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laggy Market Place


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right now I can't buy anythin' pon Market Place and I have to ask my partner to buy some stuff as gift.

when I click "buy it now" button I see just blank page and "OpenID transcation in progress" message and no positive result at all.

what is it?


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Pimiko wrote:

lol, I've done restart some times already, it doesn't help

*nods* The first attempt doesn't always work. Basic steps to follow after the C-A-D are something like this:



  • Check other similar type websites to see if they also run slow. If they do then you might have issues related to your internet connection. If Marketplace is the only one that is laggy then you will probably need to check your browser settings and the like.

If you have a connection problem then:



  • Power Cycle the Router that is connected between your Internet Provider and your computer. If that doesn't fix it ..
  • Power Cycle the modem or similar device that connects to your Internet Provider. If that doesn't fix it ..
  • Time to call your Provider's Support line.

If you're having Browser problems .. umm .. that's a whole bigger issue that can't really be diagnosed "blind". I recommend you find someone that can work directly with you to resolve the issue.

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If you are using Firefox you might want to try a different browser, or restart Firefox with add-ons disabled.

I have noticed that some Firefox add-ons prevent some web pages to load properly. When I restart Firefox with add-ons disabled (from Firefox menu "Help, Restart with Add-ons disabled...") the problem web pages load correctly.

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Pimiko wrote:

can there be some restriction about using of MP specially set for an av?

No, the Marketplace does not allow blocking anyone. Besides, if Linden Lab had chosen to block you, I can promise you wouldn't be able to post on their Forums.

More than likely you have fallen prey to today's more pernicious virus and hack exploits. They dress themselves up to look like they are anti-virus or speed-up programs. Ads for these programs will pop up on various websites, and in fact one major laptop manufacturer has chosen to include one in their base package of software.

These programs are nothing more than launching pads for advertisements, skeletons on which to hang key-loggers and other hacking tools, and many other methods by which they can coax money from you. For example, it is common for them to block or slow down the most frequently visited websites (based on your browser history) and then eventually pop up a "Warning Notice" that suspicious activity has been detected on your computer. The notice will instruct you to pay a certain amount to download the "Fix" or in some other fashion convince you that with just a small investment all your troubles will be fixed.

The downfall of the authors for such crapware is that they are also egotists. They cannot resist adding their own icons to your desktop and otherwise leaving little fingerprints all over your computer. If you've recently clicked on something, installed something, and then suddenly noticed extra little stuff showing up .. guess what you got!

I recommend you take your computer to a competent techie. Get it scanned with a REAL anti-virus and anti-hacking tool. And in the future watch very closely what you choose to click and install.

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I asked a friend of mine to log in Market Place with his login using my laptop and he easily could log in and place an order so I see the problem isn't about browser or/and connexion or virus since he used completely same technical device and same browser as I.

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Pimiko wrote:

I asked a friend of mine to log in Market Place with his login using my laptop and he easily could log in and place an order so I see the problem isn't about browser or/and connexion or virus since he used completely same technical device and same browser as I.

That's EXCELLENT news! Try logging in using your account. If you still cannot make the Marketplace work properly then you should make sure you clear cookies and cache and try again. If that still doesn't work .. 

Then yeah, it's time to file a support ticket.

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Pimiko wrote:

lol, I can log in, I can't buy, that's the problem

Ummm .. just for grins ... look carefully at your current Linden Dollar balance. It's shown in the upper right corner of the Marketplace web site. Is there a dash or minus sign just after the L$ and before the numbers? It might look similar to this:


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Pimiko wrote:

lol, r u trolling? sure I have positive ballance

LOL No .. not really. But I have worked Tech Support for so many years, and I have seen SOOOO many things that I've kinda gotten used to asking questions that seem rather .. uhhh .. obvious? Considering that others can use your computer, their login and buy successfully, but you cannot buy using your login, I started trying to think of things that could prevent you from making a purchase. The most obvious one was .. negative balance.

Other than that, I'm not immediately aware of anything else that would cause your issue. So yes, file a support ticket, but file it against the Marketplace .. under "Other Issues" if they still have that category.

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Pimiko wrote:

may be there is something alike special MP cache? eh?

Not to my knowledge. The only way they could keep special info would be in cookies, and if you have cleared all cookies associated with the Marketplace then you've cleaned out any garbage that might have been collecting too.

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Pimiko wrote:


I even can't submit a bug report since I get no error/problem message but just a blank page.

LL is a weird bureaucracy, they spent 10 days for nothing, just for formal answers.


Wait .. are you saying that it took them 10 days to reply to your Support Ticket .. and then they said they couldn't help? Can you please paste the contents of their email (or online) reply but leave out the private bits? It would be educational to see exactly what they said. Thank you.

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