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LL Sent out Survey? Anyone post a copy of the Qs?

Toysoldier Thor

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Sorry I didn't think to copy it, I only recall some parts of the survey. 

It was very vague, and short. A few questions about better or worse and why and a few, more likely less likely Q's.

What is odd is that the message with the survey made it sound like the survey would be long; it was short.

Rather uneventful.

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Which of the following best describes your most active role in Second Life?
 (select only one option)
    Community manager
    Content creator/developer
    Land reseller
    Real life organization (e.g., enterprise, education)
    Solution provider serving real life organizations
    Venue owner
    None of the above

When did you become a registered Second Life user?
Within the last 30 days     2-3 months ago     3-6 months ago     6-12 months ago     12-24 months ago     Over 24 months ago
How likely are you to recommend Second Life to friends or family?
0 - Not at all likely     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10 - Extremely likely

On a scale of 1-7, how valuable are each of the following as part of your Second Life premium membership?
       1 - Not valuable at all     2     3     4 - Neutral     5     6     7 - Extremely valuable
Extended support                             
Weekly L$ stipend                             
Linden Home                             
Land ownership rights                             

If there were one additional benefit that you could add to the premium membership, what would that be?

Please rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of Second Life.
       1 - Not satisfied at all     2     3     4 - Neutral     5     6     7 - Very satisifed
Customer support                             
System response time                             
User interface of the Second Life official viewer                             
Finding fun things to do                             
System stability                             
Web shopping experience                             
Finding new people to meet                             

On a scale of 1-7, how often do you participate in each of the following activities in Second Life?
       1 - Never     2     3     4 - Neutral     5     6     7 - Very frequently
Combating with SL armies                             
Customizing your avatar                             
Creating objects                             
Listening to live music                             
Attending live events                             
Engaging in adult activities                             
Exploring new places                             
Dancing in a club                             
Meeting new people or socializing                             
Playing games                             

On a scale of 1-7, how accurate are each the following statements regarding your Second Life experience?
       1 - Completely inaccurate     2     3     4 - Neutral     5     6     7 - Completely accurate
It is difficult to meet new people in Second Life                             
Harassment from other Residents significantly impacts my Second Life experience                             
Second Life price levels are too high                             
Second Life inworld controls are too complex                             
System performance has a strong negative impact on my inworld experience                             
It is difficult to find fun things to do in Second Life                             
Linden Lab policies have a strong negative impact on my Second Life experience

On a scale of 1-7, what would you like to see more of in your experience using Second Life?
       1 - Not interested in seeing more     2     3     4 - Neutral     5     6     7 - Very interested in seeing more
Easy building tools                             
Integration with social media (e.g., inviting friends from social networks, sharing SL activities on social networks)                
Easy avatar customization tools                             
Comprehensive profiles (e.g., interests, hobbies, friends)                             
Tools to connect with people with similar interests                             

On a scale of 1 to 7, how frequently do you use each of the following?
       1 - Never     2     3     4 - Neutral     5     6     7 - Very frequently
Combat games (e.g., Call of Duty, Halo)                             
Facebook games                             
Gaia Online                             
Habbo Hotel                             
Social community platforms (e.g., Ning, Google Groups)                             
The Sims                             
Strategy games (e.g., Civilization, Starcraft)                             
MMORPGs (e.g., World of Warcraft, EVE Online)                             

On average, how much time to do you spend in Second Life EACH WEEK?
    Less than 5 hours         20-30 hours
    5-10 hours         30-40 hours
    10-15 hours         40-50 hours
    15-20 hours         50 or more hours

How many Second Life accounts do you use on a monthly basis?
    2-3 accounts
    4-5 accounts
    6-10 accounts
    More than 10 accounts

Which version of the Second Life viewer do you use most often? (please select only one option)
    Second Life Viewer 2
    Second Life Viewer 1.23
    Phoenix Viewer
    Imprudence Viewer
    Emergence Viewer

What is the primary feature that you value in a viewer?

