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Scooby Mode wrote:

I know what funny means.

The definition perhaps, but not the concept, obviously.

Scooby Mode wrote:

 Again, you take it literally.

I hope you don't mind me fixing your errors. It might take some time, though.

Scooby Mode wrote:

you are trying to go make me look up a word

Sorry, I can't fix that; it's senseless.

Scooby Mode wrote:

 I could care less about. 


Do you mean "I could NOT care less about"? Otherwise you are paying me a compliment.

Alec - multiple quotes as well as multiple posts


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Come on, you can do better. Yeah, work on my every sentence. I'm putting your ass to work. *darling* without slang spelled correctly you hypocrite.


LOL, you seriously have nothing to contribute to this thread but troll it. Yes, that's funny to me because your intentions fail,  and you are too stupid to realize you're being insulted, and owned. I have you raging, yet I'm laughing, shouldn't it be the other way around?


When most people lose arguments, they tend to correct the other persons grammar. This is a fact.


Come on do better, I give your last post maybe  a  5 out of 10, that's being generous. You correcting me makes it a  5. I do think you need to tone it down a little son cause you are going too hard on this.

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Nothing more to say to me little troll?

Do I need to change the diet for you? 


Come on, you are taking a  step back. You're suppose to make progress, not throw out  two words.


2/10.   What types of things do you like to do with your shotgun, you little redneck? Outside of chasing off your heifers guys.


EDIT: You forgot to correct  my  grammar. You're losing, so come on, correct it please! I need something to laugh at. Waste that time, I'm putting your ass to work.

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Scooby Mode wrote:


Oh, I like it when you call me darling.

Alec - it
even better when you don't

Oh dear. You are completely oblivious to the most simplistic of literary devices, aren't you. You probably don't even realise that my whole name is a pun.

I'll enlighten you. EVERY "punchline" that I end a post with starts "Alec - . . . " because it is meant to be read as "I like . . ."

The line you have quoted should be read as "I like it even better when you don't"

Have you really been reading all my posts and have not worked that out yet? 0/10 for perspicacity I am afraid.

As a result, even those of average intelligence will now be laughing at your attempted "correction".

Alec - to explain things to the cerebrally disadvantaged

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Scooby Mode wrote:

 You're suppose to make progress, not throw out  two words.


I thought if I kept it short you might have half a chance of understanding what I wrote.

I obviously overestimated you.

Alec - two word sentences; can you think of one I might be silently saying to you at this very moment?

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Fail again troll. I never heard the name "Alec" pronounced as "I like". Refer to james Bond; Goldeneye where "Alec" is pronounced totally different.  Oh, it's not just bond where it's pronounced different either BTW.


Come on, do better, that was laughable. As for  "I like it even better when you dont" sure......... "It's" as in  "it is" since you are now resulting to even lying about your own name being a pun hahahahaha.


You are being owned once again. I corrected you on the word "darling" and how it's actually spelled. Corrected you on your boring punchline which seem to have set you off into a frenzy. Now if you could just correct my grammar some more since you are losing hard "I LIKE".


EDIT: Come on I like,  respond back with your  3 or 4 angry written post (but do it with correcting all my grammar errors tho). I know you are trolling other threads cause you can't win this one, but you need to focus!

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Scooby Mode wrote:

I never heard the name "Alec" pronounced as "I like".

But then, you have to make wild guesses at foreign languages. Maybe you have never travelled outside the city limits of Abnormal, Alabama.

Scooby Mode wrote:

 Refer to james Bond; Goldeneye where "Alec" is pronounced totally different.  


Whose pronunciation? Pierce Brosnan's? He is an Irishman playing a Scotsman. Robbie Coltrane's? He is a Scot playing a Russian. Or maybe Famke Janssen, who is Dutch and playing a Georgian***

Alec - your ignorance of the world outside Abnormal, Kentucky

***That's the Georgia that used to be in the USSR, not the one next to Alabama



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You keep saying I live in a hick state, yet you are the one with the shotgun who typically would do what a other redneck dad would do. (Oh, and before you say it, yes I know you were probably being sarcastic). 


As for your foreign language, I'm stil not going to bother with wasting my time like you are correcting my grammar. I need to start purposely making every sentence TYPO-ed out as possible. 


Hey I Like!  I have a question..... If pinocchio said "My nose is about to grow" is he lying or telling the truth?

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Scooby Mode wrote:

I know you are trolling other threads

I am also cooking a dinner party for eight, doing the Daily Telegraph cryptic crossword, writing up my report on the cure for cancer I have been developing, and chopping up two of my grandhildren - but that's splitting heirs.

Alec - confusing the easily confused.

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Scooby Mode wrote:

Hey I Like!  I have a question..... If pinocchio said "My nose is about to grow" is he lying or telling the truth?

In such circumstances I would suggest that you change your medication to something that does not cause delusions that fantasy characters are alive and able to speak to you.

Alec - Marvel characters, not Disney ones

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Scooby Mode wrote:

You think if they are your friends, they'll understand?


This has no context to it. Provide an explanation, reference or argument.

(Do you recognise the phrase from that exam you failed at the end of English 007?)

Alec - to try to understand, but some people make it VERY difficult.

PS I don't got no friends; just potential enemies I haven't yet dismembered

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Oh,  you mean it has no context to it!?  Well hell, I should have asked the other one!


Where is my double posts, triple posts, from you to my one? I know I insult people, but damn son, you take it to the next level while failing, and speaking of insults, give me  a new wave.


You think Jesus was a  jew? Yes, this is how much you entertain me, I resort to this as you have yet to own me, ok maybe you did once to all these others, but for the most part I can't take you seriously I LIKE. Damn, I thought my name was **bleep**ed up.

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Scooby Mode wrote:

Oh,  you mean it has no context to it!?  Well hell, I should have asked the other one!


Where is my double posts, triple posts, from you to my one? I know I insult people, but damn son, you take it to the next level while failing, and speaking of insults, give me  a new wave.


You think Jesus was a  jew? Yes, this is how much you entertain me, I resort to this as you have yet to own me, ok maybe you did once to all these others, but for the most part I can't take you seriously I LIKE. Damn, I thought my name was **bleep**ed up.

Sorry readers, I am afraid that Scooby has now lost it completely. Normal service will be resumed once the nurse has administered the medication, plumped up the cushions and moved Scooby's wheelchair to a more shady location.

Alec - to use the word "normal" sarcastically

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Tnank you and good afternoon for now. This is Alec DeBoeuil signing off until the next time that he can do forum participants the service of distracting idiots posters by confining their attention to a thread which served no purpose in the first place, thereby leaving more interesting threads free for positive contributions.

Checking around, it is such a shame that nobody took advantage of the opportunity.

Alec - to do gratuitous good occasionally

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Thank you and good afternoon for now. (You might want to correct that buddy since you never make any errors).

I will expect to read 20 posts from you on this thread insulting just this little post here of mine alone.


Good bye Alec! Take care, I will see you when you return,  and will be sure to own you some more, and that's the thing. Ted would have pissed me off by now but you... But you.... I find you funny cause you try so hard against me and it's almost as if I'm making you dance on a string.  


You hit the low on being the grammar nazi after losing,  but I am surprised tho because you didn't even go for the next low which was to insult someone for not having a job, or having a  **bleep**ty job, then proceed to claim you have the better job.  


That surprises me, you did every single thing I expected you to do, when losing, and when trolling, but you didn't go there.  Now, if you can... Please go there! However, with that all being said, you're pretty witty, and got some smarts.

I know you like to insult everyone on every thread, and every post you make, I can't take you serious.

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