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Seems IE 9 Does Not Support Posting on this forum!

George Orellana

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George Orellana wrote:

When using the newly released IE 9 (I am a Chrome user but my line of work requires me to have the top 5 browsers installed for testing) to post anything on this forum, the content part of the post is not rendered. 

I had the same problem George. The RC version was doing all sorts of strange things like not showing the content and not allowing the format bar options to work. Honestly I can't tell you what I did to fix it, or that it is completely fixed, because it still acts sort of weird (I hear the forum has a link bug too involving the Reply button). But since I installed the RTM final version, things have improved.

I've been using the Rich Text version btw. I haven't tried HTML yet. I'm sort of wondering if these forums (and others I've had problems with) are possibly using Java of some sort, which IE doesn't do well with.


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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

Isn't IE9 still in beta?


ETA: (Reply to below) Phew! I don't feel too bad about only missing it by a week.  I'd feel a bit daft if you told me it launched a month or two ago

Don't feel bad at all. You know Microsoft and Linden Lab seem they all went to the same dev school, as Stable Release to both those companies means release something that is as stable as being nearly out of Alpha and preBeta.

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George Orellana wrote:

PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

Isn't IE9 still in beta?


ETA: (Reply to below) Phew! I don't feel too bad about only missing it by a week.  I'd feel a bit daft if you told me it launched a month or two ago

Don't feel bad at all. You know Microsoft and Linden Lab seem they all went to the same dev school, as Stable Release to both those companies means release something that is as stable as being nearly out of Alpha and preBeta.

Ya! Compatibility Mode! That was it! :womanvery-happy:

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  • 3 weeks later...


George Orellana wrote:

Bumping this thread because more and more people are now updating to IE 9 and more blank posts are turning up each day. LL needs to look into this or at the very least alert all IE 9 users to use compatibility mode.

As of last Friday Lithium's statement on the IE9 issue is: Until we have completed our work if you want to use IE9 you can use Compatibility Mode. My understanding is that the editor works fine in Compatibility Mode.


So, they are aware and working on it.  They have had numerous reports of this issue.  I am floating this thread for all so everyone knows about compatibility mode as a work around. 

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Thank you Lexie :) glad to see that Lindens are looking at the forums, good job.

Just be aware that as my post above from a few weeks ago mentions, the CSS style is not working right under IE 9 compatibilty mode, the layout gets distorted, and this was at least true at the time I wrote that. I have not rechecked this recently as I have been working on a Linux machine. Would be nice someone tested this again and post here the results.

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George Orellana wrote:

Thank you Lexie
glad to see that Lindens are looking at the forums, good job.

Just be aware that as my post above from a few weeks ago mentions, the CSS style is not working right under IE 9 compatibilty mode, the layout gets distorted, and this was at least true at the time I wrote that. I have not rechecked this recently as I have been working on a Linux machine. Would be nice someone tested this again and post here the results.

Still true George. The line with the main destinations like Forums, SecondLife, Community Feedback, etc. is still tucked under the tabs at the top so only the bottom of the text is visible, though still clickable. And I still have problems with selecting text in quoted messages...

Firefox 4 works perfectly however.

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Void Singer wrote:

:: cough :: I would have figured that most SL users were net savvy enough not to still IE out of anything but desperation =X

I maintain the company intranet site here at work and it's written using largely VBScript with COM applications and DB access on the back end. The script includes IE-specific interface calls to CSS elements to such a degree that navigation is impossible in any other browser.

Since I have to have it open all the time and can't test in anything else either, I just end up having all my sites open in IE tabs rather than running two different browsers all day and having to alt-tab. It was more annoying pre-IE8 but with the advent of 8 and now 9 IE has gotten more streamlined and more adept at handling the other 90% of what I need a browser for.

But I'm converting the company site to Javascript/ADO/PHP just as fast as I can! Give me time! :womanhappy:

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I wish I had seen this thread yesterday.

I needed to access some State of Illinois pages yesterday and you only get full functionality with I.E.   But now with the upgrade I couldn't even view some of them much less fill in the forms I needed to file.  Talk about a cluster fark. 


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Pep wrote:

Desperation . . .
using corporate resources for personal purposes . . .

Pep ( . . . which is petty fraud when it comes down to it; if it's on
your own
time you don't have to use IE9.)

it's not fraud, it's misappropriation of resources, and it's only a problem IF there's a policy forbidding it. I could surf Russian porn sites all day for all my work cares, and yes I have that in writing (they don't explicitly mention porn though). and almost every company I've ever worked for or done business with only applies browsing policies to work time activities (and not breaks)


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Pep wrote:

Desperation . . .
using corporate resources for personal purposes . . .

Pep ( . . . which is petty fraud when it comes down to it; if it's on
your own
time you don't have to use IE9.)


The only thing petty here would be someone seriously attempting to turn every open tab not related directly to work into "fraud" or "misappropriation".

Naturally I would expect them to practice what they preach to the letter by not using company bandwidth to listen to streaming music, not using space in the company refrigerator to store any food or beverage intended for personal rather than companywide use, never taking or making a single call on company phone equipment, whether landline or cellular, that does not directly relate to company business, not having any non-business conversations of any sort in person with co-workers without clocking out first, never sending or receiving a single e-mail to or from a non-business contact in a company e-mail program, never installing a single piece of software not justified and deemed necessary as per a list of approved company software, not storing so much as a single grayscale 1X1 icon not directly related to the promotion of company interests on a company hard drive, not hanging a hat or any item of clothing that is not part of a company uniform on a company coathook, etc.

All of those, to the tragically constipated, could be considered misappropriation of company time, space, resources, or equipment. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Or were you being facetious Pep, in which case, nevermind? :womanwink:

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And of course one mustn't forget the truly progressive management style that (thankfully) is becoming more prevalent in the IT and "white collar" trades these days that places a higher value on work product, completion of duties and maintaining proper professional attitude .. and has far less concern with each paper clip, microsecond of "company time" or the quantity of dust particles on one's "company sanctioned office decor items".

When you manage a group of human beings, and expect them to produce creative, imaginative feats "on-demand" .. wrapping piano wire around their nethers has never really proven to be an effective (or particularly popular) management technique.

(However reality is of no concern to those folks that only delight in the appearance of superiority by nitpicking the tiniest of flaws.)

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