Approximately how many L$ do you spend PER WEEK in Second Life?
    Zero         L$5,001-L$10,000
    Less than L$500         L$10,001-L$25,000
    L$500-L$1,000         More than L$25,000

Please select all of the following on which you spend L$ on a WEEKLY basis (please select all that apply)
    Adult content or activities         Donations to real world not-for-profits         Housing or other buildings
    Animations or gestures         Full avatars         Land - purchasing or renting
    Attending events         Furniture and other home decorations         Inworld tips
    Avatar skins         Gifting to friends         Uploads
    Clothing, shoes, or other avatar accessories         Hair         Other

On a scale of 1 to 7, how often do you obtain L$ from each of the following?
       1 - Never     2     3     4 - Neutral     5     6     7 - Very frequently
Adult services                             
Gifting from other Residents                             
Playing inworld games                             
Purchasing L$ from Linden Lab exchange (LindeX)                             
Purchasing L$ from third parties (e.g., DX Exchange, AnsheX)                             
Receiving a premium stipend                             
Second Life employment                             
Selling items on web Marketplace                             
Selling items inworld                             
Taking inworld surveys                             
Inworld tips                             

Do you consider yourself to be a member of a community in Second Life (e.g., vampire, furry, music, education)?

Which of the following communities are you a member of in Second Life? (please select all that apply)
    Adult-themed         Music
    Art         Religious
    Business         Sporting (e.g., sailing, fishing, soccer)
    Educational or not-for-profit         Tiny
    Furry         Vampire
    Gorean         Other role-playing
    Goth         Other
    LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender)  

Do you rent and/or own land for personal, non-business, use in Second Life?
    I am not sure what Second Life land is

Please select all of the sources from which you rent and/or own land in Second Life? (please select all that apply)
    Own region(s) purchased from Linden Lab
    Rent land from Linden Lab on the mainland continent
    Rent land from a third party on a private estate
    Rent land from a third party on the mainland continent

Which of the following types of venues do you visit in Second Life? (please select all that apply)
    Conference center         Live music venue
    Dance club         Sports venue
    Gaming establishment         Theater
    Learning or education center         None of the above


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On a scale of 1 to 7, how accurate are the following statements?
       1 - Not accurate at all     2     3     4 - Neutral     5     6     7 - Completely accurate
I use Second Life to escape from my real life                             
My Second Life persona is a reflection of my real life personality                             
I often use Second Life to connect with real life friends                             
I often connect with Second Life friends in real life                             
I wish that Second Life had more real life brands                             
Second Life's greatest strength is its ability to allow me to create anything I want                             
Second Life is a great way to meet new people with interests similar to my own                             
I want my Second Life identity to be disconnected from my real life                             

What is your real life age?
    Under 18 years old
    18-24 years old
    25-34 years old
    35-44 years old
    45-54 years old
    55 years old or older
    Decline to answer

What is your real life gender?
    Decline to answer

From which country do you typically access Second Life?
    Australia         Japan
    Brazil         Netherlands
    Canada         Spain
    France         United Kingdom
    Germany         United States
    Italy         Other

Which of the following languages do you speak, or write, most frequently?
    Arabic         Italian
    Chinese (either Mandarin or Cantonese)         Japanese
    Dutch         Portuguese
    English         Spanish
    French         Other

If there were one thing that you wish that Second Life could do, which it currently does not, what would that be?

We may conduct targeted user focus groups in the future. If we do and you would be willing to participate, please supply your avatar name and email address below.  Thank you!


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Ahh, I suspected it might be dynamic based on what you answer to certain questions.

I answered "None of the above" to "Which of the following best describes your most active role in Second Life?", which might explain it (I didn't feel any of the answers fitted me, as I have a number of different roles, all relatively active).  I suspect that question may well influence later questions, as would Premium vs. not, etc.

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