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I get logged out and can't relog NOW verification is questioned and I am blocked ?? HELP PLS!!

CindyLou Clarrington

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Since about last October, I notice that about every 6 weeks or so, I am suddenly logged out of SL and cannot log back in until I uninstall and reinstall my viewer ( Viewer 2). NOW, after having uninstalled and reinstalled YET AGAIN, due to being logged out a day ago and failing to login in after hours of attempts, I suddenly find I cannot log in at all. I tried everything, deactived gestures, looked at broadband speed, emptied a lot of inventory and taken off highlighted items in inv etc, removed tag before logging off but nothing at all now will get me on this time. I CAN come on as this alt which I made as a back up a couple of years ago, but all of the clothes etc I PAID FOR with a lot of Lindens which I purchased, will be lost also, as well as friendships and all of the links I took in my journey through SL over these two years will be lost, if my av is not usable any more. A friend the other side of the country was able to log in as me last night, and I can easily log in as this alt, but this morning suddenly she couldn't log in for me as a test either. I am also suddenly unable to log in to my SL account in the website . I just phoned America as requested on the non-login details, and the guy seemd to think I am on review (?) and there was a problem verifying ME as the av owner. I have not been anyone else but me, a girl having friends, going to disco's and buying clothes! PLEASE help as I don't know what is going on OR why or how to get around this? I am an adult, I have sent tickets, but no one really seems to be able to help my predicament and really I have done nothing wrong that I know.

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I think you need to look for an email from LL. If they suspended your account, you should be notified.

Your friend has logged in with your account. This may have set off an alarm, so they think your account is hacked by your friend.  It is against the TOS to give your password to anybody else. I know many does it, but it is still not allowed and generally a bad idea. Now LL need you to prove that this is your account.

The main thing here now is to communicate with LL... they are the only one who can let you in again.

The problems you have had before this, could be caused by other things, like your avatar beeing "ghosted". Have your friends seen you as inworld when you tried to log in?

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I'm having a similar problem. I had trouble logging in yesterday around 5 PM, took several attempts. Then I was in but there was considerable lag in most places, but a few were fine. Then after about 40 minutes, I was logged out. Got a message that said something like "Darn! You've been logged out. This region may be experiencing problems. Check your internet connection."

I was watching some Sunday night shows on TV, so over the next 2 or 3 hours I tried off and on to log in ... no luck. Tried various links to TP to and they all seem to be having trouble.

Oh well, tried again about 1 PM today and still can't log in, still getting the same message.

I haven't been here all that long (over a month) but I just bought 2 hair styles that I really like and would hate to lose those.

Don't know what to do or who to contact ... could someone help me with this please? Thanks much!  :)


Edited to add ... I'm the only one using my account and haven't shared my log in details (or laptop) with anyone.  Even so, I checked my email to see if there was anything from LL and there was nothing.

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I see one potential issue -- you had someone else log in with your av name and password.  Have you let anyone else do that?   LL knows where a login comes from, so logins from different and distant places could raise questions about  the ID of the owner.  

With most businesses, if your ID needs verification, you get a notice and a request to answer a verification question you provided when you registered.  I don't know that Linden Lab is doing that.  


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But you were on the phone with LL? And they said it was a problem with your avatar, you need to verify who you are? They did not tell you more? You haven't got an email? (check your spam filter too)

Keep on calling LL and ask what they want you to do. And scan some ID and send it to them with an email, explaining that you let a friend try to log in as you, it was an honest mistake and you can prove that the account belong to you.

Keep on trying, it is only LL that can let your main avatar in again!

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Thanks Marianne for the reply and the link. I read through the suggestions, but there's not much I can do ....'

Thought maybe if I was a little more detailed in what's happening, that it might help. My original post makes it look like I'm actually logged in for a period of time. Apologies (to all who might read this) if it seems incredibly long and drawn out ...

Here's what's actually going on:

I bring up the browser and if I click to log in before the opening pic/scene appears, the viewer "grays over" and at the top it says Second Life not responding. That's the way it's been since I started.

The opeing pic/scene appears and I click to log in. It then transitions to the black page where it goes through with what's being loaded. If I click anywhere on the viewer while it's loading, it "grays over" and at the top it says Second Life not responding ... it's still working because I will eventually get in.

About three minutes later (I timed it ... just seems like a really long load time ... always been that way) it logs in and instantly logs out. (No time to send IMs or do anything.) The side menu bar appears and I immediately get this message:

Darn. You have been logged out of Second Life.
This region may be ecperiencing trouble. Please check your connection to the internet.
View IM & Chat ... Quit

I have one other avatar ... that was actually my original one. I made a second one so I could fiddle with resizing the different aspects. I knew nothing at all about SL when I started and thought that would be the best way to figure out what was what. I don't think I've used that one for at least 2 1/2 weeks. My second av has become the main one.

