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Viewer 2 on Linux

Kayaker Magic

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I'm trying out Viewer 2 on Linux. (Ubuntu 10.10). It LOOKS pretty good, but it only runs at 4.5 frames per second! Everything looks like non-physcial motion...  Anyone have some hints and tricks for tuning it to run faster? How come I don't hear more about Linux and second life?

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First off, not enough info :) Therefore, some guesses. Ubuntu uses open source drivers by default. If it's nVidia or ATI, the open source drivers are junk (I'm being polite). Install the closed-source drivers instead if you haven't done so already. Next possible culprit: 3D Desktop effects. If you have them, try disabling them. It gives a few FPS on mid-range hardware. As to why you don't hear much about Linux+SL... well, Linux is a fringe OS, mostly used by geeks & wannabe-geeks. It's not exactly user-friendly, and as your own experience shows it's also not easy to get (some) things running on it.

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Viewer 2 works PERFECT on Linux.


I have more than 40 fps, actually, most of the time. With FULL HD Res,  maximum shaders, antialiasing 4X and anisotropic filtering, of course.


 Decent video card + drivers OK + Viewer 2 +all of gstreamer/fluendo/ffmpeg/lame codecs + Linux = TOTAL SATISFACTION.


 .... And no, It isn´t difficult. Just a little different.


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Just downloaded SecondLife-i686- and I am suprised that it runs so well. I am the latest version of ubuntu. I believe the initial build was with 10.04 but I did all available upgrades.

Im using an NVIDIA 6800xt but I have a 9800GT on its way so I cant wait to see how well it performs.

By default it put my graphics to "high" settings which killed my card, the frame rate was about 5-11FPS. I tested this in windows and the performance was the same. switching the graphics settings to "low" helped ALOT!


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You may want to make sure you desktop visual effects are set to 'none' in appearance and also check the preferences in SL to make sure the graphic setting is set to something your card can handle. I would just put it at low unless you know you have a pretty good graphics card.

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    My Ubuntu system is a motherboard with an nvidia GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 chipset on it. (256meg of memory). I was hoping that this small-format system would be adequate for SL. To answer a prevous question YES I am running the closed-source nvidia driver. Running without it is very ugly AND slow. Running with it I get beautiful images, just terrible FPS. There are 3 different versions of the closed source nvidia driver, two with version numbers, one that just says [recomended]. I've heard rumors that I should go back to an older version...

    I've also heard rumors of people running Linux without a user interface and just running SL from the command line in full screen mode and gettng incredible FPS rates, like 40. How did you (Oleo OHanlon) get an FPS like 60??!!! I'd be happy if I could get it up to 16 or so.

    So what is the major contrubutor to FPS? The model number of the nvidia chipset? Disabling OS features? More memory in the graphics chipset?


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Running the SL client without any desktop environment might give you one or two FPS more. In your case, it's indeed a GPU issue. Depending on your CPU, memory and available PCIe slot it might be possible to upgrade successfully. A while ago I built a system for someone specifically for SL:

AMD 64 X2 5200+
nVidia 9600 GSO/512MB
Kubuntu 10.10

Kirstens S21 build 5 gets ~30fps on it in most areas, drops to ~15fps in very busy venues, with settings on "High" and some custom tweaks. Desktop effects are disabled, of course, as are all services and components not needed to run SL. The system very rarely swaps, auto-updates on each boot etc.pp. I did not, however, run SL barebones on X, nor did I choose a low-ressource DE. Not worth it for gaining 1-2FPS more.

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Frames of JPEG compressed images are not that overly retentive on older systems.

Your overall quality or graphical levels will increase these jPEG image sizes and bigger sizes mean more time!

Linux distros run SL just fine, and the opensource JPEG compressor libary works just as intended.

SL will work with your card but if it's good quality you're after, you won't get it without superior loss of performance locally. 

In this case, how many frames of images you can process per second.

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Update! I found something else that effects FPS!

I had a big monitor (1920x1080) plugged into the Linux system. I decreased the window size to 640x480 and the FPS went up over 12. (Doh! Slap forehead!) Not great, but probably good enough for my plans for this system.

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Ah! But Radegast is not V2 and this is a V2 forum! But since you brought up alternate viewers, I have tried several of them. Phoenix works well and gets about the same FPS as V2 with the same settings. Singularity Viewer is supposed to be faster so I tried it. With low graphics settings it is faster than the others getting an astonishing 30 FPS. But if I turn on transparent water and reflections and a few other nice features, then Singularity slows down to about the same speed as the others. This is a very nice comprimise I can live with, turning these features off for development and back on for taking snapshots!

   I am very happy with how well ALL the viewers run on Linux! They all look great and seem to be as reliable if not more so than the Mac and PC versions. I'm assuming my FPS issues are caused by my poor choice of graphics chipsets. I'm also running Firefox and Blender (with Primstar) on the Linux system so everything I need to develop on SL fits in this inexpensive shoebox-sized computer I have.

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Ayako Kohime wrote:

SL Viewer works fast

but SL Viewer and SL Viewer are not useable for me with Ubuntu 10.04


This sounds like the exact same problem I'm having. I had an earlier version of the SL Viewer 2 (somewhere in the 2.3 range I think) installed on my 64-bit Ubuntu 10.10 laptop and running beautifully. I was able to access SL just fine up until a month ago, give or take.

I've had to wipe and re-install my laptop (for completely unrelated reasons) and the 2.5 version runs incredibly choppy. We're talking less than a frame a second except for occasional, split second moments here and there. Client responsiveness to commands is incredibly lagged to -- even going into drop-down menus lags for seconds after the click.

I've been beating around the bush for several hours now but I'm pretty sure I've gotten all of the 32-bit compatibility installed that I had before so I don't think that's an issue (and from what I understand, if that was the case I wouldn't be getting a screen at all) I have an NVidia 8200m G and I'm running the current NVidia drivers. Like I said, I had this running pretty well before 2.5 and lowering graphic settings to the floor does nothing to aid the current situation.

Does anyone know what might have changed with the new viewer that might be causing this problem? I tried going back to the 2.3 viewer but the login server is insisting that I use 2.5.

Update: It occurred to me to go back and install the 2.4 browser as Ayako mentioned, and that works perfectly. So something changed in the new 2.5 version that is bogging down on Ubuntu. What's the best way to bring that to Linden Labs' attention?

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  • 5 months later...

I have a Dell Inspiron 1545 laptop with a dual boot. Win 7 OS / Ubuntu Linux 11.04.

Currently I have Imprudence and Singularity installed and functioning but I can not get Viewer 2 to work, it crashes on startup and so does Phoenix Viewer. I have not attempted Firestorm because I assume if the Phoenix Viewer wont run then Firestorm probably would not either.


Okay OBVIOUSLY - this computer can run the viewer in some third party versions in Ubuntu Linux 11.04 - so hardware really should not be the issue. ALSO same computer can run ALL versions of SL Viewers and Phoenix / Firestorm on the win 7 Operating system boot.

So process of deduction - this is something specific in the software of viewer 2 that is closing immediately on startup (same on phoenix). It is a immediate crash. SO what is different between these version and Singularity / Imprudence viewers. (all downloaded on today sept 12,2011.

More importantly, what specific package or file can I download and add to my linux Ubuntu operating system that will allow the official SL Viewers to run on Ubuntu 11.04  on my machine ?


something the new viewer is requiring on start up that Imprudence and Singularity dont require ?

If anyone has any ideas - you can reply here or send me a email at lynnayorcliffe@yahoo.com

Thanks in advance.


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