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Using the 512 allowance /donate to group / land use fees

Cali Souther

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I recently purchased mainland with a friend.


I purchased the land - size 3072


I have a premium account = 512 allowance towards the mainland


He donated his 512 = 1024 allowance towards tier




=2048  <<<<< should be the amount we get charged tier for...





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Yeah. That is, 2048 is the level of additional tier needed to support this, although you'll have a bit of spare tier corresponding to the 10% group bonus. If you and your friend each contribute your 512 sq.m. premium bonus, plus 2048 in paid-for tier, that's indeed 3072, and with that additional 10% group bonus, that's 3379 sq.m. the group could theoretically own (although, because land comes in 16sq.m. quanta, it could only actually hold 3376 sq.m.

Usually one can't find land to perfectly consume available tier, so then the "spare" might be donated to another land-owning group.

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Thank you both VERY much!


I suspect then, that since the initial purchase put me in the 4096 range - it is only the first month it will cost $25.


I will be sure to check and make sure it's all deeded to group!   I'm a new at this aspect of mainland. :)


Much appreciated!

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Sounds to me like you misunderstood
Fee is payed every month and the fee for 4096 m2 is 25$ each month
You can put your free 512 m2 on top and have 4608 m2 for 25$ each month

If a group land is owned by someone else you can deed your 512 m2 and pay no fee since your part is paid by the premium membership

See: Land Use Fees


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Yes, it sounds like I am confused.

Once upon a time, I purchased (let's say) 1024 m2 of mainland.  I donated/used my 512 from premium membership - so I only paid tier on 512.


You are saying this does not work like that? 


-512 my premium bonus donated

-512 his premium bonus donated

2048 ---balance - tier level




Thanks again for any and all advice! :)

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Two examples: (assuming you don't own mainland in advance)

  1. You buy 1536 m2 mainland, then your tier level is 1536-512=1024
  2. You buy 3072 m2 mainland for your group. Group tier is for level=4096
    The expenses are shared between members depending on how much they deed
    In a group with two members, if one deed 512 m2 the other must pay tier for 3072-512-512=2048 m2

Probably what you are saying, I'm not sure


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It's a bad sign that it's so difficult to talk about this unambiguously. One might expect we'd have worked out mutually comprehensible terms for discussing SL land after all these years, but I'll be darned if I can figure it out.

One suggestion: go to your account's Land Use Fees page and see if you can Update Tier to USD 15.00 / month and Save Changes. If so, you should be charged no more than that amount in the next billing cycle. (The next billing cycle starts on your next billing date, shown at the bottom of your Account Summary page.)

I have no idea if this helps, or only adds confusion to an already complicated topic.

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Dora,  thank you!  I think we are saying the same thing - which makes me feel better. LOL  ....  I'm hoping I have this right.



Qie,  I agree!  This isn't the first time I've tried to figure this out - and last time I got it right, but.... it was just me!

This time,  I'm trying it with another person and the whole deed to group thing - so it's different.

I tried what you suggested, and it will not let me lower / update the tier level - which is why I came here looking for advice.

It is very helpful advice,  and I thank you!  Now ... to see if it might work after the original billing cycle.  I know that LL bills for the max amount of land owned in that month - so it may take a month to register the fact that the land was deeded to group and 1024 m2 was donated from the group members.

I'll let you both know how it turns out - and again, Thank you VERY much!!! :)




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No,  it shows the same 2793 donated to the group used for the mainland in question.


I don't know where it's getting 2793....    but agree, something is not quite right.   I don't have more than 512 to donate.


I deeded the entire parcel to group, and my friend said he donated his entire 512.



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What you should donate is 2048+512=2560 m2
It says 2793 donated which is 233 m2 more than you want to donate and indicates you have donated land in more places
open Group Land to see all of the possible groups you may have donated land

On the other hand, I can't explain why 2793 and 233 are not multiples of 16 m2 (the land unit)
Because of the 10% add on for group land?


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Cali Souther wrote:

I deeded the entire parcel to group, and my friend said he donated his entire 512.

Hmm... I'm not sure how the numbers got so weird, but I wonder if maybe the group simply has too much tier donated now, which would show as "Land Available" in the Group's "Land/Assets" tab. (This wiki section is hopelessly outdated, but you can probably recognize the same info in the current UI.)

Unless there's something else wrong, you should be able to reduce your tier contribution to 2560 (or somewhat less) on that window and Save changes. Then, on your dashboard, it should let you reduce your account's maximum paid tier level to 2048 sq.m. as we were trying to do above.

[EDIT: Aha! I bet that's it! Dora: Note that 2793 * 1.1 = 3072.3. So what happened was that Cali deeded the parcel to group, so the group took 2793 sq.m. tier contribution from her. Then later, the other person's 512sq.m. was contributed to the group, but Cali never withdrew any of that tier she contributed by deeding the land. I bet.]

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Two sets of numbers to work on - your land fees and the Group Land holding.

In the groups profile land tab it should look like:

  Total land in use: 3072

    Land available:    307 

Total Contribution: 3379

Although it seems from the posts that the contributions are higher than needed - leading to higher fees.

Your donation/contribution should be 2560 (3072-512 donated by other)  So your fees should be what I show in my estimate below.  Rember you don't own the land if it's deeded to the group.  The impact of owning the entire 3072 yourself before deeding is beyond me.

land fee calc.PNG

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Adjusting the numbers in the group profile tab, enabled me to change the info. in my land use profile ( I had not been able to do that before) --  I was able to lower the tier range to $15.00 usd per month!  Finally \o/



Qual, Qie & Dora ----  I can not thank you enough for your help on this one!  The problem is solved!  :)


The three of you rock!  :matte-motes-inlove::matte-motes-sunglasses-3::smileyvery-happy:

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The correct order for buying this land for your group would have been to first set your tier level at 2048, then donate this + your 512 free tier to the group. Then have the other avi donate the 512 free tier to the group. Then you should have bought the land with the option "buy land for group". This way you could have prevented the system upping your tier to 4096 to acommodate the land purchase. Now your first month you'll pay US$25 and after that US$15 each month. It could have saved US$10.

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