Anyway ... I tried logging in with the original av and got the same results ... 3+ minute log in process > then instant log in / log out.


There are some things you can try to get the account logged out, but they are anecdotal and not guaranteed to work:

    * you can attempt to have it logged out by paying it 1L or giving it objects (use an alt account, or ask a friend to do this).

    * If that fails, then you can try spamming the account with IMs. Copy a large block of text and paste it, repeatedly, into an IM to the “ghosted” account.

Unable to do the above because of the 3+ minute log in process > then instant log in / log out.


    *      For every 15 minutes that a ghosted avatar is online, it actually goes “offline” for 1 minute. During that 1 minute window, you will actually be able to login to anywhere but the sim where you are ghosted. Therefore, please follow these steps to get logged in and kick your ghost off the system:
         1. Repeatedly attempt to log in without breaks for 30 minutes at most. It is crucial that you are trying to log into somewhere other than where you are ghosted.

Did that, didn't help. When I finished trying to repeatedly log in there was a notification for a Software Update .... pretty happy about that because I figured that would fix the problem, but it didn't ... went right into the 3+ minute log in process and the instant log in / log out.

         2. Once you get logged in, teleport to the location where your ghosted avatar is.

Can't do that because of the 3+ minute log in process > then instant log in / log out. 

         3. Upon arriving in the same location as your ghosted avatar, it should disappear.

At this point, I have no idea where I was when the problem started. I went through the money tree list for different points to log in with. I also used some random places that I saw written about in blogs when I was searching for a fix for this.

    *  Try logging in with an incorrect password. Naturally, the log in will fail. Wait a minute or two then repeat, 2 to 3 times. Then try logging in with the correct password.

Did that but didn't seem to help. As soon as I logged in with the correct passwords, it went back to the 3+ minute log in process > then instant log in / log out.

If you find that your account is being ghosted quite often, then you need to look for possible causes at your end. Gosting often occurs due to failures to hand off your avatar data between regions. And note that this is not related to which viewer you use.

The primary suspect here is your network connection. The first thing to do is to check your real bandwidth, to ensure you have not set bandwidth in Phoenix too high, or too low.

Comcast was here today to pick up a box that I no longer needed and I asked them to check the speed because that little internet icon thing in the task bar has been losing the 1st and 2nd of 5 bars off and on for the last three days. He checked, said it was fine. He also looked at my modem and wireless router (neither of which are ever touched or moved ... I'm the only one here). At the end he said it all seemed fine. He left and then I reset the both the modem and router.

The icon bar thing  / speed has been going on for three days, but have only had problems logging in since last night ... so it might be this but I don't really think so ... have to start somewhere though.  I don't have any problems going to other websites and haven't noticed any periods  where connectivity is an issue ... that's only happened with Second Life.

lol (arghh!!) ... this is frustrating ... so many questions! :)

Should I uninstall and then install Second Life again?

Should I create another avatar to see if I can log in with it? If I do that and find that I still can't log in and stay logged in ... what does that mean in regards to this problem? If I do that and it works (I'm able to stay logged in) ... what does that mean in regards to this issue and how do I fix the avatar that I want to keep using.

(I kind of don't want to have a string of avatars that I'm not going to use ...)

Really appreciate any suggestions / tips ... thanks!


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I wonder what viewer you use? To my best knowledge, the official viewer don't use that wording "Darn! You...". I thought only Kirstens viewer used that.

No matter what you use, I would say that you should try to uninstall and reinstall again. Kirstens viewer is very hard to run on my computers. Unless you need it for pictures  or machima, it would perhaps be better to try the official viewer.

Wireless is said to be hard to run SL on. I can not comment on that, since I use it myself.

You could try to log in from a different computer? If you can log in from an internet cafe, then you isolated the problem to your network/connection at home.

My technical knowledge stops here, I am afraid. :smileysad: I am computer stupid. Maybe the technical help section can provide more answers. This forum is very quiet, and I am not allowed to recommend another SL forum that is very active now.

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Sorry about the delay Marianne ... had a couple of busy days. I went ahead and reinstalled the viewer, dumped everything and then rebooted. Tried it again and no luck, so I went and did something else. Came back a couple of hours later and gave it one more try ... it worked! Why? I have no idea ... lol. That was ok then for a couple of hours and then I got stuck / logged out again. Took three tries to get back but I did. So I don't know what's going on ... maybe it's a glitch of some sort or it might have something to do with that ghost thing.

Speaking of viewers ... I'm using the one that you download from the Second Life site. I thought maybe all of the lag was coming from the viewer, so I looked up alternates a couple of weeks ago. (Like with browsers ... IE is terrible for me but when I switched to Firefox, I couldn't believe the difference.) I tried Imprudence (?) and Phoenix. I couldn't use either one of them because on the log in page they have a log in field for a first name and a seperate one for a last name. I only have one name ... I don't remember being asked for a last name (for the avatar) when I signed up. I tried just filling in the field for the first name but it wouldn't let me log in like that.

