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For All DJ's Who Use SAM Broadcaster - I Got A Question.

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Hello DJ's.

I am a DJ in training.  I am however still looking for a good program to use for playing music.  Currently, I'm on trial with ingenious software, but it lacks things that are very important.  I am however thinking of getting SAM, now it used to be that you could buy it for $300, but now I see you pay for it by the month.  But they give you different options and I'm not sure of what to do.  I contact SAM and they wrote to me, but due to links in the message, SL won't let me post the message on the forum, so you will have to contact me in world for a response.

If anyone can help me, I would greatly appreciate it.



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The SAM option to lease by the month does not allow you to stream via a D.N.A.S. ShoutCast or IceCast Relay Service into SecondLife. It only allows you to use the SAM Vibe subscription service which does not stream into SL.

They may still have the 4 payment option available.

You can also use Mixxx to try your hand at DJing to see if you both like it and have a knack for it. It's free.

BTW - I've been using SAM for over 6 years and love it. Back in the day the 4 payment plan was a deal maker for me. I may look at Mixxx to see if I'm missing any features that it provides.


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I've DJ'ed in SL for 7 of my 8 years and used SAM exclusively.  If you fancy yourself a live mixer, there are other applications you can use that would work much better than SAM.  I purchased my license and, each time I've had to change computers or reinstall op systems, I've been able to download another application using the key that was provided to me at time of purchase.  It's been a great deal for me over the years.  I am unaware of the monthly subscription service they offer.

Good luck DJ'ing!

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Audiodude wrote:

You will be happy to learn that Spacial launched two specific packages for DJ in Second Life starting at $15/month. You can see it here


It includes everything you need, from SAM software to streaming and there is an option for multiple DJs.

Well I'll be! Try It! The in-world Link makes it worthwhile.

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Before asking for help, first help yourself by reading over the documentation.  Then, ask specific questions.  That is the best way to get the specific answers that will help you.

It will also be helpful to rent a stream for a week or so while you setup SAM and practice encoding.

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OK then.

I know there's like a 15-20 second delay between when I play music/talk and it playing on the stream.  However i have noticed for example that when I turn the stream or mic off, it cuts out parts and when I turn it back on, it plays the music/voice sometimes.  What causes it?

Also, how can I make SAM automatically play the next track?

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Mitchell Indigo wrote:

OK then.

I know there's like a 15-20 second delay between when I play music/talk and it playing on the stream.  However i have noticed for example that when I turn the stream or mic off, it cuts out parts and when I turn it back on, it plays the music/voice sometimes.  What causes it?

Also, how can I make SAM automatically play the next track?

Let me answer this first.

Q: How can I make SAM automatically play the next track?

A:  This is a basic feature of SAM. It has 2 Linked Main Playback Decks A & B. These decks can be loaded with a song manually or automatically from the Queue.You tell SAM to play the songs in the Queue by selecting one of the Queue button options.

Auto DJ mode will select music from your loaded music library database, load the queue, and automatically play the queue contents alternating between the A Deck & B Deck. As the queue empties it will be refilled automatically from your music library.

Play Queue will Only play the queue contents alternating between the A Deck & B Deck. The Dj needs to select the queue contents. This is the mode we use as Live DJs so we can control the program and presentation mood and feel. You can program a whole 2 hour set ahead of time and make adjustments to the planned program order as requests come in or the audience reacts to a theme or song positively indicating they want more of a particular style or mood.


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Mitchell Indigo wrote:

OK then.

I know there's like a 15-20 second delay between when I play music/talk and it playing on the stream.  However i have noticed for example that when I turn the stream or mic off, it cuts out parts and when I turn it back on, it plays the music/voice sometimes.  What causes it?

Also, how can I make SAM automatically play the next track?

OK regarding making announcements and talking over a background track....

Learn to use the Voice FX Deck!

I keep a set of promo song tracks that are clips of my personal theme music trimmed to 30 sec / 45 sec / 60 sec etc.

I place one of these in the queue between the 2 songs you plan on making the announcement at.

Turn off your monitoring of the output stream whether it's in SL or using the AIR Listen option. No noise in your Broadcast Room is the point as well as not trying to wrap your head around the normal relay induced delay....

Watch the A Deck / B Deck for when your promo song track starts.

5 seconds into that track, press the PRESS TO TALK button and make your announcement, trying to finish 5 seconds before the promo song track ends. Don't worry if you miss this end mark. Just complete your announcement and add "and now enjoy the next song title by artist already in progress if you miss the end point"

Keep holding the PRESS TO TALK button down for 3 seconds after you complete your announcement and then release it.

[Here what happens for your audience]

When your promo song starts the audience will understand that you are going to make an announcement because your promos songs will be well known after a while.

By pressing the PRESS TO TALK button, the Voice FX deck lowers the promo music using a cross fading metric by 90% as a default and then streams your voice over it at full volume. [You have lots of adjustments you can make to make this work exactly as you want.]

Waiting 3 seconds to release the PRESS TO TALK button lets the audience know that you finished and then the music volumes up to full 100% levels gradually as your next song starts...

This a professional way of doing announcements, Never voice over your primary program source [songs or whatever] as this is considered tacky and unprofessional. Have a friend listen to you on the output stream and/or in SL as you practice this and let them give you some feedback.

Now this takes a while to master but once you do you are on your way to sounding like a smooth operator.

Learning Experience: I use a professional cardioid boom mic in my Broadcast Studio. It sheds sound from behind it and only captures sound a few inches away from it. When I pull away from it it does not pick up any voice modulation or sounds in my Studio. This saves me from needed to turn on or off the physical mic itself. Many DJ's will use a small mic attached to their headsets. These tend to be very "bright" and noisy and pick up everything making noise within 4 feet of the tip and sometimes the whole house. If you use one of these you'll need to learn how to make a void of silence between the time you finish an announcement and the time you release the PRESS TO TALK button. When I was using one of these I would just relax and place my hand in front of the mic to lessen it's ability to pickup local noise.


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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

Mitchell Indigo wrote:

I did download the SAM Broadcaster software.  Currently on trial.  Will be needing help how to use the software.

Ask away... We're here for ya.



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ZoeTick wrote:

KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

Mitchell Indigo wrote:

I did download the SAM Broadcaster software.  Currently on trial.  Will be needing help how to use the software.

Ask away... We're here for ya.



But I so didn't Copy and Paste for the poor boy.. Plus we can discuss different SAM usage techniques...

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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

we can discuss different SAM usage techniques...

I fail to see any actual discussion.

Just a list  of instructions.

Although my wife would probably also class that as a discussion.

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