast power it was vested with. 

to classify its relation to humanity, i guess you could say that it was a sort of "human ancestor", or to be more precise for the topic "fresh off of creation's hot anvil". with every emotion and quality in far too great an abundance.

it does not regard itself as the supreme being as it were, not even close, it considers itself subordinate to the supreme being. yet it likes to think of itself as sort of a "mother" "protector" figure to those that follow it. the kind of devotion it requires isnt what one could actually classify as "worship". more like what one would give to a very close family member.

on the other hand.to those that dont follow it, it has the appearence of "a demon of lust". though that isnt actually accurate, the closest term in english would be "bloodlust". it revels in the art of combat, not in deception, but in very direct combat. 

it also happens to be very mischevious, almost in a malevolent way. sometimes very violent, but for the most part for entertainment purposes. 

as for it's appearence. that generally depends on what it's doing at the given time. When speaking to it's "followers" or "family" as it were. it has a relatively humanoid appearence, save for the distinction of a third eye in the middle of the forehead, dressed in robes of white linen etched with bizarre symbols. 

when perceived by non-followers, or not in combat as it were. it is dressed in a lightweight set of armor, girded by the same robes as before. in this form it has two additional though less prominent eyes on the sides of the head, implying as vast, all seeing sort of sight. seeing it in this form, or being in close proximity, generally produces a sense of "profundity" , (i admit,im not entirely sure of the english language term to describe this sort of phenomenon, its like fear in a way , but to the aboition of other sensations, it produces a calming sort of  "dark peace"  as it were, very restful" )

when in combat proper ,or when engaging in said activity. its form bears the least resemblance to the other two. a very ornate suit of heavy armor, made from wrought iron, with it's skin being an ash color, and its eyes being a glowing red. its normally long , jeweled black hair , becomes wild and splayed without ornamentation .  it's weapon being a massive sword that has a triangular cross section , with the blood groove replacing edge being impacted on either side  ( abit like an anvil shape ) 

in general its form is extremely feminine , getting less feminine the more towards combat   it gets . it frequently speaks to it's followers in dreams , when they close there eyes , often with a very nonsensical series of imagry , experiences , and events , but very compelling . the more intelligent of her followers can sometimes figure future events based on decoding these things 
now with that in mind , the reason why i went on at length for this description is because i need help with the name of this as it were . i need to study it more so i can base my ava off of it . ( im also working on creating a series of statues ingame to commemorate parts of it's essence ) 

and seeing as this is a very old memory of mine , i gave the info i remember , and hope minds less forgetfull than mine can dig through the mythologies to find what i speak of . ( and please,pardon my rather nonsensical and stilted english . its not my strongsuit ) 

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