I thought you just used your pre-exisiting log in details with an alternate viewer ... maybe you have to sign up for another account to use those viewers?

Anyway ... everything seems fine for now. If you or anyone else have any additional thoughts on why this happened or what else could be done, would still appreciate hearing them ... more than likely will happen again at some point. I'll also check the Technical forum that you mentioned and see if I can find anything.

>> My technical knowledge stops here, I am afraid. :smileysad: I am computer stupid.

Me too ... I'm self-taught when it comes to computers and programming. I understand it in "my own special way" and am able to accomplish what I set out to do, but tech books make my eyes glaze over. I used to work with a programmer on another site for a couple of years and it was like speaking two different languages. We finally did develope a lingo that worked for us and came to be able to understand one another, but it took awhile.  :)

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I had something similar happen to me and when i had my boyfriend try to log it on for me, his account was banned as well as both our alts......they keep telling me that our tickets will be answered in the order received but you know...we didn't do anything wrong...as for verifying i am who i am...it doesn't take that long to see my id that i sent to them especially when the people at the bililng number can see its there and very clear and legible.....so this totally sucks since I can't play now cuz even my new alt was banned...which i'm sure this one will be next so what to do???


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Marianne Little wrote:

I think you need to look for an email from LL. If they suspended your account, you should be notified.

Your friend has logged in with your account. This may have set off an alarm, so they think your account is hacked by your friend.  It is against the TOS to give your password to anybody else. I know many does it, but it is still not allowed and generally a bad idea. Now LL need you to prove that this is your account.


While I totally agree with you that it is generally, and really just about 100% a bad idea to share your password with anyone it does not say in the TOS that you can not:


3.2 You agree to use an Account Name in Second Life that is not misleading, offensive or infringing. You are responsible for activities related to your Account Name, and for keeping your password for this Account secure.

You are responsible for all activities conducted through your Account. In the event that fraud, illegality or other conduct that violates this Agreement is discovered or reported (whether by you or someone else) that is connected with your Account, we may suspend or terminate your Account (or Accounts) as described in Section 11.

At the time your Account is opened, you must select a password. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and are responsible for any harm resulting from your disclosure, or authorization of the disclosure of your password or from any person's use of your password to gain access to your Account or Account Name. At no time should you respond to an online request for a password other than in connection with the log-on process to the Service. Your disclosure of your password to any other person is at your own risk.


What it states, the underlined phrase, is that you are still responsible for your account even if it was someone else using it.



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>> (03-17-2011 07:42 AM) Anyway ... everything seems fine for now. If you or anyone else have any additional thoughts on why this happened or what else could be done, would still appreciate hearing them ... more than likely will happen again at some point.


Well that didn't last long ... I got logged out last night and when I tried to get back in, the same problem was there ... instant log in / log out. Tried several times and then wondered if perhaps my second avatar (which had become the main one) could log in. It did.

However when I tried to log in today with that one, it didn't work ... instant log in / log out. So I went back to the first avatar and tried logging in with that one. I got in once, lasted for maybe two minutes and then was logged out. Unable to log in (and stay logged in) with either one now.

This is frustrating. At this point I've lost track of how many times I've gone through all the de-ghosting suggestions, dumped my cache / the group cache, uninstalled, reinstalled, payment info is listed and has been used, age verified, sent a dollar, etc, etc, etc ... and last but not least, I'm pretty sure that I've followed the rules.

As big as Second Life has become and for as many years as they've been around, I'm just really surprised that logging in can be such an issue. Usually if you type the correct username / password / click Enter ... you're in. And once you click Exit, you're out until the next time that you log in. Unfortunately, from what I've read (which may or may not be completely true) Tech Support is rather slow (probably due to the massive membership roster) and it seems to be only for those with Premium (not sure if that's the correct title) membership ... that might not be true .. not sure.

I'm stumped.  :(






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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel your pain!!


I am having exactly the same issue.


All was fine and dandy, then once when i tried to lodg-in the same issue as SynGyn:


3 minutes loading....i even get the music at times...then as soon as the loading screen ends I am logged out stating, "Darn. You have been logged out of second life.

The region may be experiencing technical difficulties. Please check your internet connection."


Havent been able to get on for days. Re-installed viewer etc etc. Nothing changes. This is driving me mad, can anyone out there offer any suggestions??

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  • 5 months later...

I believe that for a viewer that requires separate first and last names, you use "Resident" as the last name if you don't have one. That might help you try Phoenix/Firestorm or Imprudence. SL no longer lets users sign up with a first and last name, so your last name is "Resident" for those viewers that require one. I think ^_^

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